Human being gets traded by "Monetary Strength" & "Moral Strength"

in #money7 years ago

A thought by : Sthitaprajna

Our mind fluctuates from the likely of monetary strength to the likely of moral strength from time to time based upon different situations. Our life is an amalgamation of different milestones. In the journey of achieving these milestones, we go through different processes of our life and these processes are more or less influenced by our thought process. But which catalyst takes the control over the deciding power of mind..? Every prospective in our life falls under the influence of either “Monetary Strength” or “Moral Strength”. These two strengths are two individual commodities which influence a human being ...or in other words human being gets traded by “Monetary Strength” and “Moral Strength.

money though bubble.png

It is true that without a threshold saving of wealth, a person can’t survive. So as long as a person remains under a threshold saving, the person is likely to ignore its secondary aspect of life or the person is vulnerable to get exploited by unsocial factors. Such category always struggles to meet its basic requirement and the values of legacy are looked upon casually. Legacy of life in a generalized sense may sound casual in the short term, but it’s very very profound as long as you are calling yourself a social creature. A person who is drowning may not care about the legacy of life, but as long as a person feels this world, the society, the surrounding and everything else of its existence, then the term “legacy” becomes very profound. The society always looks upon a person based on its legacy, conduct and discipline, which is not an overnight phenomenon. It takes time to patent your own legacy; it will consume great discipline and conduct to set the standard of legacy. It is very unlikely that a person will gain respect from the society in terms of how much wealth the person has generated, rather people will look upon the legacy your have carried forward years after years with good conduct and discipline..Initially it may sound casual but in the long run it will become shadow of the human society.

The whole existing of nature goes through a cyclic it a living one or a non living one. To explain it further, let me elaborate by giving an example...Suppose you are a trader and you pick a stock or a commodity or a crypto currency, after holding a position you see that the position got appreciated 10 times or you generate some wealth momentarily, now people may start looking upon you as a wealthy person, but the real respect will only develop on the basis of your legacy your carried forward years after years persistently. If we plot a chart of “how much sovereign wealth we have generated on yearly basis” vs “subsequent years”, then the plot will be more or less resemble to the chart of a stock market or a commodity market or any crypto currency. So the monetary strength in our life also swings from high to low, low to high, sometimes flat and sometimes volatile.

So the monetary strength sometimes appreciates, sometimes depreciates and sometimes consolidates. So it can never be an one directional journey. This forms the very basis of nature. Everything in this world (be it living one or non-living one) goes through a cyclic process. The period of cycle of one is different from another. Everywhere in this world, mathematics and statistics are doing their rounds. So the Moral is “Just like the chart is different from the other and also having different cycles of appreciation or depreciation, we all (including steemians) are also having different chart and different cycles in our life”.
So it would be wise to stop comparing ourselves with others and it would be fruitful for us if we focus on our strengths and weaknesses. This is the only basis which will give us a good composure in our life and also will take us higher in our life. Every individual is gifted with certain unique strength right from its birth. The only thing we need to do is to explore that strength and then start working to optimize that strength in our life. As far as weakness is concerned, I think, somehow it is more or less subdued in our personality and as we go on experiencing our life more and more we will be able to understand what our weakness is. For any trader the most important punch line is “Run the profit long, Cut the losses short..” the same theory applies to our life as well, although in different perspective. Here “profit” relates to “optimize your strength” and “loss” relates to “don’t let others exploit your weakness”.

Monetary strength leaves a very quick impression on human mind where as moral strength takes time to leave an impression upon human mind. The chart of “monetary strength” is not one directional and it appreciates, depreciates and sometimes consolidates from time to time where as the chart of “moral strength” is always firm and stable. And it makes a human being complete with its legacy.

If we articulate our life in true sense or in other words if we articulate our life to more or less organic or natural way....we may not get traded by “monetary strength” and we will be on the right side of the likeliness of “moral strength”. To understand it better...Just sit down, just think and try to analyze for a moment..."who are you”....”what is your goal”...”are you enjoying, what you are doing on day to day basis”...just remember “when your hobby becomes your profession, then you are the wonderful professional in this world”. And if not, then it requires “introspection”. Money may be the essential tool to keep the journey of life afloat, but remember “money is not the journey itself”. So cultivating on legacy aided with good conduct and discipline will be the key proteins for your personality to be reflected upon the society. And when you consume these as proteins of your personality, then you will be on the right side of the likeliness of “moral strength”. Every creature in this world follows Mother Nature except human being and that is the reason why a human being is the only creature which gets traded by “monetary strength” and “moral strength” from time to time.

With my little sense of understanding of how our life should be, I tried to articulate my thoughts in this article. Any other inputs are always welcome and any mistake, please point it out, so that I can correct the same.
Please free to express your thoughts in the comment section
Hope you enjoy this article. Thank You.



Thanks for sharing the wisdom :)

Thank you so much sir, i am feeling privileged to have you here...

A little rebuttal me for your post, in my opinion this is a very good and interesting post.

But do not ever ignore the simple thing. Ie every picture of the illustration you listed, and if you get it from someone else's patent, then you should display the reference. So you are not considered to be a story loader person.

Follow this post, hopefully help you in making good and neat content !!!

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well done, you can always check out the advise given by @foways. Nice work.


"when your hobby becomes your profession, then you are the wonderful professional in this world"

This is the true!
I'm glad I done that!
Great post!

Thank you and most welcome to my post....

A great post. But the reading is that most people have their mind on the side of monetary strength, which does not bode well for a good future. I think the key would be to try to explain these aspects to young people to change the trend.

yes ...true...

Nice post..

Thank you....

This is an interesting post, I like your work, I wait for the next post