MonoMad Contest — Clouds — Entry 01 — High Tower
This is my first entry to the @brumest's photographic contest that you can find under the tag MonoMad, or through this link.
It was a day when a fluffy white clouds got the lowest I ever saw in my hometown… Never before and never again I witnessed such a view.
Canon EOS 350D, ISO100, 1/320 sec, 18-55mm @37mm, f11

Your photo is one of the 6 finalists from last week MonoMad's challenge. Congratulations :)
Thank you very much @brumest :)
Very good composition!
(PS. Lokacija - Smederevo, ili mi se samo ucinilo?)
Није ти се учинило @dejan.vuckovic :)
Hehe, pa i ne prepoznao je - 20 godina sam ziveo u Smederevu :D
Thank you @glosarlo.