Super Affiliate Ninja Secrets

in #money4 years ago

Super Affiliate Ninja Secrets
By Jason Mangrum, Author
7 Steps to Super Affiliate Ninja Commissions
I. Introduction (Welcome to Super Affiliate Ninja Secrets )
II. The tools you’ll need in your arsenal (it isn’t much!)
III. How to find the perfect affiliate offer in just a few minutes
IV. How to create a hosted web form and split-test “on the fly”
V. How to leverage other people’s work to build lightning fast
affiliate campaigns that generate sales on autopilot
VI. Ninja Traffic Rolodex -- My secret stash of traffic sources for
guaranteed clicks, responsive leads and automated affiliate
income (plus some ninja secrets for getting this kind of traffic
FREE for life!)
VII. Split-Test Ninja Secrets – Learn how to beat your control and
cement your success with constant incremental improvement!
Welcome inside Super Affiliate Ninja Secrets.
What you’ll find in these pages is a 100% zero-fluff-and-filler approach
to showing you EXACTLY how to make money from scratch in 48 hours.
Most people think making money online is some sport only reserved for
the hardest working, smartest and most talented students of business.
I’m here to show you, that is not the truth.
In fact, making money online requires only 3 things:

  1. A high-converting offer that is already making sales
  2. An audience interested in that offer; and
  3. A method to connect the audience with the offer!
    You can find a plethora of offers ready to be promoted on platforms
    like ClickBank , JVZoo and WarriorPlus .
    I’m mentioning these because those are the ones I use the most.
    With ClickBank, you’re paid every two weeks via check or direct deposit
    to your bank account.
    With JVZoo and WarriorPlus, you’re paid instant commissions on every
    sale you make straight into your PayPal account…
    These offers are generally geared towards:
    ● Internet Marketing / Make Money Online
    ● Online Business / B2B Marketing
    ● Affiliate Marketing
    ● Email Marketing
    ● Home Business / MLM Opportunities
    ● Work at Home Programs
    ● Other Income or Investment Related Offers
    And that’s actually a GOOD thing, because there are no shortage of list
    builders and vendors selling quality traffic in these niches!
    Remember, we’re not building a “brand” or a business empire… we’re
    just creating an affiliate campaign around someone else’s winning
    product, and throwing the right traffic at it in the right way to see some
    instant sales while our subscriber list is growing in real-time.
    You’re going to be blown-away at just how EASY it really is, that you
    might get a little upset at how much time and effort you’ve WASTED!
    This is like the K.I.S.S. Method on Steroids for Affiliate Marketing.
    If you’re a total beginner, this secret ninja method will put you 99%
    ahead of every other affiliate marketer from day one.
    If you’re a seasoned vet… you’ll still find some golden nuggets you can
    implement immediately to start seeing instant and often dramatic
    increases in your optin and sales conversions from affiliate offers!
    So without hesitation, let’s get started right away…
    The Tools You’ll Need in
    Your Arsenal (It isn’t much!)
    First, let’s get together all the tools, web sites and resources you’ll need
    from A-Z to run your very first Super Affiliate Ninja Campaign …
    I’m going to be using Aweber , because their platform makes it
    extremely simple to bust out winning affiliate campaigns and design the
    EASIEST, but most effective lead capture pages you’ve ever seen!
    Plus, the way we’ll be creating and using the web forms, you won’t
    even need your own website, domain or hosting because they’re ALL
    going to be hosted on aweber’s server (they’ll give you a link!)
    So for the case-study example, we’ll be using Aweber.
    If you don’t have an account, you can get one by clicking here .
    Next, you’re going to need a way to “split-test” your links.
    Aweber DOES have a feature to do this, but you’ll need a hosting
    account if you want to use it.
    There are plenty of tracking services out there, but for this case-study
    example we’re going to keep it as simple as possible, and use a free 3 rd
    party web site to split-test our URLs. It’s called PageSwirl and a free
    account is all you need to split-test up to 5 URLs with no ads.
    This is perfect for keeping things fast, free and easy.
    If you don’t know what a “split-test” is yet, don’t worry. We’ll go over
    every single step with full illustrations to make sure you get it!
    Next, you’ll need an affiliate account at:
    ● ClickBank
    ● JVZoo; or
    ● WarriorPlus
    For the case-study example, we’re using JVZoo, so make sure you sign
    up for a free affiliate account for JVZoo by clicking here .
