Food Prices Have Risen DRAMATICALLY! Watch Me Compare FAKE Statistics And REAL!

in #money7 years ago

When we look at the statistics provided by government we see that they are either falsified or information is intentionally left out. The BLS provides the standard inflation statistics which are great for a humorous read on a monthly basis. The only thing you need to see is your monthly grocery bill to be able to measure this yourself. So let’s take a look.


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Sources Used in This Video:

cost-30-common-american-grocery-items-10-years-3_tmx_80per.jpg (1032×8156)

20180127_infl.jpg (671×627)

12-month percentage change, Consumer Price Index, selected categories
future-of-food-infographic.png (1200×7980)

▶️ DTube

Please forget about vertical farms... this is really not feasible... you can grow pot indoors, that is economically viable, but not groceries... the energy costs are sky high for that one... If grown in your apartment you will die while watching the plants grow....

Like I mentioned in the video, you're not growing bananas and and potatoes indoors in a northern climate. But you can absolutely grow sprouts which can supplement how much money you spend every day. If you're a healthy eater and consuming 2 salads per day, you will do well to grow indoors. Sprouts grow very fast. I have a video on my How To and Solutions playlist on YouTube "How to make 100k per year..."

But anyway, the point is basically that food prices are rising and we have to watch how much we are spending because so many people are going to be pushed over edge. That's really all I was getting at.

Usually I agree with everything you say in your videos. But here I'm sorry, with the indoor food, which even with salad you have not enough sunlight, or space to grow enough salads. If you eat 1 salad a day, and it takes 90 days to grow a salad, so you would have to plant 90 salads in your home with enough natural light. As said earlier, electrical light is too expensive. I am quite sure that nobody in New York has enough space to plant 90 salads with natural light (this is for one person, imagine with 4 persons).

Trust me or do the Math... you can forget about indoor gardening in big cities. If something serious happens with the economy, people living in big cities will be f****ed. The best thing is to move to small cities with fertile land.


Have food prices risen in your area? if so, how much do you think they have risen by?

I our city the price for a kebab rose 1 euro the past 3 years, from 3.5 to 4.5

I have mainly notice the beef prices going up more than others. Things like pasta and beans can be bought regularly on sales and I havnt notice much price change over the time period. I can still get pasta for .88 to a dollar, even not on sale at Aldi's in Minnesota. You stats repflect what I also notice in that chick (especially skinless boneless) has remained a good price. Eggs have been volatile since the bird flu, even going down to 50 cents a dozen, and more like 88 cents lately. Milk has also been a good deal at less than 2 a gallon. 10 years ago, living in Ketchikan Alaska, 2 for 7 gallons was a good deal, and $4+ per gallon was normal. Minnesota is a bit cheaper though, so I cant compare. Thanks.

I really appreciate your price breakdown. Thank you.

Just anecdotal and I am sure someone has studied it, but when Aldi came to our town, the prices of things that stick in your mind and are often advertised when down at the other grocery stores to match Aldi. So eggs and milk are not the best things to track unless you are looking at wholesale because they can be loss leaders. Aldis does have great prices on almost everything you need for groceries though. My last comment is that it always seems that the prices of things we want/need to buy go up way faster than inflation. At least my mortgage hasn't gone up.

Could you make a video, about investing in a crisis? Is Gold and Silver still a good alternative? Thanks

Check out my playlists on YouTube and on my website I have some good ones you will be interested in.

Short answer is precious metals are important to have but diversification is essential.

The situation in Canada, as I'm sure you know David, is even worse. We import a lot of food from the US, so we get their inflation plus the inflation caused by significant dollar devaluation. Meanwhile, the gov't puts out impossible inflation rates of under 2%! The impact is more poverty for people. Negotiating a proper raise with such low inflation is hard. High unemployment​ magnifies this factor. Further, indexed pension funds don't get the correct adjustment​. These impacts compound​ with time, kind of​ like reverse compound interest, so these impacts multiply over time. Added to these reasons, real GDP growth rates are based on inflation. If the actual inflation figures were used, it would most likely show us to be in a severe recession or depression. ​As you've said, we getting closer to a tipping point and even the most docile sheeple will have to react if they are to survive.

Seriously. It's so bad here in Toronto in my experience. What a joke these numbers they provide us!

We know that inflation is not running around 2%, despite what the government numbers display.

I know! It's ridiculous.

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