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RE: monochrome window monday — transparency

sighhhhhhhhhh.... and I just had to delete that comment and put it under the right account. so.... that will give you a little bit more insight into the state of my brain . lol

original comment follows
These are exquisite!!! and the top one is just exactly how I'm feeling today. and all week.

I've been.... well, you know. :)

miss you - and cant even take the time to properly tell you how much i miss you.


Yes, I can see how busy you've been. You have a lot going on with the Welcome Wagon, the Alliance, Buddyup and I forget the other one. Managing two steemit accounts and writing posts for both must be terribly exhausting. And not to mention, family stuff. I understand. Priorities. No worries. :)

It's been difficult, but at the same time rewarding. But you know my brain. So you know everything I'm not writing.

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