    I love JVZoo because you can literally get paid the instant you make a
    sale to your PayPal account. There’s no waiting for checks or deposits!
    So by now you should have:
  4. A free JVZoo affiliate account
  5. An Aweber account (you can get 30 days free)
  6. A free account with PageSwirl (for split-testing & tracking)
    That’s all you need to setup this secret ninja method!
    Ready for the next step?
    Let’s start, by finding a high-converting affiliate product to offer, with a
    great commission payout, paid instantly!
    How to Find The “Perfect” Affiliate
    Offer In Just A Few Minutes
    Finding a great offer to promote is really as simple as knowing where
    to look to see what people are buying.
    Since we’re using JVZoo for our case-study example, we’ll check out the
    “Top Sellers” list to see which products are selling the BEST right now…
    Here, we can see the top sellers for today…
    For yesterday…
    For the past 7 days…
    And for the past 30 days…
    Pay close attention to the above screen-shots.
    Notice there are products that show up multiple times in each list.
    For example, The Super Funnel ranked #6 today, #4 yesterday and #6
    over the past 7 days. So for the past 7 days, this product has been
    consistently ranking in the top 10 best-sellers list in JVZoo.
    This looks like a winner. Let’s take a peek at the current stats to find out
    how many sales it has made, the sales conversions and refund rate…
    Click Affiliates > Find Products
    In the search box, for this case-study example we’re looking at the
    current stats for The Super Funnel. So let’s type that in…
    ( Note : You can and should use any product you found that’s been in the
    top sellers list for at least the past 7 days in a row. We’re using The
    Super Funnel as our case-study example throughout this training.)
    Below, we can see the current sales statistics for the product:
    The Super Funnel has sold more than 3,500+ copies, converts 16.78% of
    visitors to sales, average sale price is $4.95, offers 100% commissions,
    has an EPC (Earnings Per Click) of $3.06 throughout the sales funnel and
    carries a low 5.54% refund rate. (Anything under 10% is sustainable)
    The average sale price is low at only $4.95, but the strength of the
    sales funnel crushes it at $3.06 EPC!
    I’ve already requested approval for this offer, that’s why you see a
    green “Get Links” button instead of a blue “Request Links” button,
    which is what you’re likely looking at inside your account.
    This is because with JVZoo you must request to promote some offers.
    If you have less than 50 sales under your belt, you will still get paid
    but it could be on “delayed” status.
    Nine times out of ten you can rectify this issue immediately by telling
    the vendor exactly how you’ll be promoting their product.
    You can simply say something like this in the request form…
    “Please set to instant commissions. I would like to promote this product
    to email subscribers via solo ads and click banking. Thank you!”
    Then within a few hours usually, your blue “Request” button will
    magically turn into a green “Get Links” button, meaning you’ve been
    approved to promote the product as an affiliate!
    Once you’re approved to promote the affiliate offer you’ve chosen,
    click the green “Get Links” button to display your affiliate URL…
    And you’ll see a window pop up, like this:
    The blue highlighted URL is your affiliate link.
    Now that you’ve got your affiliate URL, it’s time to create a capture
    page for it, so you can generate leads to place into an autoresponder
    sequence that produces sales commissions for you on autopilot…
    How To Create A Hosted Web
    Form & Split-Test “On the Fly”
    Aweber has a really cool feature that allows you to create web forms
    easily, using a point-and-click “what you see, is what you get” editor…
    What’s even better, is that Aweber has recently relaxed their rules
    requiring that subscribers must confirm their email address and
    “double opt-in” when using their hosted web form capability.
    This results in an up to 50%+ gain in subscribers right from the start.
    And you don’t need a web site, because the URLs are hosted on
    Aweber’s own servers.
    So the basic idea is to create two hosted web forms to “split-test”
    against each other using your free rotator URL at PageSwirl .
    Here’s what we do next:
    Login to Aweber , and click on “Manage Lists”
    Then click on, “Create A List”
    Enter the info, as pictured below…
    On the next page, fill out the information as pictured below and click
    the Next Step button…
    Next, you won’t actually be using this part, but Aweber requires that
    you fill it out anyway, so…
    Next, click “Sign Up Forms”
    Now click, “Create Your First Sign Up Form”
    Now you’ll see the built-in web form designer.
    Delete the “name” field, because you won’t need it.

