ANN Postbase - Decentralized Social Bookmarking

in #money8 years ago

Postbase is an ambitious social bookmarking and funding project that is  focused on the development of a fully decentralized social bookmarking  platform that rewards users for submitting quality content. At the core  of the postbase platform is the POST cryptocurrency. 

Subbases are category specific boards that users can  post to. Postbase users can create and manage their own subbases. Users  that create a subbase will become the subbase owner, and will have  control over moderator and subbase delegate selection. Subbase owners  will also control the subbase fee schedule. Subbases will run on  sidechain nodes that index subbase posts and related content.

User Reputation Score
Every  Postbase user is assigned a reputation score of 5 when they create a  new account. The users reputation score will adjust based on the  popularity of the content they submit. The reputation score will  increase when they receive up votes, and decrease when they receive down  votes.

Custom Ranking Algorithm
Every user will have  the ability to control how posts are ranked and filtered by adjusting  their personal ranking algorithm. A number of metrics can be adjusted in  the ranking algorithm including reputation scores, and moderator flags.  

Postbase uses DPoSR (Delegate Proof of  Stake * Reputation) as a consensus mechanism. DpoSR is a variation of  Delegate proof of stake that was originally created by the bitshares  team. With DpoS the weight of the votes used to elect the active  delegates is proportional to the amount of Coins the users hold in their  wallet. DpoSR multiplies the amount of coins by the users reputation  score when determining the weight of the votes, giving more weight to  votes cast by users with a higher reputation score.

Custom Post Types

Link and Texts posts  allow for Postbase users to share content on category specific subbases  and get rewarded for posts that receive upvotes from other users on the  network.  Posters that have a higher reputation score will have their  content move to the top of the subbase faster than users that don't  vote, comment or have a negative reputation score.

Funding posts  can be used to create awareness, and raise funds for a specific  initiative or project. Funds are raised from the upvote transactions and  direct donations from users. To ensure the viability of the project  that will require a set amount of funds to complete, fundraising goals  can be set that must be met before the POST currency is delivered to the  posters account.

I Am a Posts are nothing more than a  question and answer format in which the original poster may answer  questions and receive rewards for upvotes associated with each answer.  Users that submit questions will also be rewarded based on the number of  upvotes their question receives.  The monetary reward associated with  the answers will entice the posters to submit detailed and quality  answers.

Prediction Posts allow users to purchase shares  associated with a possible outcome. The user purchases a determined  amount of shares towards one or multiple possible outcomes of an  upcoming event. Once the event takes place and the outcome is verified  by an assigned escrow delegate, the shareholders of the correct outcome  receive an appropriate percentage of all coins raised from share  purchases. If users have chosen an outcome which did not occur they  would not receive a reward. The escrow delegate associated with the  prediction post receives a portion of the associated transaction fees.

Delegates Types

Mainchain Delegates  carry out the task of securing the network and forging new blocks on  the main blockchain These delegates will then receive a reward and a  portion of the transaction fees generated on the main chain. 101 main  chain delegates are elected by the Postbase stakeholders.

Subbase Delegates  are chosen by subbase owners to forge blocks on the subbase sidechain.  Subbase delegates will index the posts, comments and other content  associated with the subbase, and serve content requests from the subbase  subscribers. Popular subbases will distribute content request among its  subbase delegates allowing subbases to scale easily to cope with the  workload associated with a growing subscriber base.

Moderator Delegates  are also chosen by subbase owners. These moderator delegates will flag  inappropriate posts and identify users who are not following the rules  of the subbase as outlined by the subbase owner. Users can incorporate  the moderation flags into their custom ranking algorithm allowing  undesired content from reaching their front page.

Escrow Delegates  verify events taking place which are connected with posts that have  POST currency in escrow. The verification of the event will trigger the  transfer of the POST currency to the new account holders. Escrow  Delegates receive a percentage of the transaction fees from the related  posts once they have verified the event. 


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 68394.30
ETH 2644.71
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69