I made my 1st loss today in a high yield programme and boy has thus given me a lot of experience . If youve invested money in hyips and lost them like every other person who invests in them , you can follow these tips to mimimise risk . Atkeast thats what ive been following and ive lost money only once in around 6 hyip investments .
PIGGYBANK HYIP- man i love these kinds of hyips . In these schemes the return is usually low but the programme allows you to remove your principal deposit anytime you want. Usually there is a withdrawal fee. The risk rating for these hyip is around
5/ 10 .Web design - anything with copied web design is a big no no. Anything with really unique web design is a big plus .
LIVE CHAT - if the hyip has a live chat function then its a bonus . If theres a live chat function ,you can expect the programme to run for a minimum of 7 days ... of cource there can be exeptions .
WITHDRAWAL PROOF- not many hyips give you withdrawal proofs but its one thing to look out for. Many hyips on the homepage do say that paid so much . But the fact is unknown because they offer no proof . In many cases they dont pay .
DONT TRUST MONITORS - most of the monitors are bribed by these hyip administrators to place them in the " paying" boundary .
- CALL UP- most of these programmes often give you a phone no at the top . This is usually their so called " customer service no " . Call up to see who picks up and if theres no response they dnt have an office or its a bot thats doing everything for the administrator .
- 30 DAY MARGIN - no matter how good a program looks , no matter how many people recommend it to you . Please do not invest if the hyips been running for more that 30 days . They are usually doing ponzi and they will soon break down .
If you have anything to add please do comment .
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