The Ultimate Guide to Making Money and Getting Referrals Using Youtube

in #money7 years ago (edited)

I n t roduction:
To be honest wi th you I am sick and t i red of seeing loads of guides and
eBooks promising that they can get you thousands of refer rals and making
you loads of cash for doing next to nothing, and all of them making you and
bringing you
! So I decided to w r i te a simple to follow, noob-f r iendly
guide to getting yourself t hose wanted refer rals and that wanted cash! Which
wil l get you good results no mat ter what your abili ty! And wi th
investments! This guide wi l l show you how to get around 100+ refer rals
wi thin 1 month and how to make over $150 a month from downloads. All
automatically wi th youtube. The amount of money and refer rals you can get
using th is method is endless! And the best th ing is th is method wi l l
Okay well enough about that lets get on wi th the guide shall we. I know you
are all eger to know the method and to star t seeing the resul ts wi th in just a
few hours!
Page 1: I n t roduction and B r ief
Page 2: The Method
Page 3: Step-by-step Explaination
Page 4: My Tips on More Downloads (Investments Needed)
Ok lets get down to business, before we star t though I would l i ke to say that
th is E-Book is 100% w r i ten and owned by
caught t rying to resell th is guide wi thout my resell r ights wil l be repor ted
and paypal wil l be noticed of your actions and they wi l l take action upon
your account.
B r ief:
I am going to be showing you my method on how to get refer rals and make
money at the same t ime using youtube wi th next to no t ime being spent on
doing so. There are a few th ings you are going to need before we get
star ted and they are as followed.
1: A brain - This is always needed.
2: A l i t t le bit of knowledge - This is helpful.
3: A Youtube Account - You wi l l know why shor tly.
4: Visual Basic 2008 Express Addi t ion - You wi l l need th is for the method.
Download i t from
h t tp://
5: A Sharecash and/or an CPAlead account - This is where the money wil l
come from. I f you don't al ready have an account on either or the sites you
can signup below.
Sharecash -
ht tp://

ht tp://
6: An account to gain referrals - I m guessing you are all members of a site
which you already wish to gain refer rals from. I suggest sites l i ke or
T he Me thod!
Ok f i rst of all you are going to need to make a fake program or a fake tool
depending on how good you are at coding Visual Basic 2008, I personally
make fake programs for example here is my VERY basic and nooby "Nexon
Cash/Game Card Generator"
h t tp://
v=H kJg3sqe4Oc
As you can see the video quail ty is very poor and so the program, but I
stil l got 200+ downloads wi thin 2 weeks of uploading th is video, and I
have gotten well over 1000 refer rals from just t his video! I t just goes to
show how people wil l download almost anything! Anyway back on to
business, you are going to need to make your own program l i ke my Nexon
Cash/Game Card Generator in Visual Basic 2008. I f you know how Visual
Basics works and you know you can make a nice looking fake generator or
something just skip onto the next paragraph, if not keep reading. Ok so
before you just jump to making your program you wil l need to th in k about
what type of program i t is that you are going to make. T ry and be unique
wi th your ideas, t r y and do something new, maybe look up a few new,
growing sites and make a fake generator or bot for them. Really th ink
about i t because if you just copy something that has already been done
hundreds of t i mes then you arn't going to get so many hi ts, views or
downloads therefore you won't make as much profi t or get as many
refer rals so the idea is a very impor tant component .
Step-By-Step Explainat ion
Once you have your idea ready i ts t ime to star t making your program. Open
up Visual Basic 2008 and Create a new project (name i t whatever you
want). Now i ts t ime to star t adding a few features to your project, here
are two videos to help you out. I f you need to know how to change the f i les
icon, background image ect just search for i t on youtube.
Here are the two simple tu ts I followed to get myself star ted off (If l in ks
are dead simply youtube search for the feature you want to add to the fake
h t tp://
h t tp://
Ok, the two key th ings you are going to need to add are a simple
"Generate"(or whatever you have chosen to make) but ton which when
clicked i t wi l l make a message box come up saying something l i ke "To
Generate Keys Register Your Account", then add a "L in k Label" saying
something along the l ines of "Register Your Account Here" which when
clicked wi l l open a message box saying for e.g "To Register Your Account
Signup At Si te Name Here And Complete 2 Offers". When "ok" is
clicked on the message box their defaul t browser wi l l open your referral
l in k to a site of your choise (again look on youtube for tu ts on howto do
th is).
And that is pretty much how you are going to gain your referrals.
You can t ry and make the program look as professional as you l ike, the
more programs you make the better you wil l become at i t.
Money M a k i ng.
This is the easiest and shor test par t of the guide, all you have to do is
upload your completed project (program) to either Sharecash or CPAlead.
The download l in k wil l be the l ink used in the info tab of your youtube
video. I f you don't know how to do t his wi th CPAlead simply google "How
to make a download widget for cpalead"
You wi l l be making a good amount of money from each download. I make an
average of $.50 per download and I get qui te a few downloads per day from
a few videos automatically. The money you wil l make from downloads is
amazing. Also you are going to be gett ing masses of referrals on the site
you chose. This is going to make you even more money or get you
f ree
games ect.
T he Youtube V ideo.
I t's t i me to make your video to upload to youtube. I f you are good at making
videos and you know what you are doing there is no need to read on, you
are f inished! Best of luck. For the rest of you here is a breif guide on howto
record and upload your youtube video.
You are going to need something to record your screen wi th to show off your
program. I suggest the following program.
Camtasia Studio 8 -

Now all you have to do is make a video showing off your program, be
creative use video editing software, t r y and make the program seem legit,
post "proof" of i t working. Just t ry different th ings un t i l l you find what
looks/works best for you. I f you have taken a look at my videos on youtube
you would have realized that my videos arn't very good, and yet still I am
getting loads of views/downloads and refer rals, so think how well you
would do if you spend t ime and made the programs and videos to a very
high standard, you would be making some serious cash!
Remember to w r i te a good description for the video and make sure to
include your download l in k from Sharecash or Envi roFI LE, and a vi rus
scan from Vi rusTotal to insure people i ts not a vi rus. Also make sure you
have a few good 'tags' for your video so more people wi l l find i t.
Before I f inish th is Ebook here is a small t ip on gett ing more downloads and
more views to your video/s.
Simply head over to a forum which you are a member of and ask members
for comments and rates on your videos, or you can look onine for a few
programs/bots to do th is for you (beware of fake programs and vi ruses) or
you can simply ask your f r iends to comment ect for you.
You are going to need these comments and ra tes to at t ract more people to
view and download your programs.
M y T ips.
T ip 1: Simply invest a l i t t le cash in to buying comments, rates and l i kes.
People sell these for very cheap! So i t's wor th buying them to help you get
downloads and to help your video go to page one of the youtube search!
T ip 2: Buy views! Look on forums for people selling "500 views to your video
per day!" Make sure they have good feedback before buying though. F rom
experience I have spent $5 on one video to get views. And wi th in 7 days I
made back $50!
T ip 3: Make loads of different videos and fake programs. Don't just make
one program and video and just hope that, that one video wi l l make you
the money. Make more and more fake programs and videos to get yourself
more and more money!
T ip 4: Tags. Make sure your video has loads of tags and make sure they
include keywords for your program. So that when people are searching for
the program your video comes up f i rst.

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