RE: Luke Rudkowski: Sheds Light On Suspicious Actions Of Google And Domineering Media
Technically government is a corporation so I don't see why the splitting of hairs on this issue. I've read rumors that the "United States of America, Inc" is owned by "The Crown" which is a British corporate entity.. Makes one wonder if the USA is poised to "fight for independence" all over again.
It will be rendered moot though by the technologies that underlie bitcoin. If they use the internet kill switch, there will be revolution and that option is suicide to the bankers. If they let bitcoin run its course, then it will drain the power of the USD and other national currencies. I suspect major changes are coming very soon.
Equifax can't keep losing half of the populations data without serious repercussions. That data is making its way to the dark web and of course msm is using this opportunity to bash bitcoin (when Equifax is the real criminal).
A curious novelty is the original "Grand Union Flag" which preceded the stars and stripes and flew over continental army garrisons as well as serving as a naval ensign... it's practically identical to flags of the East India Company.

(image is public domain, copied from following source: )