So If you live in the Edmonton or Calgary Alberta area than this two second to read post is for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........
All right steemit!! So here you go.. This is what I have been doing for the passed two weeks. As the result I have not been on as much.
My wife and I got board game board when we were sitting in are lonely new apartment. We decided to rebuild and change the monopoly game we call it Monoplay!!!!
We switched up the property's using real live towns in Canada Alberta. We all so made use of an old trouble board game and a cash register toy for the bank
In these next few photos you are going to see the all diffrent types of propertys we changed.
The Go property: This property is not for sale. It is the start of the game.
The Millet property: This property is $50 to buy, rent costs $20, house costs 50, hotel costs $100, rent with one house costs $100, rent with one hotel costs $500.
The Electric bill property: This property is $150 to buy, rent costs $60, if both the Electro bill and the water bill properties are owned roll the dice and pay two times the amount shown on the dice.
The Wetaskiwin property: This property is $50 to buy, rent costs $50, house costs $100, hotel costs 150, rent with one house costs $100, rent with one hotel costs $500.
The B&O railway property: This property is $200 to buy, rent with one railway owned rent costs $100, with all three railways rent costs $300, house costs $100, hotel costs $400, rent with one house costs $400, rent with one hotel costs $1000.
The Hobbema property: This property is $100 to buy, rent costs $100, house costs $150, hotel costs $200, rent with one house costs $150, rent with one hotel costs $600.
The Community chest property. This property is not for sale. It is where you choose your fate from picking up a card with a certain task or reward on it.
The Ponoka property: This property is $100 to buy, rent costs 150, house costs $155, hotel costs $220, rent with one house costs $200, rent with one hotel costs $700.
The Jail property: This property is not for sale. It is where you go if you land on the go to jail property or pick up a go to jail card. If you simply land on this property you are just visiting.
The morningside property. This property is $150 to buy, rent costs $200, house costs $200, hotel costs $400, rent with one house costs $250, rent with one hotel costs $750.
The short line railway property: This property is $200 to buy, if one railway is owned rent is $100, with all three railways it is $300, house costs $100, hotel costs $300, rent with one house costs $400, rent with one hotel costs $1000.
The Lacombe property: This property is $150 to buy, rent costs $250, house costs $250, hotel costs $500, rent with one house costs $300 rent with one hotel costs $800.
The Free parking property: This property is not for sale. It is a jackpot property if you land on this property you get money that is donated to the middle of the board threw community chest and chance.
The blackfalds property: This property costs $200 to buy, rent costs $300, house costs $300 hotel costs $600, rent with one house costs $400, rent with one hotel costs $900.
The community chest property: This property is not for sale. It is where you choose your fate from picking up a card with a certain task or reward on it.
The Red Deer property: This property is $200 to buy, rent costs $350, house costs $350, hotel costs $700, rent with one house costs $450, rent with one hotel costs $950.
The Pennsylvania railway property: This property is $200 to buy, if one railway is owned rent costs $100, if all three railways are owned rent costs $300, house costs $100, hotel costs $300, rent with one house costs $400, rent with hotel costs $1000.
The chance property: This property is exactly the same as the community chest property.
The Calgary property: This property is $250 to buy, rent costs $400, house costs $400, hotel costs $750, rent with one house costs $750, rent with one hotel costs $1000.
The water bill property: This property is $150 to buy, rent costs $60, if both the water bill and the electric bill properties are owned roll the dice and pay two times the amount shown on the dice.
The Go to jail property: This property is not for sale. If you land on it go straight to jail. If you pass go you do not collect $200
The chance property: This property is exactly the same as the community chest property.
The Leduc property: This property is $400 to buy, rent costs $450, house costs $450, hotel costs $800, rent with one house costs $550, rent with one hotel costs $1000.
The Edmonton property: This property is $450 to buy, rent costs $500, house costs $450, hotel costs $850, rent with one house costs $650, rent with one hotel costs $1300.
Thank you for your time.
I hope you enjoyed the canadian monoploly.
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