I’m Going to Create A Blockchain Investors Webcast/Podcast. Need Your Advice!

in #money7 years ago


A Blockchain Investors Webcast/Podcast?

Hey Steem community I’ve decided to start up a Blockchain Investors webcast/podcast! I’ve thought about it for the past couple weeks and the more I think about it the more comfortable I am with this idea. I don’t like talking much in general, but I feel like I can talk forever about blockchain businesses. I've been passionate about business, finance, economics & investments even before blockchains. I focused on finance and investments during my MBA program and became a CFA member a few years after that. (I plan to reactivate my membership soon.) I’ve also been in the financial services field for roughly a decade and an avid follower of bitcoin & blockchains the last five years. I'm happy to share what I know and provide as much value as I can.


Where did my drive for investment knowledge come from?

Well who doesn’t want to learn how to make money quickly right? Actually I think one of the main reasons I had a thirst for investment knowledge was because back around the year 2000 I lost a lot of money in the dot com boom. I even lost a lot of money that my folk’s entrusted in me and that was a terrible feeling. I started questioning myself and tried to get to the crux of what creates company value. After all how could so many companies go bust so quickly? (Right now it feels like deja vu in crypto, but at a much smaller scale.) Anyways ever since those days I vowed to understand as much as I could so I wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes. I wanted to learn how to evaluate and value companies at a fundamental level and also learn as much about economics and macroeconomics as possible. Everything I learned in business school was exciting and new especially because I never studied most of these subjects previously. I was far more of a natural in business than in engineering, the field I studied as an undergrad.


So why is investing important?

Investment capital resource allocation is important because efficient capital will help our world change for the better more quickly. When we invest in companies and organizations that have a great vision and deliver on their promises that means our lives will improve more quickly. When we allocate our capital to bad projects there’s a lot of wasted time and resources that likely won’t advance our standard of living much at all. So the more we help each other improve our investment choices the better we all are for creating a better future. It’s not an exact science and it’s definitely not easy, but we can all improve our decision making by learning as much as we can.


Any other reasons to start a webcast/podcast?

Another big reason I want to spend a lot of time and effort in this endeavor is that it’s great for my blockchain startup business! I’ve been thinking of various content strategies for Bitcash, the digital wallet/payment company I’ve been focused on. Our first use case for our wallet helps newer users invest in Bitcoin/Steem and other digital coins more easily. So content marketing is incredibly important for us to get exposure. I’ve already planned to blog more consistently on Steemit and create other content websites as well, but ultimately if I start a webcast/podcast I’ll reach a wider and more diverse audience. It’s important for us to build a content machine.

It’s also important for me to establish a reputation. I’ve followed this space closely for the last five years, but I’ve been in my own bubble. All the things I know about this space are just pent up in my head. I should really share them. Also no one knows who I am. That may be a good thing personally, but for a startup business it isn’t. So I plan to write more. Tweet more. Get my thoughts out there and hopefully some people will appreciate what I have to say. I also plan to improve my skills as an interviewer and invite interesting guests. It’s probably just as important for me to ask good questions to get the best from the interviewees than it is for me to keep generating my own content. That’ll take a lot of pressure off of me. I want to produce a quality show however I can.


Learning How-To Webcast/Podcast

So I discussed this idea with a fellow crypto friend who is a podcast junkie and he gave me a lot of advice about making sure audio is good and what show formats work well. He also gave me the following list of podcasts to study:

  • Joe Rogan Experience
  • Econtalk
  • Security Now (All TWiT Network shows)
  • Revolution Health Radio (Bad audio)
  • Dangerous History
  • Sovryn Tech
  • No Agenda
  • The Atomic Show - Ron Adams
  • Show 50 - Blueprint for Armageddon I
  • Bad Quaker

I’m starting this pretty cold because I don’t really follow many podcasts/webcasts avidly. I do enjoy certain shows when they have interesting guests, but I just started listening to a variety of these recommended shows to pick up some tips and learn what it takes to create a quality show.


