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RE: What Would Happen if Everyone Were Given 1 Million Dollars?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

It's kinda cute when you try to explain after starting the conversation without knowing the difference between socialist economy and communism. It's clear you haven't checked that link so here you go :

Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:

New Zealand
Why does socialism work here? Other than maybe China (I don't have enough information, never been there so I don't want to speculate), all the above countries are pretty decent to live in. If you want to feel the difference between successful capitalism vs successful socialism, PLEASE, I BEG YOU, go ahead and shoot a documentary in the poorest parts of Denmark about how the people live, and one in U.S.A. The proud capital of capitalism! My bet is, you will get robbed and stabbed in day one, in one of these countries. Want to guess which? :)

Do not talk about greed and selfishness like you know me. Some of us actually have human being values. Yes, they are animalic attributes, and exist in all of us, but unlike animals, we have the power to live above them. We do! It's a much more fulfilling experience also, the spectrum is much wider when you rise above the lower levels of the animal.

Here is how capitalism works, in case you are too deep asleep to see it:
I am the employer. I hire you and 4 members of your family to do a job for me that's worth 10.000 whatever. You do all the hard work, break your back, ruin your health, at the end I take 9.000 and I give you all the remaining 1.000. The less I can give you, the more successful business man I am. How can you consider this anything else then a dick-slap to the face?

Greed: you keep upvoting it, but you do not understand What It Is. You have a pet dog? Open a 20 kg bag of food and let him at it. He will eat until he fucking explodes. That is greed my friend, and you should stop rooting for it. You are just declaring yourself evil

To be honest, I am very surprised to see so many fans of the status quo on steemit. Ironically enough, I can recommend you some groups on Facebook where if you post these views of yours, you get ten's of thousands of people ripping into you, yet here, only people who wish the world to stay the same and have no vision for a better future speak up.
What is going on?
Speak Up! Or at least FLAG this biased, status quo, 1 % lover's post.

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