Is a World Without Money Possible With Technology Today?

in #money8 years ago (edited)


The age old-question - is a world without money possible?

And I don't merely mean money as in US dollars or any other currency, or even bartering or trading for that matter.

None. Zero, Zilch, Nada, Null, No Mas...

Understand? I just want to make sure we're on the same page.

Many people think it's not just merely possible, but inevitable and the only way mankind will have a chance of survival into the future.

Things like climate change, economic collapse, poverty, war, starvation...

How many of these and more are direct or even indirect results of the pillaging of the human race by the monetary system and the banksters from the federal reserve and other central banks?

Many people say that the free market is the only way to sort it out and everything needs some sort of "pricing mechanism"... but what about when special interests dupe the public into thinking something is safe when it's not, simply for their own personal benefit? What happens when they swindle thousands or even millions of people and walk away filthy rich and unaccounted for due to loopholes in the system?

Even if we had a free market system, how could this be prevented? How could it prevent massive companies from secretly dumped by toxic sludge into rivers, and prevent the sicknesses that would happen?

The answer is it can't. It can only deal with the consequences and try to mitigate some of them only after the fact. The free market is primarily a reactive system.

That means it only corrects the negative things that have already happened for the most part. There may be some exceptions, and some individuals probably have a conscience so they won't simply go and lie or rob people blind.

But what about the people who are out there to scam the system for their own benefit? They can only be dealt with after-the fact. And after-the fact-is too late most of the time.

And that's one of the reasons why we have such poverty, war, crime, slavery through meaningless jobs, etc....

The real answer is we simply haven't matured enough to work together yet under a system that actually benefits everyone. There has to be some sort of example and educational demonstration that a society without money is actually not only possible, but highly desirable...

Which in reality, if it's done right, it can be.

Not to mention, that if we keep going at the rate we are we're going to burn through more resources faster than we can replenish them. And then we're in deep sh*t...

We could have an abundance of all the natural resources we need to not only sustain life on a global scale very comfortably, but even to thrive and develop new technologies.

We need something like a decentralized crypto-currency system, except for production and resource management. NOT controlled by any one entity, but entirely open-source and accessible and input-able by and human being. (Especially when it comes to resource allocation and what products and goods are needed in specific areas.

Manufacturing and production also needs to be less centralized also. We need more 3D printers manufacturing the goods we need on a local scale, with the filament production being as local as possible as well.

We would probably be surprised with how much food we could grow locally once we incorporate things like farmbot in our communities...


More info on farmbot here:

We would be much better off to use local water and energy collection systems. That way if there's a local failure surrounding communities can pick up the slack and help out.

This is only scratching the surface, in reality. There are so many technologies out there that have basically rendered the monetary system obsolete. We simply have to recognize where they are needed and implement them.

We would also be much happier if we simply interacted with our neighbors more, figured out more ways to make our goods and services go farther within our communities. You could even do things like share one lawnmower per 5 houses or something... not everyone needs a lawnmower. They simply need ACCES to a lawnmower when it's time to mow their lawn.

There and many other ways to save goods and resources and make things go as far as they can. I'm going to be posting much more about current technologies and what's possible, as well as some people and organizations that are out there implementing things like this. But for now I just wanted to throw this out there to get people thinking and see some reactions.

More to come.

Thanks for reading!

-Welcome to Society 2.0

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