I wanted to have a quality setup, but am also conscious about my budget since I'm only getting started so this is what I ordered from Amazon:

  • Microphone - Blue Yeti : $109.99 (Extremely popular with Youtubers)
  • Auphonix Pop filter: $19.97 (Review I watched)
  • Webcam - Logitech 1080p C930e: $79.99 (Review I watched)
  • Amazon Headphones - $13.99

Total w/ taxes: $241.28


Now that I've decided to create this webcast/podcast I'm looking for some help! Some things you can help me with:

  • Title: bitCash Blockchain Investors Show .. Is that good?
  • I may need some lighting because my room gets dark...any suggestions?
  • What do I have to know about software/audio/video?
  • I eventually want to multicast to Youtube Live & Facebook Live etc. How do I do that? Should I consider other platforms?
  • Video editing. Anybody good at this?
  • Need a snazzy intro & music. Maybe something futuristic like EpiCenter. I have some concepts in my head.
  • Probably need to develop a memorable shtick… any ideas?
  • What are your favorite webcasts/podcasts and why?
  • Interviewees - Who do you want me to interview?
  • Maybe you should create a webcast/podcast too and we can do a collab down the road?

Any recommendations for any of the above? Please feel free to give me your advice below and let me know your thoughts. Thanks a million ...Steem On!

Image #1 credit: Akamai Blog
Image #2 credit: FlatWorldBusiness
Image #3 credit: DalexSwift
Image #4 credit: MyFrugalBusiness
Image #5 credit: JRE Logo



First of all, I think it's an amazing idea.

About lighting, I think you might like this great DYI option by Peter McKinnon who's great in these things:

Personally, I bought a softbox ($20-$30) because I didn't have time to build a DYI as I had a deadline, so it was the smart move for me, and each situation is different, also how much daylight you get where you live...etc.

A softbox basically looks like this:

Alt Text

But I heard of people using construction site spotlights plain and simple... Combining them with filters of course.

About favorite podcasts, I watch Rogan and Lewis Howes to learn, both are really good interviewers in my opinion (also I heard many podcasters saying the same)

Anyways, sorry for the long text :P

I'm looking forward to your podcast!

Awesome thanks so much @the-alien! Great advice... I like that video because I feel like I now understand the general concepts of getting light sources with filters to reflect off surfaces at different angles . Your softbox looks pretty cool too and that's a good deal you got. I'll add Lewis Howes to the podcast list. Thanks a lot and hope you're doing well!!!

I'm doing well thank you Jun, I hope you're doing great too, and that everything is well!

I'll check this out tomorrow and try to give you some inputs.

Thanks a lot @teamsteem! I'll be without a computer for a few days, but look forward to your inputs!

Love the Idea & Enthusiasm. Sorry I don't have any input for your questions but I'm looking forward to following you! Best of Luck!

Thanks so much for your support! I'll really appreciate all the feedback on this journey!

Sounds great, I will say as a beginner calling it blockchain, that sounds to me like if you are a developer or miner, which you may be, but as a learning beginner I don't know if I would have thought you're advice would help me. I'm coming from trading equities so I think a good angle to explore is shoving some of us legacy market hold-outs into the cryptospere given your credentials. There are a lot of new youtubers popping up and I've subscribed to at least 5 during my learning curve (5 days in).
The guys at @rogue money (the're here on steem just started a few months ago and have an interesting schtick. I really like @crypto wallet he's here too. Very good luck, exploring new creations is the best part of being alive!!!

Thanks so much for the feedback! Interesting perspective. Blockchain is actually the buzz word for the legacy institutions and bitcoin/crypto is more for the anti-establishment folks. I do agree with you 100% about trying to move the legacy market hold-outs into the cryptosphere so it would be great to bridge both sides. I'll check out the others you mentioned... I found @roguemoney.. can't find @crypto..wallet? Thanks so much for the input!

This could turn out to be a nice idea but I'd offer a fair warning here, if you have people from various companies on in particular and they turn out to be scam artists, it will be your neck on the line. You'll need to be very careful about who you let on and what you talk about especially in the realms of giving investment advice.

Also, it is worth pointing out that you could even be sued if your found actively promoting a company that rips a ton of people off and found liable. The financial sector regulators contrary to popular opinion can be absolutely ruthless to people who show up from the outside not knowing how to play by their rules.

