Central Banks and VISA Pay Businesses To Go Cashless?
The video below provides more evidence for the globalists' plan for the digital economy.
Title: Is Visa helping the Central Banks go cashless?
Video posted 18 Jul 2017 by ITM Trading (w/ Lynette Zang)
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Jim Rickards posted a very revealing report about how the globalists plan to abolish cash, titled:
"How Governments Can Kill Cash"
"B.E.P.S." Hiding the plan for global taxation:
Yes, I saw this. This is very disturbing since these big guys just get that money back and we are stuck with all no way to get money that we spent back. Once again, more BS that is cause the little guy to get punished.
@revelationquotes Yes, the social and financial engineering is obvious to see, for those who are willing to look at the evidence.