Monsanto Ordered to Pay $290 Million for Cancer Causing Roundup (Glyphosate)

in #monsanto6 years ago (edited)

A lawsuit against Monsanto has succeeded, with a jury finding Monsanto liable for causing a man's terminal cancer from a few years of using their Roundup herbicide product.

Ed/flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0

Dewayne Johnson is dying from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 46 years old. He worked as a grounds-keeper at a public school for years, spraying glyphosate Roundup weedkiller 20-30 times per year, and near children. On two occasions he was doused with glyphosate caused by malfunctioning equipment.

Monsanto and other mainstream talking-heads have denied the issue of glyphosate. Monsanto's product was known to be harmful, yet they hid the scientific evidence that proved it caused cancer. The all mighty dollar mattered more to them than harm done to others. For 40 years this product has been used, and the denial is still rampant that it's as "safe as salt".

Johnson is the first to take Monsanto to court over claims of Roundup causing cancer. The jury agreed with the evidence presented in the court case, concluding that Monsanto "acted with malice or oppression". Monsanto has targeted scientists who dared to expose the potential harm of their nasty killer product.

Internal Monsanto documents revealed the company had known for decades that Roundup could cause cancer, yet never provided that warning to consumers. Johnson's lawyer Brent Wisner said Monsanto's "years of deception regarding Roundup is over and that they should put consumer safety first over profits".

Johnson has developed lesions over 80% of his body which tore into his self-confidence and kept him from going out in public. And this happened all within the past 6 years, as he only started to spray the herbicide in 2012. Monsanto is being ordered to pay $250 million in punitive damages along with another $40 million in actual damages, which they will appeal and try to get out of paying if they can.

In addition to Johnson, there are others who have filed lawsuits against Monsanto for similar claims. If the record holds for glyphosate damages from Monsanto knowing it's product was dangerous, Monsanto/Bayer could be liable to pay over $1 trillion. This would bankrupt the evil empire.

This could be the death-knell for Monsanto, something many people have wanted for decades. If this happens, there would be no more 'March Against Monsanto'. A great victory for humanity would be achieved, as I see it anyways.

Those who have been harmed by using glyphosate should file suit and make sure to put this empire down and bring criminal charges against the executives who allowed this monumental fraud to perpetuate. These people are criminals who have poisoned millions of humans, other animals and the environment for decades. They need to face the consequences of their greedy behavior to harm the planet. They conspired to hide the truth and further produce harm, all for more money. Some people are despicable.


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I can tell you for sure that round up does kill animals. The last time i sprayed it in my garden a pigeon came down and ate some of the grass weeds id sprayed and it died within minutes. Ive never used it again.
There was also a problem in peoples allotments around here when they used animal bedding that had been sprayed with round up as a manure, the potatoe crops were either stunted or they died. I later found out that the farmers spray the wheat to kill the plant off so that they can harvest it quicker, so whatever use the seed and the straw is put to, has round up residues on it.

Yeah, it's all about money. If you can make money with poison, then hey, GREAT IDEA! Humanity... so dumb...

They need to be held responsible for negligence. No one deserves this fate. They could have easily provided safety guidance to the public.

Great news, lets share this story EVERYWHERE!!!

I expect Monsanto to appeal the verdict. It reminds me of the cigarette companies and. cover-up for decades regarding the cancer concerns. I saw the article when it came out on Guardian. I also did a post on it. I personally would like to see Monsanto held accountable But realize they're in bed with big Pharma the government and agriculture. Things are slow to change unfortunately. Thanks @krnel

They are, hope they don't win though :/ All they industries have to do is deny deny deny.. :/

Monsanto is a lot of evil. They have destroyed cotton farmers in India, causing many to commit suicide. Plus they are so big that they have the govt in their pockets. Good to see some form of justice against them. I mean, a life was destroyed and they dont have any form of guilt or remorse.

Yes, them and their GMO and patent crop bullshit. Bankrupting the poor. Sad shit...

I am glad they ended up having to pay. When I had first read about this it was still up in the air I think.

They do over use that stuff at schools. When I as going to college, they banned smoking on campus for our "health and safety" but they would spray round up all over the place during school hours and we were expected to walk through clouds of it which suggests that they didn't give two shits about health and safety.

Yeah, bunch of windbag idiots, that's pretty dumb. Pretty sure one dose is more harmful than one cigarette.

Truth. That doesn't even taking into account the never ending cloud of black smoke coming off of the construction equipment that was running every day too but that smoke is safe because reasons. They didn't care about us, they just wanted to look like the cared about us.

Great steps in the right direction. The more court wins the more these companies will be brought down. The taxpayers might end up footing the bill like for the banks though..

Yes, we need more movement too. Yeah, that might be possible, fucking pieces of shit, "too big to fail" nonsense that prevents justice from being done. More evil to be sustained at taxpayers hand. Ridiculous!

@krnel the advocate have been clamoring for this clampdoWn since the gods know krnel When... a big bloW to cancer and health dieases and also to the environment.
great content
however it remains to be seen if they would clamp on other guys or if its just a political solution.

More lawsuits need to be made if its to happen to others...

This could be the death-knell for Monsanto, something many people have wanted for decades. If this happens, there would be no more 'March Against Monsanto'. A great victory for humanity would be achieved, as I see it anyways.

Um, yeah, if that happens they will change their name to something else if they have not yet done so. They are not going to stop making round up or all the GMO seeds that are designed to tolerate it.

They need to be bankrupted, and not tax payer bailed out BS.

If they are bankrupted then they can't pay the settlement or damages.

This revelation is quite intriguing as this had been a member at sought after herbicides for Farmers around the world.

I had an unpleasant, but unexplained experience with the use of round up herbicides as an Agric. Intern many years ago.

But what are the culprit active chemicals in Round Up??
We need to be acquainted with this such that other products containing same be avoided.

Glyphosate is the main culprit active chemicals in Round Up

Thanks for the info!

That sux. As the commenter has said, I have it in the title as well ;) Use a search engine and you can find out more as well.

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