Then click on “Edit Header”
You’ll see another pop up window…
What to enter? This is where the conversion is made or broken…
Luckily, we’ve already chosen a top-selling product, which means it
more than likely has pre-written sales materials we can copy & paste to
create our entire affiliate sales funnel!
For this example, let’s go back to our affiliate URL for The Super
Funnel… let’s grab it, and paste the URL into a new browser window:
See the front-end sales page of this web site?
It’s a top-seller and most likely the copy on this page has been tested
and tweaked to convert the highest number of sales possible.
So it just makes sense to use the copy on this page, doesn’t it?
Here’s how we’re going to do that:
Notice this is the exact same headline and sub-head that was written
on the sales page… we only formatted the font and size so the headline
and sub-head both look good and fit on the page, and changed part of
the sub-head to “Enter Your Email” to tell them how to get instant
access to the information.
In addition, your screen probably shows a grey “Sign Up” button at the
bottom of the form, like this…
To change it, click “Edit” (as shown) then “Advanced” and finally we’re
going to put the image URL of the submit button we want in place of
the default “Sign Up” graphic image…
Next, let’s head over to Google Images to do a search on “Get Instant
Access buttons” to see what’s available for example purposes…
Here’s an image that appeared in the results for “get instant access
buttons” – Right-click the image and choose “Copy image URL”
Then go back to the web form and paste the URL into the area above.
Note : Remember, this is only an example. Make sure you check the
license rights on the images you’re using, because you only want to use
100% legal, royalty-free images in your pages.
With a bit of word-processor level formatting (easy stuff) our simple
little web form now looks like this:
Next, fill out the info as illustrated below and click “Go To Step 3”…
On Step 3, click the area to “Have Aweber Host My Form” and then
copy (CTRL+C) the URL that appears in the drop-down box (as shown)…
Now, let’s test it to see what it looks like inside a browser window:
Looks great! Next, click “Sign Up Forms”…
Then, go to the new web form you just created, and click “Copy” to
create an exact duplicate of the form, which you’ll use for
Split-testing means that you’re sending traffic to different versions of
the same page, to see which version gets the most subscribers.
In our case-study example above, we changed just ONE element on the
page, by adding a graphic image we found on the sales page of The
Super Funnel . This will be the only change we need to make.
You can (and should) test EVERYTHING.
This is the most important part of the entire method.
If you get this right, you can virtually guarantee the success of every
campaign you ever build, by getting the highest conversion of visitors to
subscribers using this extremely simple but ninja split-testing method.
Things you can split-test “on the fly”:
● The Headline
● The Sub-head
● Image / No Image
● The submit graphic image button
● The Call to Action above the input field
● The colors of the headline and subhead
Remember, for effective split-testing just create a new duplicate web
form and change ONE element of the design or copy in the form.
Then click “Save Your Form” and “Go To Step 2” to continue.
On Step 2, under “Form Name” you want to give it a different name
than your original. I just usually add a “v2” at the end of the form name,
so I can tell at a glance which version is beating the other in a split-test.
Here’s an illustration:
Finally, on Step 3… do the same as you did before and click on the area
to “Have Aweber Host My Form” and copy (CTRL+C) the web form URL
to test it out in a live browser window…

And it looks awesome!
Note : You should have been keeping notes up to this point, because
you’re going to need both web form URLs here in a minute…
But first, we’re going to customize the list settings to disable the
double-optin feature and tweak a few other things to prepare for
building our list of subscribers and getting the proper notifications.
To do this, mouse-over “List Options” and click on “List Settings”
Next, click on “Confirmed Opt-In”, scroll down and switch the top slider
to the “off” position (as shown) by clicking it and confirming to
Now click on “Personalize Your List” and fill out the info (like this):

Once the above areas are filled out, click the “Save Settings” button.
Next, we’re going to head over to PageSwirl to enter both of those
Aweber web form URLs we created and get a single link that will rotate
between the two URLs, giving us the ability to split-test “on the fly…”
Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see an area that
says, “Add new site.” Here’s where we’re going to put the Web Form
name and URL for the first web form we created using Aweber...
Next, we’re going to add the info for web form v2 from Aweber:
How to Leverage Other People’s Work to
Build Lightning Fast Affiliate Campaigns
That Generate Sales On Autopilot
Now we have a single URL we can start sending traffic to almost
immediately, just as soon as we build-out the automated follow-up
campaign to suck in the majority of sales over the next few days!
Again, we’re still not going to write anything.
