in #money7 years ago

This is the stuff that I wish people would understand.

So many people like to complain about not having any money. In too many circumstances, though, they are making terrible decisions that lead to costing them more, a lot more. Loans and mortgages are commonplace these days, and everyone seems to be interested in getting things right away even if they have to pay more for it later. Personally, I consider debt bondage a tool that is used to turn free people into wage slaves on a never ending hamster wheel in the rat race where the main goal of your life is to make someone else rich, and hopefully leave behind another wage slave when you pass on to make their kids richer too.

Obviously people can make their own decisions and choose what they do, but these are my honest thoughts about some of the matter.


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely




"Personally, I consider debt bondage a tool that is used to turn free people into wage slaves on a never ending hamster wheel"

And from the video "you are free to do it!" "doesn't mean it is a good idea"

The good, from your talk, if people will take the time to watch the video, is that THERE IS A BETTER WAY!!

Sure, 'you don't care, just live for today' is fine.... But sad thing is, it is You and Me that end up paying for these mistakes later. You and Me, all the non-for-profit supporters and volunteers and tax payers do end up paying for these people's mistakes.

People need to watch the video and really hear your words!

It is about planning, and caring, and working for a better tomorrow. Easy luxury is not good for us, it teaches bad habbits to our children, it is just a bad path to go down.

How many kids of million dollar lottery winners are better off 30 years later??? Next to none! Most are worse off. Same with the kids of "live for today" parents. No good life leason is learned.

Good on you @papa-pepper, I know you are teaching your kids better!!


Your thoughts made serious sense Papa.

Cut down on your finances. If you are not good with money don't own a credit card.

A lot of people out there live their lives to impress and show off, and that is one of the many reasons they enter debt. They have no investment plan. It is annoying and some of us that have, we have to labour to get it the hard way sometimes.
A gjy was asked in a lecture, what he would do with 10million naira (Nigerian currency) and he mentioned buying a car, this and that. He didn't mention anything that can actually be a source of income. All he listed were things that would cost him and drain him of that fund.
Do away with things that doesn't matter. Life isn't about things, but about people. We focus more on our comforts than how we could be of help to another. Cutting off excesses does prolong even our lives as we would not get unnecessarily tensed when debtors come calling which can lead to depression. Well thought through post Papa. Always proud of you and glad that all you said you went through is a thing of the past with Jesus shinning His light on you. What a great heart you have to always want to give back and make people better. Well done sir.

Wow, thank you very much for all of that. It means a lot to me to read it. Thanks again!

Thank you so much Papa. Such a huge honour to have you say that. Thank you very much sir.

I think we have moved to an area that is even worse than the Sears Roebuck catalog filled with physical good you don't need. We are moving to world of recurring services, that at the end of the month can't be resold. Cell phone, internet, streaming audio, streaming videos, satellite radio, etc. You can make your budget explode with these services and not blink an eye.

I play poker with some friends, and all too often over the years someone will run out of cash, or need a friend to buy them in until payday. They complain about having no cash but all I see while they play is a $1000 cell phone on a $80 a month plan, and the breaks are filled with cigarettes and booze that lead to a late night call to the pizza joint with discussion over the newest show they are streaming.

Be very careful with a $5-10-15+ a month plan. Add up the plans and see how many thousands are gone at the end of the year.

Very, very good point! Thanks for adding that to the conversation!

A lot of people are slaves to the system my friend, they just choose not to open their eyes to see it for themselves.
Banks lend money they don't even have and just print more. the government and banks are in each other's pockets so the government bail them out causing more national debt.
We rent our house. if anything goes wrong with it they have to come and sort it out. boiler brakes £1200 to replace erm no, landlord has to sort it so there is pro's.
we also got to choose where we wanted to live were we could not afford to buy and the schools here are great.
anyway enough from me.
love your post @papa-pepper

Thank you very much!

Amen @papa-pepper ! Just say no to death grips! There's wants and there's needs ,we have to distinguish between the two! Can,t wait until you share your home sale story. It was sooo amazing how God moved ! Love ya bro .

Love you too! I pray that you are blessed and well!


I share the same thought @papa-pepper
Most of us want instant gratification and that Causes even more trouble for us financially leaving us in a worse situation.
Nothing like buying what I can afford, if I have 50 dollars now and I need a couch, guess what, I’m going to a garage sale instead of Ren-a-center or Macy’s furniture store...
Happy week!

Amen to that! Buy what you can afford or do without. Thanks.

Wow! Now your talking my language! Prison ministry! I know it really isn’t you subject and I know from experience what it is like to be in debt. Even churches build beyond their means. Here loans at 35%! Crazy!
Our first house 10 ft by 12 feet. One room served as living room, dining, kitchen and bedroom. My wife, our 3 year old and I. Really we had all we needed and we were happy!
I saw churches in Bulgaria, build so far until they run out of money. Then wait until God gave them some more to build more. But when they got it finished, they owned it.
Back to prison ministry. When I lived in Virginia I used to do three services, three cell blocks. No guard accompanying me. These were hardened criminals, they would search me and send me in.
Even here in the Philippines we are involved in prison ministry. Last place we went had 192 inmates 7 cells. Not like the jails in the US! I am told since the last time the population has doubled because of drug raids. We also have a ministry to drug addicts. God is Good!
Back to the subject matter.
Faith in God
Really a person is rich if they have these. God bless @papa-pepper
Loved this!

Yeah, we were just locked in a room with the inmates. The guards were on the other side of the locked doors. Glad to hear you've been "behind bars" too!

They say Christianity is dull! Not when you step out of the boat!

Nomadic Furniture
I got this book back in the early seventies...when I went to Crete (island in the mediteranian puddle...USAF)...we didn't have ANY furniture.

so I built it...(bed, chairs and stuff) when I got there.
easy peasy....didn't even need many tools..
did I say CHEAP?

yup..rilly rilly cheap. for what you'd pay in rent for one month..I betcha could build the same thing.

I like building quality furniture.... But hey, if the choice is buying crap fro X Dollars or building functional disposable furniture for X/4 Dollars..... Build it yourself.

Now I gotta find me a copy of this book!


I have a feeling that people who rent-to-own furniture might not have the skill sets in order to build furniture.

that's the BEAUTY of that book.
rilly, rilly simple designs..
if you can cut out a paper doll
you can build a couch, bed, easy chair, using that design.
done it...all I had was a handsaw...not even hammer or nails.
the pieces SLOT together...
and they don't have to be precise.

oh yeah.
I used to work at a 'rent to own' furniture store.
cheap junk...
trash actually..
the rent for a couple of months is worth more than the price of the piece.

Nice! Thanks man. say simple designs, I say simple people.

well yeah.
but I was addressing my remark to Papa pepper.

Agree. Debt has been used for ages to create leverage over people with less resources. I really wish more people would understand the dangers of it. Sadly, college debt is one of the worst and you can't talk most high school kids out of it because they feel like losers if they do not have a 4 year degree.

Good post. I am enjoying getting to know you better.

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