Why alarm bells should be ringing around the World..!! Deutsche Bank remains in a critical state. Current Price = $11.22. Bearish. Are we set to see a repeat of 2008? Absolutely!

in #money6 years ago (edited)

#DeutscheBank remains in a critical state..!!

Deutsche Bank Chart $11.22.jpg

Why alarm bells should be ringing around the World..!!

Yesterday it was announced that the ECB was to wind-up it's reckless €2.4tn bond-buying programme by the end of the year..!!

For the ones that may have missed this yesterday, here is the link to the Blog I published....

ECB to wind up Euro 2.4tn Bond-Buying.jpg


Despite to contrary belief, the Global Economy is in a real mess..!!

Despite to contrary belief, the Global Economy is in a real mess and is simply being propped up by a combination of: Financial Derivatives, Debt and reckless Stimulus by Central Governments and Central Banks around the World.

It is this reckless Monetary Policy that has continued to accelerate from the Financial Crisis of 2008 and is set to get worse.


Financial Derivatives

For those that are still unfamiliar with the sheer scale of the unprecedented growth in Financial Derivatives since the Crisis of 2008, I strongly suggest that you take the time to fully understand the implications of a failure to this critical part of the Global System.

"Horse Dung" Derivatives

Regular readers of my Blog will know that I often refer to these Toxic Financial Derivatives as "Horse Dung" Derivatives and if you dig deep into the rigged, manipulated and fraudulent practices of these Contracts, you will fully understand why.

They are what they are, a festering pile of "Hung-Dung"..!!

A mere "blip" in these Contracts would send a Seismic Shock around the World of Epic Proportion

With a jaw dropping and head spinning pile of off-balance sheet Derivatives sat the the books at #DeutscheBank, a mere "blip" in these Leveraged Contracts would send a Seismic Shock around the World of EPIC PROPORTION.

Make no mistake, alarm bells should be ringing around the World now as #DeutscheBank remains in this critical state.

With a current price languishing a shadow of it's former-self at a mere $11.22, all eyes are now on #DeutscheBank..!!


Blog cut.png

Are we set to see a repeat of 2008?

Make absolutely no mistake. Are we set to see a repeat of 2008?


Only this time round, the consequences and effects will be catastrophic and a lot more severe..!!

Blockchain Derivatives

#Blockchain + #Derivatives

Get used to hearing these two words together, as you are going to be hearing a lot more about these two in the very near future..!!

Thanks for reading.



If Deutsche Bank goes bankrupt, we're looking at another bank crisis that his time will start in Europe and have ramifications all over the world.
What will happen in the crypto world is what makes me more curious? Will people shift their savings to crypto or will they keep trusting the banks?
From the money i save, 33% goes to invest in banks produtcs, 33% physical assets, 33% crypto. I try to stay protected investing like this :)

crypto is tied to fiat, this is why it's not a future currency at all, crypto is merely a copy but virtual, crypto will not be around for long, maybe 20 years in total maybe a bit longer. but the true value remains in Gold, always has been.

Nonetheless the world needs a financial crash especially the Euro it has to go. the entire system needs to fall apart and the sooner the better.

I hope what is coming will not even be worse than what happened in 2008

I hope what is coming will not even be worse than what happened in 2008

I am sad to say that it will be A LOT WORSE..!! Stephen

No one will be able to fix these economies. The US administration tried, but, in real life the US economy is on thin ice. Any market fall is said to take the entire economy down. The US economy hasn't recovered, so many stores are closing just in 2015 that 100,000s of people will be losing their jobs. Only thing the US Fed has done was kick the can down the road. Same with the EU, no one from Brussels will fix the EU economy. Russia is now too going into a recession and China along with India will start feeling it. The world economy is prepped for collapse to stage in the world economy aka world government with a single leader. Looks like todays events were prophesied in some book written thousands of years ago that most people have come to hate.

The EU countries should dump the Euro and turn back to their own currencies, very soon the Euro will reach parity with the dollar and crash even more to the 1999 prices. That's what Karma does when you put "sanctions" on Russia while following the orders from america ;D Meanwhile the Ruble is rising ;D

As usual, the rich get richer using the People, and using poor rages that will purly affect the people! That will put the people into a addictive pozition to their "free" Markets and Milions of more! And this is one of many such Programs.......

will ever change unless we round up all the macons and Zionists with the vatican that covers them because they are the ones that pull all this chaos on our countries and never risk anything as everything belongs to them, but if one day we manage to prove it in a international court they would most likely get several counts for capital punishment or life with all the blood they have on their hands.

Obviously no sir..@stephenkendal ... We are not set to see 2008.. I don't wanna tho see in 2008 situation... Hope that deutschbank come back...

They're not "printing" money. They are lending it. Money that didn't exist to begin with, and charging interest on it. Most of the QE money goes to wealthy speculators who use it to inflate asset bubbles. They benefit from it because they get the money first and at near zero interest rates. Any old fool could make money doing that. It's just an entirely rigged and unfair system that benefits the very few at the expense of everyone else.

The only way to help the real economy is by giving the money to the people, to spend, not the banks, that is why quantitative easing is bull shit. This only aids banks, while we pay it back. I didn't ask the EU to print money for me, but they do not care about the average person like you and I paying it back.

Great Post Sir" Nowadays Crypto market is good For Investor..."

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