Instead, we’ll be using email messages that have already made
thousands of dollars in sales for the vendor and other affiliates.
I’ve been a pro-level copywriter for 15+ years, and this is still exactly
how I get my affiliate campaigns up and running IMMEDIATELY !
First, we have to find the “promo tools” page for the affiliate offer
we’re promoting…
To find it, let’s grab our affiliate link URL from JVZoo and paste it into a
new web browser window to bring up the site:
Once you press enter, the JVzoo affiliate URL will turn into this:
For this case-study example, we’ve located the JV Tools page by
replacing the “/live.html” in the URL with “/jv” and found it!
Other ways to find the “Promo Tools” or “JV Page” for a product:
● Google “NAME OF PRODUCT +JV or +”Promo Tools” or “Affiliates”
● Contact their support desk or email and ask them where it’s at
● Find the product vendor by name on Facebook and ask him!
One of these methods is guaranteed to locate the “Promo Tools” page
for you, so you can use their own pre-written sales materials to build
out your automated affiliate campaign!
Next (in our case-study example) we’re going to click the button as
shown below to access the swipes from the promo tools JV area…
Now scroll down the page until you see the first pre-written email
swipe. Again remember, this is only for our case-study example and
your offer, promo tools, etc. will be different. Use only as a guide…
Here’s where we start building out the affiliate campaign!
Let’s go back to Aweber, and create our first welcome message in the
follow-up autoresponder sequence for our affiliate offer...
Next, click “Drag & Drop Email Builder” and paste in the email swipe…
Once you’ve copied & pasted the swipe email, moved the subject line
to the subject area, formatted the text and hyperlinked your JVzoo
affiliate URL in the email, you’re almost good to go!
Click “Save & Exit”
Next, you’ll see the summary of the first welcome message that will go
out. Just click “Save Changes” to continue…
Then to add another message, click “Create a Message”

Drag & Drop Email Builder
Now go back to the Promo Tools page, grab a new email swipe for the
next message and paste into the next follow-up sequence…
When done, click “Save & Exit”
In the Follow Up Settings, set the Interval to “1” day after previous and
click the “Save Changes” button…
Repeat this process for every swipe you find in the Promo Tools area,
until you have a fully automated follow-up money machine that looks
something like our case-study example below:
While yes, you can copy & paste the pre-written promo tools exactly as
they are written, your emails will get a much higher deliverability, more
opens and higher click-thrus to your links when you take the extra step,
to go back over the emails… and rewrite them in your own words!
Don’t worry if you don’t know the first thing about writing great email
copy… My copy & paste method is all you need to get you going.
Then, you can become a trained and highly skilled email copywriter by
following in the footsteps of Ben Settle , Andre Chaperone & others!
Additionally, you can use an incredible program called ScriptDoll to
practically write your high-impact, killer converting emails for you! (but
it doesn’t stop there, it also writes sales letters, squeeze pages, upsells,
downsells, affiliate sign up pages & more… even press releases!)
To say ScriptDoll is highly recommended is an understatement.
There’s only one other program I’d recommend higher than ScriptDoll,
and it has nothing to do with copywriting.
And yet, it could literally be the only other thing you need to absolutely
ensure your success. Without tracking what you’re doing… like, every
single piece of the puzzle… you’re dead in the water.
That’s why I can’t live without my tracking software.
I use it to track literally every single tiny part of my web business.
And you should, too.
There’s nothing can’t track.
So far, you’ve learned the precise ninja secrets to get an affiliate
campaign up and running FAST, using the bare basics from A-Z.
Using this method alone, I’ve won affiliate competitions.
And that’s doing NOTHING but what you’ve seen here, step-by-step.
Copy & Paste.
That’s because I just wanted to test it out, to see if/how it’d work.
And it did. Works like gangbusters!
But it just goes to prove, it doesn’t matter who you are… it has nothing
to do with having a big, fancy list of subscribers or knowing how to
build a website, or having to do all those extra little things that has
always kept you from just being able to…

  1. Find a bestselling offer
  2. Use the copy & paste ninja method to build the campaign
  3. Get traffic, build a list and make sales commissions
    When you get used to it, you can whip up one of these copy & paste
    affiliate campaigns in about 15-30 minutes or less. Now imagine having
    TEN of these affiliate campaigns running at the same time!