Just a fair warning, in previous posts where I've commented on Bitcoin on so on I make it a point to seek professional advice before making a decision or carefully researching just so people can't turn around and claim it was something I said that made them lose money.

I think though if you want to just do commentary and have chats with people about various stuff then that's perfectly fine, but like I said, you enter in murky waters when you have people on who are out to promote their product.

So a disclaimer if you intend to do this, be sure to research your local laws and so on on the matter and ask for advice from a professional if you intend to do this ;P I don't want to discourage you, just making sure you know what you're in for.

I agree it's good to be careful and give disclaimers. I'll vet all of the guests and I'll try to make it more informational than anything else. Thanks for the advice!

Start talking! Evey free thinking podcaster just starts and builds over time all the technical. Its kind of the growth story of the cast people will see. Kind of like the Steemit card and date held in front of you face for identification. You already have the lazy man's attention once you post "easy way" or "fast and simple".
And investing in Block Chain right now is a big "how do I" question that YOU will be answering. Hell, use construction board and cut and tape it to make the reflectors you want. Trust me you will learn and grow with confidence. Just DO IT. This thing is growing way to fast to sit and "jones" over lighting. You will pick that up in vid edits (that will take much more time) :) Remember, pod casts are an investment of time. You're time.

"Just DO IT." Will do! Thanks for the action-oriented advice!

If you want to live stream, it's free: https://obsproject.com/
It also records, but I use Bandicam for recording because I had bought it a while back: https://www.bandicam.com/

If you want to edit, this is ok for free, but it crashes a lot: http://www.openshot.org/download/

I use those softwares for my youtube / steemit videos. My recent videos use a C270 Logitech webcam with its integrated microphone.

Thanks for the info! Will check the software and get back to you if I have any questions.

I'm sure you'll do great, man! Nice detailed post you have here--from the intention to the equipment. Not sure about the title though.. Seems a bit bulky? Maybe something shorter and more catchy would do the trick. Have some other sample names and poll it here. As for the platform, some other podcasts chat live using Discord, maybe you could look into that.

For the music, maybe @verbal-d can help you out with that. You can check out his M.M.M series for reference. As for the schtick, maybe you could have segments like rapid fire questions or games.

Good luck with it, man! Let me know if I can help you out with anything :D Looking forward to what you come up with, I just know it's going to be great!

Thanks for the advice!
Yeah I like short. What about 100X as the main title (...as in exponential growth/returns) ?...and The Blockchain Investor Show as the tagline..? I've checked out Discord before.. a bit more for the gamer culture it seems .. I think the show will be a balance between the edgy crypto crowd and the professional/startup crowd. I'll check out @verbal-d's MMM series... thanks for the suggestions for the schtick. Those are great options.. I remember Blocktalk does Bitcoin price predictions along with the guests.... thanks a lot and will let you know if I need anything!

SteemTrail does their hangouts there, also @sykochica and co's podcast Steemit Talk Podcast. So, you might want to give it a second chance. The Steemit community there is almost (if not more) bustling than steemit.chat.

100X hmm I'm not sure, man. I don't get that impact when I first read it. I do like the original title as the tagline though, I think it's more fitting there. You know, I had an idea about the title a couple of days ago, but I forgot to write it down and now I can't remember it. I'll chime in here if ever those ideas pop up in my head again.

Thanks! Ok I'll look into discord again. Great let me know if you remember. Yeah the title is something I came up with for an event/conference I'm also planning.. thought I might use the same name for the show. The idea of 100x (ie. one hundred fold/times) represents the kind of impact (and also returns) startups & blockchain businesses can and should aspire to make. .. it should resonate with investors?

Yeah, I get what you mean after explaining it. Though my problem with it is that it still needed the explanation, and people who see it won't get the meaning at first glance. Some might not bother to check it out, even though the tagline is representative of the podcast. I could be wrong though, but I'm just throwing out that possibility.

Hi! Thank you for the follow, will be sure to keep up on your blogs and posts!!

Steem On,

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