Ray Kroc vs MacDonald brothers, who deserves more credit?
Have you watched this movie based upon the story of the most successful hamburgers franchisee chain in the world?
Or may be you have read the book and therefore know the story, whichever the case is, I have one queation for you, and want to know your point of view on this.
Who you do think deserves the credit for the success of the company, Ray Kroc or MacDonald brothers?
If you qould ask me, I feel that Ray Kroc d2serves the credit for expansion. Of course the product- the hamburger was of thw brothers but the work of expansion was done by Ray.
He might have sounded a bit mean not just to the brothers, but to the wife as well, and greedy.
So, what do you think?
Founders don't often have the skill-set or connections to take a business to the next level. The MacDonald's created a ground-breaking concept, but Ray Kroc took it to the next level. both of their contributions contributed to the success of the business, IMHO. It's like the which came first, the chicken or the egg conundrum.