    In fact, here’s a pretty darn cool idea that can potentially get you 10x
    more action for the same advertising spend… (You’ll get the rolodex of
    our best, top-performing traffic sources in just a minute)
    But first…
    Here’s a crazy ninja blueprint for 10x sales:
  4. Create 10 different IM/MMO related affiliate campaigns (i.e.
    “make money online”, “internet marketing, “affiliate marketing”)
  5. Using, create a split-test URL that rotates between all
    10 different landing pages (one for each offer being promoted)
  6. Using the Traffic Rolodex, buy 1,000 clicks to send to the rotator
  7. Send 100 clicks to each landing page (x10 = 1,000 clicks total)
  8. Whichever offers earn the highest revenue, keep them in the
    rotator and discard the rest. Then, order another batch of 1,000
    clicks (from same or different traffic source) and evenly distribute
    the clicks among the remaining offer URLs in the rotator!
    Again, whichever product funnel(s) make the highest sales/revenue,
    keep them in the rotator remove the underperforming landing pages
    from the rotator, balancing the clicks to each funnel left, until there are
    ONLY high-converting offers in your rotating Affiliate Cash Machine!
    The ultimate goal is to have 10 WINNING landing pages in the rotator
    where you can buy 1,000 clicks to it, split the clicks into 100 for each
    landing page, and get sales commissions from all TEN affiliate offers!
    This is a deadly ninja secret if used properly.
    You can literally guarantee there’s going to be winners, every time you
    promote using this method. The list owners write “blind copy” emails
    for their lists these days, so you don’t need to worry about making sure
    if your email / solo swipe is going to be congruent with your offer(s).
    The only thing more powerful than using all of the ninja secrets I’ve
    listed and illustrated in this book, is using them ALL together… and
    adding a SOLID bonus package to your affiliate promotions!
    You’ve seen it everywhere. You might have even done it yourself…
    It’s launch day… you’ve got 15 emails all promoting the same product
    staring you in the face, and all of them look exactly the same. Lame
    Sure, it’s a GREAT way to just get something A-Z up and running
    quickly, overcoming procrastination’s icy embrace…
    But once you’ve already got the bases covered, you want to spice it up.
    Be the one email in the inbox, that’s got something different. That
    offers something nobody else’s does. Copy genius. Then, make it your
    own. And then, it will be unique and original.
    And that makes the BIG $$$.
    This is where you can start making a full-time living off of affiliate
    marketing, if you do this correctly.
    Do everything I’ve mentioned in the book… and then, take it further.
    Put together a SCHWEET bonus package that compliments the main
    offer… list your bonuses inside the autoresponder follow-up emails
    each optin subscriber is receiving from requesting info from your
    landing page, and you’ll instantly do these two things:
  9. You increase the perceived value of the main offer itself, and
  10. …you increase the actual value, while giving your subscribers a
    logical reason to purchase from YOU instead of anyone else!
    It’s a one-two punch that creates an avalanche of affiliate sales.
    And you don’t need to create bonuses, either.
    Just don’t use crappy resell rights and PLR products that everyone else
    is using, and have no real value.
    Put together a bonus package you can be proud of. To help you do that,
    my business partner and friend Willie Crawford has contributed some
    brilliant insight on…
    Mastering the Art of the Bonus Package
    It’s become quite common to see people offering bonuses to get their
    customers to purchase from their affiliate link, and not a competitors.
    Sometimes marketers will spend more money on creating a bonus
    package than the product they’re promoting even costs!
    They might end up losing money up front. But it’s because they’re so
    smart, they’re ninja . (as long as they can make enough profit for ROI)
    Just a few affiliate sales will more than pay for whatever they spent on
    creating a memorable bonus package that stands out and gets the sale!
    But you don’t really have to do that, either.
    It truly doesn’t matter how much something costs… the only thing that
    determines how much money someone is willing to pay is quite
    literally, how you package the information to create a perception.
    That doesn’t mean to make it sound bigger and better than it really is…
    it means TO STAND OUT you want your offer to have a high
    perceived value, while staying relevant to the main offer.
    If you can put together a bonus package that actually helps your buyers
    consume the main product better, easier, faster… or even provide a
    “done for you” angle or service, where you can outsource a team of
    virtual assistants to “do” whatever steps are required to:
    A) Put a method/idea/strategy into action
    B) Use a particular piece of software to obtain a specific result
    C) Free installation, free consultation, free membership into private
    facebook groups, free webinar training for customers only, etc.
