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RE: (VIDEO) Very Important Updates: Stock Market, Gold, Silver, Oil, MORE! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

I could go into a long winded explanation as to why bullion especially silver is going to lay flat for a long time indeed but all i will say is PERTH MINT.
People think J P Morgan is the big boogeyman but JP is small fry compared to the Perth mint. Its 60% government owned.
Perth Mint = Australian government = Commonwealth = Queen and her cronies the royal cabal. They are globalist and its the globalist agenda that is manipulating bullion. They want bullion to stay down and that's exactly what will happen. No and's no if's no but's 1 global currency that's the agenda and bullion has been sidelined (imprisoned) for that purpose . The global economic collapse will come directly after the new global currency system has be sufficiently distributed. Thats what the wealthy people will move their wealth in to..... not bullion
Can you think of a new currency system being implemented as we speak ? I can and so should you.


I would love to hear your explanation.
Bullion, especially silver is ,yes being suppressed, but when i see china hording it and silver at production cost, to me that's enough to say its worth having. something has to give, and even with me jumping on board with crypto, never forget what has been real money, and especially the industrial use of silver. Not sure what you mean about the new currency will be, but it looks to be here with crypto and maybe some form of government coin, I'm still thinking there's a reason for the hording and that's what they will back up the new coin with....just my thoughts, and at this point, honestly who knows? at least we are awake watching every move,

My view is that people need to hold both: PM, silver/gold in ratio of 20 to 1 for silver; ETH/BTC in ratio of 20 to 1 for ETH. Hold both for the long haul.

Bullion will always hold wealth so it's a good idea to hold some for sure you say the long haul.

Hording ? they have to have something to cover the massive loses they will take when all the US'dollars they are holding go to zero. Bullion will not be backing anything but it will still hold wealth. The new currency will be totally backed by an illusion of wealth based upon greed.
I will be making one last video on bullion in a week or so.

That's what we have now, I mean the dollar isn't backed by anything but a promise to pay back a debt. ever since they took the US dollar off the gold standard, its plummeted to nothing, and these greedy bastards printing more out of thin air.
Nothing amazes me that you get a loan from a bank that gives you the money to buy a home with money they don't even own....but looking at crypto currency, its just what we the people want to believe in. people trading in useless dollars, taking the bankers out of the picture and distributing the wealth that they believe in, among themselves into a wealth of their own.
I still say gold and silver will play a major part...but yes the dollar is going to fall. i will look forward to your video.

Yep I agree....think of it like this ..If your going to pull the biggest scam in the history of man kind you sure don't want an honest man standing around showing everyone it's a scam.
Bullion is that honest man..fair waits and measures must be concealed at all costs to allow the scam to work. I don't think they will ever let that honest man speak again...bullion will remain imprisoned.

But what I think could be the fly in the ointment is the fact that the USGS has targeted silver to be the first element on the periodic table to effectively go extinct, at least in terms of its ready availability via conventional mining. Couple that with its massive industrial use base, and we're talking actual, practical, supply-side constriction that puts enormous pressure on price.

Gold is mostly a store of wealth, and the "barbarous relic" argument holds some sway among those not schooled in monetary history. If all the gold disappeared tomorrow, to many it would scarcely matter. But silver... now we're talking about how to go forward with the device and gadget industries, the solar industry, and a plethora of other modern cornerstones of our advancing tech world without ample supplies of the most electrically and thermally conductive, most reflective of all metals.

Metals are indeed the long play, and at my age I'm thinking it might well be the grandkids who reap the benefits of my stacking. For my own wealth-building, I'm increasingly betting on cryptos. But at these smacked-down prices, I'll continue to stack, you betcha.

As a hedge against inflation and store of wealth it's pretty hard to beat agreed.
As far as the laws of supply and demand go, the laws have become totally irrelevant to silver. If the laws had any relevance , silver would have been at least $200 an oz years ago. Bullion is the globalists pet hate. They can't kill it but they sure will punish the crap out of it for as long as it suits them and that as far as I can see is at least until the new global single currency system is in place.

Hey thehomesteadlife, please could you check my last post please let me know if im on the right coin (not asking you to follow or vote) thanks.

Are you suggesting Cryptos are a "new currency system being implemented as we speak"? or something else? Thanks for sharing info on Perth Mint metals markets Manipulation - great tip.

I think at a minimum cryptos are a beta test....Imagine if a major bank decided to release a crypto.. do you think it would catch on ? All they would need to do is say..bring in your worthless dollars and we will replace them with "real" money or "usable " money and do it fast because this offer wont last. Do you think the greed driven fools the would is full of would go for do. ; )

Cryptos as a beta "pilot program" for globalist/central bankers and consolidation of other fiat currencies... now that's a theory that piques my interest... thanks for your comment. I would not be surprised - investment banks & mainstream financial powerbrokers have admitted they are mining & investing in cryptos now. The times are changing, but who is really in control? Hmmmm

The same people that have always been in control no changes there

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