Cash is not your friend.

in #money7 years ago

I was commenting on @profitgenerator's post about his trouble using cash at his favorite local restaurant, and we seem to disagree on something.

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Cash needs to die, if we want the state to die.

... and don't we want the state to die? Yes.

The "war on cash" is their last throes of their power, trying to wield whatever they have left to ensure their control. @profitgenerator suggested that the reason they're creating a war on cash is because they want to be able to ensure they get every last tax dollar. That's part of it, but it's more so that they can prevent massive super-inflation and super-deflation by being able to manipulate all accounts on the backend.

They don't need to print money, do bailouts, pass laws, ask congress... any of that if they can just go into the backend of Chase, BOA, The Federal Reserve, etc and just add a few more zeros to the balance. Or, you do something they don't like... like create some awesome protest group or start a family farm... all they need to do is go into your bank and tell them to shut down your account. Because the economy is now cashless, they don't need to go and waste their time, money, etc with lawsuits and taking you to court.

They just use their force to take whatever they want. Asking the state for their permission that they might be a bit nicer and let up on their power is like asking the bully on the playground to please hit you not so hard, even if he has to keep beating on you.

We need to start standing up to the bully, instead of asking him to please be nicer.

I'm a fan of @profitgenerator's work and this is by no means my trying to start a war with him. This is my standing up for what I feel we all need to recognize -- The state will not bow out gracefully and admit they lost. This will probably get worse before it gets better unless and until God intervenes-- in which case it will still very likely get worse for those who do not believe.

So, I'm saying we need to know God and we need to be honest about the order of things.

Render onto Caesar is a famous part of the bible where Jesus was being tested by those who would seek to get him caught in his words.

He basically said, "Yeah, you want to use the King's money, then don't get mad when you have the King coming to ask for it."

Truth is, we can do a lot with barter, with crypto and with living off the land. It's those of us (not sure if @profitgenerator falls into this category or not) who want to have and amass wealth but not hidden in Gold, Silver and Crypto, but in our bank accounts... those are the ones who will be sad when their wealth rusts and is eaten by moths.

The state is not one mean guy on top of the throne. The state is a bunch of people who refuse to accept the aggression in what they do day in and day out. And I have people I love in my life who work for the state and I've told them this is how I feel. They accept the pragmatic truth of it, but say, "Ahhhh, the government will always have power. I just want a secure job."

Ok, enjoy your secure job at the expense of humanity. That's what I really want to say, but like I said, I love these people and am trying to be empathetic of their limited vision or bravery in the face of a tyrant.

@Profitgenerator references the rise of Hitler when the economy collapsed last time. That's an interesting perspective but it doesn't handle the issue completely. Both Hitler's rise and the collapse of the economy in the 1930s were both the effect of the state. So, the answer isn't being nice to the state, or compelling the state to be nice to us. It's allowing and creating the conditions that the state might wither away.

What are your thoughts, Steemfam?


You are right about this my friend, down with the gov and cash, no need for regulation and control! Let the people be free, only then will humanity truly prosper.

And here I was thinking that this post would be about people that refuse to use paper currency as "plastic is the new King". I am disappoint. LOL

I love cash. Paper money. I hate plastic. I reject it out of principle. Sadly though more and more places are turning to plastic over paper as though handling cash will give them AIDS or Ebola.

The day will come in my lifetime when cash and plastic as it is now, will become replaced by cryptocurrency. It's a trend I can no longer deny. It's happening all around us. If I say Bitcoin, it's a good bet 9 of 10 people will know what I'm talking about.

Cash that is backed by nothing is a recipe for disaster. On that I will always agree with those that argue the point to death. When it was the gold standard at least it had something to rest on. Fiat currency just uses 1s and 0s to determine who owes what to whom, and with how much interest.

Good post. I enjoyed it despite my disappointment ;)

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