    Those are just a few ideas, but you can imagine how many more sales
    your ninja affiliate promos will start getting as soon as you spend
    some quality time putting together your very own bonus package!
    One resource I’ve used to put together high quality bonus packages is
    the Resell Rights Weekly Membership site . There are some of the
    best-quality, well-written information products, audios, video courses
    and much, much more… and the site is updated almost daily!
    Now that you’ve got the bonus package, you’re almost
    ready for traffic…
    The {!signature} code is being used to sign off in every email so we can
    gain the ability to change the copy at the bottom of every email
    follow-up “on the fly” without actually going in and modifying each and
    every message one-by-one.
    This comes in handy when you want to test a new sales angle in your
    follow-ups… such as an exclusive bonus offer for buyers only , or to give
    away a free complimentary gift right below your Signature!
    You can also post any URLs below your Signature that you want extra
    clicks on inside every email you place the {!signature} code.
    You can always change what’s in the Signature area of every email in
    your follow-up sequence by clicking “List Options > List Settings”
    You’re all set and ready for traffic!
    Ninja Traffic Rolodex:
    My secret stash of traffic sources for guaranteed clicks,
    responsive leads and automated affiliate income (plus some
    ninja secrets for getting this kind of traffic FREE for life!)
    This section is likely the most valuable part of the entire training.
    Our complete affiliate campaign is 100% setup and ready to roll out…
    Now, we need eyeballs to the split-test URL we created in PageSwirl so
    we can get some quick results and see our optin conversion stats!
    But where to get traffic?
    Use my personal rolodex of ninja traffic sources.
    When I need traffic for an affiliate offer I’m promoting, I use these
    traffic and solo ad sellers for quality guaranteed clicks, leads and sales...
    (In no particular order)
    Eyal Mizrachi
    Bill Barrett
    Bob Bastian
    Andreea Carrol
    Igor Kheifets
    Antheer Fendi
    Craig Raphael
    Frank Salinas
    Andrea Fulton
    Dr. Benny
    John Kneita
    Joseph Latham
    Additionally, you can leverage a method called “Click Banking” to swap
    clicks with partners you find in JV inner-circles and groups on Facebook:
    I’d recommend to join about 5-10 of these Click Banking groups a day.
    Then, you can easily find click-swap partners by scrolling through your
    feed and replying to anyone who’s looking for a Click Banking partner.
    Just make sure they have:
    ● Positive feedback / testimonials
    ● A real profile with history & engagement on their wall
    ● Nothing shady or fake-looking on their profile
    If you’re already at the level where you can swap 100-150 clicks, then
    you’re set. BUT… chances are you’re just starting out (the majority is)
    and there’s no way you can deliver 100-150 unique, legitimate clicks!
    That’s ok.
    If you have no feedback, testimonials or ability to send targeted clicks,
    then you can still get started using this secret ninja method right away.
    First… offer to send first .
    Tell your prospective click-swapping partner that you’re gathering
    testimonials for your traffic, and you can send him/her 100 clicks first,
    so they can benefit from your traffic without risking anything up front.
    Then… buy it.
    Go to the Ninja Traffic Rolodex from earlier, and buy 100-150 clicks for
    as cheap as you can get them. At $0.30-$0.40 cpc (cost per click) on the
    low-end, you’re looking at around $60 for 100-150 unique clicks.
    Once you’ve bought your 100-150 clicks, get the tracking URL for your
    Click Banking partner and any swipe email copy they’re using, and
    send the 100-150 clicks you purchased to your partners’ tracking URL!
    When you’ve sent the traffic as promised, use a free 3 rd party tracking
    service like to mask your PageSwirl split-test URL from the public.
    Then give your new tracking URL (which redirects to your
    PageSwirl split-test URL) to your new Click Banking partner , along with
    one of the swipe emails you picked up from the JV Promo Tools, and
    they’ll start sending YOU 100-150 unique clicks from their traffic!
    Why not just send the clicks you buy to your own URL?
    Because doing it this way, you’re doubling the benefits you’re getting…
    ● Benefit #1: You’re getting traffic to your affiliate campaign
    ● Benefit #2: You’re establishing a working relationship between
    you and your new Click Banking partner. If you give each other
    testimonials, you can use them as SOCIAL PROOF with other Click
    Banking partners to show them you’re reliable and legitimate!
