I have no choice but to be poor, in debt, etc. People here are talking about how they spend $20,000+ on this like it's nothing. Makes me sick.

in #money8 years ago (edited)

I have no choice but to be poor. People here are talking about how they spend $20,000+ on this like it's nothing. That'd take me ~15 years to earn that much extra cash at the highest paying job I'm qualified to do, while taking my financial obligations, interest in debt, lack of assets, etc. into account 

I just copy/pasted a response I made to somebody saying "[Oh, I'm not rich even though I have $20,000 USD extra I can just dump into this, without even knowing how this works...]"

Maybe you don't think you're rich, but if I had $20,000 let alone that much to invest in anything double-let alone this, I would feel beyond rich compared to what I have no choice but to live through. Imagine if you had to work in a -25 degree freezer pressured to move boxes around as fast as possible overnight, every night for 15 years to get that much spare money, because it is by far the highest paying job you are qualified to do by a long shot.... But no, that's what I have to do, you just click a few things on the computer sit back and have that money roll in. I've been desperately trying everything for the last 9 years, and reaching out to all possible alternatives and help in every way, and it's just impossible. You need money to make money, and I know that isn't 100% true, but it essentially is. People who already have money throw that much around with barely even having to think about it, while the majority of people have to work really f'n hard to barely make anything compared to the ones who already have money have to just throw around like that. I have no choice but to slave my life away to a terrible 40 hour/week situation while you just can click a button and dump all that money into this, just to increase your bank account in the end. If I had $20,000 to spare I would be very careful with it, unless you have WAAAY more than $20,000 to spare, in which case, yes you are "rich".

If you can relate to this, I'd appreciate a like. I know this will generate a ton of h*te responses or just negative responses of some sort, because it's the internet and people say what ever they want/would never noramally in real life, since they wont ever incur any real consequences.

Don't give me basic, generic, how to get out of debt, 999999x easier said then done b.s. solutions. I'm not here to listen to the same garbage I can hear anywhere. Don't waste your time giving me comments that would upset somebody in real life. Just like how telling an upset person they just need to calm down doesn't work, and just upsets them more. Telling me that garbage wont be anything positive.

I just want to express how it makes me sick people can just carelessly throw around that much money, while I have to waste my life away doing very hard work that I don't want to do for over a decade to make that same amount of money. 

EDIT(addition): I just have to add, simply having the winning attitude, never giving up, stop being bitter, etc. is the kind of b.s. crap I was talking about. That doesn't help me turn say $100 credit I can't afford to spend on anything, into tens of thousands+ of dollars profit. Yes I can change, have a positive attitude, not give up, etc. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm stuck working at a set rate of pay for ~15 years because it is the highest paying job I'm qualified to do, while others are just clicking buttons throwing tens to hundreds of thousands around without even understanding what's it's going towards. Yes I've cut back on expenses, etc. There is no simple solution, me at absolute max working super hard for ~15 years, = what you can throw around and earn in just a few clicks... My original point still stands. Yes I'm open to how to change, just not b.s. generic pep talk crap. What exactly do I do with $20 credit to turn that into being able to come out of debt. I have 0 assets, I can't sacrifice any more, I am physically unable to invest in anything, because I have nothing to invest. Changing my attitude changes nothing other than how I approach every day at work which doesn't change my rat of pay. There is no simple solution!


Mindset bro. THAT is what IT is all about. I slept on a couch, lost everything I had. I worked in a deep freezer for years as well. I have dug ditches, joined the Army, tackled thieves, lost everything, lost businesses, lost marriages...and guess what.

Still standing. And so are YOU.

How many entrepreneurs sleep in their cars while pitching people? They DO what it takes, they won't stop. It is the mindset. you may not want to hear it, and that is up to you - I have seen this a million times.

never give up...and you will never ultimately fail..

Great comment.... That's it. You can have a fixed mindset and get stuck in life, trying to make a living, or you can have a growth mindset and understand that you are just not there yet. It is all about grit. You have to keep going.

Did you just subtly hint at the IT profession? Nevermind...I'm seeimg what I want to see.

nope :)

EVERYONE has SOMETHING they know about, are good at, or can do that others would pay them to learn.

We are all valuable.

I can't be an entrepenurer while in debt. Again you need money to make money. The most money I can make is by working at the job that pays me the most. That = 15 years of hard work to make ~20,000 extra money. Yes mindset is great when you have the resources to expend, but I have no choice but to work the same 40hour per week jobs and not increase my rate of pay significantly. Like I said I've reached out in all possible avenues over the last 9 years... Thank you for the positive comment though

Brother stay focused. I have been in the same situation as you some years back. Whatever amount of money you have now...STEEMIT is the platform that could potentially make your day. Stay focused. Also be thankful for whatever you have now. Even if its something like 40 -100 steem...that could be worth as much as BTC one day. Things happen very quick in the times we live in brother. Dont let things get you down. It is sad how yes if you dont have money you are essentially a "slave" to the system. The money are our "freedom units" for this system we are all born into...the matrix if you will. Think positive man. One thing is for sure you will have support from me and this amazing community. I am always here and if you need advice or anyone to talk to ever....I am all ears man. Here is something that may make you feel better...I saw the rise of myspace/facebook back in the day...marketcaps were around the same as we are here today. STEEMIT has the potential to go viral just as fast or faster than facebook because we live in different times today. Facebook / myspace brought millions upon millions of people worldwide online more often....STEEMIT may do the same thing. Today facebook is valued at 300BILLION + ....3 years ago it was around 30 BILLION...

I honestly do doubt the solution to all my financial problems lies here. But say I do invest $20 credit. How do I change that into Steem market money or whatever. Don't just say "invest it" or something like that, I need very specific instructions about how to get my $20 credit into Steem money just to see where that goes. Again I have extreme doubts that is going to actually solve my financial obstacles, but I would love to be proven wrong.

In other words how do I get out of over $20,000 debt with investing $20 credit here? I don't think a positive attitude is realistically going to do that, it might carry me through the next 15 years doing meaningless work at some other big company... I just don't see how investing the minimal credit I have left here is going to change my life for the better.

It's actually very simple. You reap what you sow in life.

That means nothing to me. Metaphors are great on a paper for your grade 9 english teacher, but that's not gonna get me tens of thousands of dollars./change my life. I know you meant no harm, and you didn't cause any, I'm just saying for other people who see this. Thank you for taking the time to even just read my post.

Hey xavier1,

I am glad to have you here in the community and I am also grateful to have a community that accepts and supports me. I was born and raised near Memphis, Tennessee before moving west so I definitely know the realities of living under the poverty threshold, trust me. What I learned was that it was actually the people I chose to surround myself with and the decisions I had made up until this point was what were actually dragging me down. I realized nobody was going to come knocking on my door offering me a job I wanted, I had to go out into the world and seize it.

As I mention in my introduction post, it was only after battling a harsh drug addiction, finding clear goals and consistently waking up every morning, striving to be the best person I can was I then able to reach a level of success, albeit a small one. Anyways, all I am trying to say it stay positive fellow Steemer. Life wants good things to happen for you, I'm sure.


It's often easier to make money by reducing your expenses than by trying to increase your income. How did you accumulate debt? What are your monthly expenses? Most people think they need to own a car, need to own a house, need to have a wife and kids, need to have a pet, need to have a degree, while, in truth, those are all decisions that people voluntarily choose to take. Some would rather work 40+ hours a week to afford those. I'd much rather work 20 and live freely.

Granted that might not be your case and you could have health issues in a country with shitty health care.

Just keep a positive attitude. I'm pretty sure people here seem to be more well off than they really are. It's a social platform after all. That said, most people here likely don't understand the economics behind this site. I've read of people leaving their jobs to make blogs on here full time or aiming to retire soon from this income. They're in for a surprise once they realise that the amount they're receiving now isn't representative of what they'll be getting in 2-3 weeks, much less in a couple of months.

Anyway, try to have a better attitude and to be smart with your future investments. In the crypto world, biases are your enemy and understanding is power ($). Good luck!

I have reduced all expenses bayond what is considered living comfortably. I have sacrificed everything I can. I much rather work 20 and live freely as well, but technically I can't afford to work any less than 60, which I physically can not do so I don't, but that just brings me back to my original point...

I am going to say something controversial here but it sounds like you dont want to be anything except poor. It seems like you want to be poor in debt etc, with the world on your back sending criticism. You also rule out the opportunity of help and ideas. What I sense from this post is you are bitter at the world and like being bitter about it.

Poverty and the grind is unpleasant and limits your opportunities. Equally i feel excessive riches are disgusting. Its sad some struggle while others blow money on crap. But what i feel from this post is youre disgusted by money and your own power so much youve made it your enemy.