    Get just a few (3-5) of these testimonials and you won’t even have to
    “send first” because you’ll already have built-up the social proof
    you need to have other people telling you THEY’LL send first to get
    you to mail out and swap clicks with them …
    This is an extremely fast and easy way to start getting traffic on tap!
    If you want an even faster way to build up your “street cred” in the JV /
    Click Banking scene, then go to the Ninja Traffic Rolodex and buy 500
    clicks for around $0.30-$0.40 cpc...
    Then, find 5 click-swapping partners who want to trade 100 clicks
    straight-out, and offer to send first.
    Using a professional tracking service like, you can send 100
    clicks to partner #1, then 100 clicks to partner #2, #3, #4 and then #5,
    etc… until all 5 partners have received their promised clicks!
    Then, send each of them your split-test URL via a unique tracking
    link -- (we’re not trying to find the highest converting source yet, we’re
    getting some initial numbers) to let them ALL start sending you tons of
    clicks, and make sure to get all 5 TESTIMONIALS !
    Post these feedback comments to your Facebook wall, or ask each
    partner to post a status update or comment on your wall in the form
    of a testimonial about your traffic.
    This will go a LONG way towards granting you the credibility required to
    have people literally begging to send YOU traffic all day and night!
    For example : (this actually happens all the time)
    Bob : “Hey man, if you’ve still got some spots open, I’ve got 300 clicks to
    swap with you and yes I can send first. What do you think?”
    You : “Sounds good. Let’s do it and send each other testimonials!”
    Remember, buy cheap clicks from the Ninja Traffic Rolodex
    ($0.30-$0.40 cpc) and you shouldn’t ever have an issue with fulfilling
    the amount of clicks you promised to your Click Banking partners.
    In just a couple days of buying traffic using these methods, and
    split-testing between different versions of the capture page, our
    Aweber Sign Up Report for the case-study is showing 75.9 % optin
    conversions for “v2” and 548 new subscribers added into our
    automated system…
    And our JVZoo affiliate sales stats are already looking like this:
    In the case study above, this campaign was a success out of the gate!
    Split-Test Ninja Secrets
    How to Beat Your Control & Cement Your Success
    with Constant Incremental Improvement
    Not every campaign will have those kinds of results right from the start.
    However, ANY campaign can be turned into a winning success over
    time, through a process called, constant incremental improvement.
    Using our secret ninja method, we’re coming out with guns blazing by
    simply building our affiliate campaign around an offer that is already
    consistently a “top seller” in JVZoo!
    But we can take it further…
    When we’re sending traffic to two different versions of the capture
    page, one version is going to get more subscribers than the other.
    Normally, you want 250 clicks on each version of the capture page
    (that’s 500 clicks total) to establish a high-confidence level in testing.
    These aren’t golden rules, and they can be bent… or broken.
    For example, if version A of your optin form has 50 clicks and 10
    subscribers, while version B of your form has 50 clicks and 42
    subscribers… You clearly need to start another split-test!
    Don’t wait and miss out on those lost subscribers.
    Instead, click “Copy” on the highest converting web form to create a
    duplicate of it, make 1 change to the design or copy on the form, and
    save it. Remember to name the new web form “v3” or similar, etc.
    Then, (as illustrated in the case-study earlier) grab the new web form
    URL and head over to PageSwirl or to delete the losing web
    form URL, and send the new “v3” web form URL charging into battle…
    It will then begin rotating between both versions as before, and after
    an additional 50-100 clicks, you’ll notice a HUGE jump in subscribers!
    Words Of Wisdom -- The late Gary Halbert once said, “You can test
    changes that whisper or changes that scream. Go for the big changes ,
    the ones that scream, to see the most significant changes in results.”
    Once you’ve eliminated any version that isn’t keeping up with the high
    numbers of the winning version (your control)… then you can let it run
    for 500 clicks (250 clicks per version) and obtain a high-confidence level!
    This means you’re guaranteed to know which version is outperforming
    all the others, and you can run with it or create a new split-test based
    off the control to try and CRUSH IT… like beating your highest-score.
    Doing this type of rapid split-testing on a consistent basis is called
    Constant Incremental Improvement and this can quickly turn any
    failing campaign into a smashing, money-making success in DAYS!
    That’s it . You have the secret ninja method now at your fingertips.
    Now take action on your “mystical” ability to materialize money from
    “thin-air” using these 7 steps for Super Affiliate Ninja Commissions!
    Live in Magnificence,
    Jason Mangrum , Author
    Super Affiliate Ninja Secrets

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