I dont rule out help and opportunites by saying "I have been reaching out to all possible avenues and help for over 9 years" How is that ruling that out, that is me working myself to de*th trying as hard as I can to find anything that could possibly work and after all that time nothing has so far, now I'm here seeing what can be made of this. You and I are not on the same page.

Ok. I apologise if you felt offended. I only meant it in good faith. I hope you find and get what you need from Steemit and anything else you work on

Hi i just wanted to say with the headline statement "I have no choice but to be poor, in debt, etc. "it doesn't sound like you want to be anything but poor and miserable. I am poor in in debt and dont have alot of money to throw around. but i believe that no one can solve this problem but myself so everyday i am studying and experimenting to find a way out of this hole im in, and i wont stop till i succeed or die. i am a firm believer in that what a man thinks he becomes so it is necessary to really believe you can succeed in whatever endeavor you put your mind to. otherwise you're just going to make excuses about how you cant do something . i know you said you didn't want hear no positive thinking bs but you posting this article on social media is just begging for it. im not sure what your intention were maybe you wanted other people here to agree with you and bitch about how their life is fucked up in that case you targeted your message to the wrong crowd. it is in my opinion that the main interest here on Steemit is to improve your circumstances through informing yourself of the possibilities that now exist through the use of today's technologies. there is no way to get out of the hole without first think you can do it and searching for ways that it can be accomplished. there a book i think everyone should read and its called 'As a man thinketh' by James Allen it really helped me to understand how my thoughts and actions were shaping my life.

I can relate to how you feel. It simply sucks seeing how much money people spend in things like this while the majority of the people that signed up with steemit, was because they can actual earn some cash. Why else? That's why i joined!!

I don't have the best lifestyle either and i sit for hours thinking on hour i can increase my income. I do it for my 2 wonderful son's. i hate it when they ask for a toy but i can't afford it. The look on their faces eats me up inside. But like these guys said, Stay positive, keep your chin up, and keep moving forward. It won't make you rich but even if you get a extra $10 a week or a month, then you are surely on the winning path.

Just keep going......

Many people who have spare cash to throw at something like that got it from gains they made investing smaller amounts in crypto. You don't need to have 20k to invest to make really good money. Someone who put 100 bucks in BTC in the early days would have between 10k~60k now. Someone who threw 100 bucks to Litecoin would have also around that much money. Someone who threw 100 bucks to Ethereum would have 10k if selling at peak and it could be much more waiting a few years (Ethereum ICO was like 2 years ago). And it goes on and on for every successful crypto project. People always come an whine that they are late in the game, but they don't realize they have the next big opportunity at arm length.

So instead of complaining and being bitter, why don't you take what you can afford to lose / invest and put it in some project you think has a high return potential? Think Steem is the new hot thing? Then put 100 bucks in Steem and wait a few years. If your bet turns out to be correct, you'll have these 20k and some more at that time. Actually, had you put 100 bucks in Steem like ... 3 weeks ago, you would now have 1500 bucks already.

CAn you give me detailed instructions about how I can take $100 credit, invest it here, and make as much as possible out of that initial investment. I am willing try to make that work, but this environment is new to me, and people will just say "invest, have a good attitude, etc." that's not helping me, tell me specifically step by step what to do with $100 credit I can't afford to spend on anything, and how to turn that into something. Thank you in advance for your time.

You have to start young and have never given up on your goal to work a job you enjoy doing. It's not work if you enjoy doing it. Once you are doing a job you enjoy doing, it becomes your passion. You get better at it, and start getting paid more to do it. If you are lucky, you will find an opportunity that you can't pass up.

See yes, I absolutely agree with this completely. Most people figure it out when they are in school, take the right courses to get the right post secondary and are set. Some are in need of change at some point and have to go through the process again. I have over a dozen different career paths I'm seriously interested in, tried to get involved with, etc. but they are all financially impossible for me to do. I either need to go to school, or have money to start a business. Student loans are inadequate. Beyond tuition, they often don't even give enough money for rent let alone anything else. Scholarships and bursaries are great, but can't be budgeted for ahead of time. Working and going to school simultaneously is too much for me, I do much more poorly, and it really beats down on me. You have the right idea, but for me it doesn't work. I have no choice but do do jobs I don't want to do, or at best sacrifice income, to do something that I dislike slightly less, but still don't want to do. I know people are going to keep commenting here, but there is nothing possible that can be said that is something I haven't thought about/tried. Thank you though.

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