8 Ways to deal with time management

in #money4 years ago (edited)

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Today we will learn some methods and techniques for how to fight the battle against time and, consequently, increase our productivity at work or other activity. We assure you that you will notice significant progress in time management and greater efficiency, but you will have to adhere strictly to the basic rules set out below. The first week you will warm up to think about what you feel you are not doing as well as you should. You will also examine all 8 performance enhancement models and align them with your values. During the last three weeks of the month you will intensely follow the strategy and put the methods into practice. We guarantee that the adventure of learning new approaches will lead you to the success you desire. It is also advisable to tell your intention to a person you trust and will be able to monitor your progress and encourage you. To get to the bottom of this, we will list the following methods:


Control your vitality

Wondering what your energy level has to do with time management? Let me not answer this to you indirectly, but as part of the following explanation. Universal life energy drives this world. If we examine a person, we can say that we are faced with the following types of driving energies:

  • physical energy (Regulated through rest, sleep, adequate nutrition and exercise).

  • mental energy (It is a form of energy that we use when we think about something. We should always take the time to think so that our decisions will become increasingly wise).

  • emotional energy (We control it according to our area of influence and interaction with other people. We also increase it with relaxation and thinking techniques).

  • spiritual energy (It gives us motivation, so we follow our mission and let our intuition lead us in the right direction in creative thinking and creation).



If you have been doing your own job so far, now is the time to think about sharing your knowledge with others. In addition to sharing knowledge, you will also receive new knowledge from the other side, and new ideas will be born. We can also write this in the equations and show the multiplicative mode of cooperation: 1 + 0 = 1, 1 + 1 > 2.


Listen to your body

It is necessary to determine what your working life is. Whether you are a morning bird or a night owl. When you have determined when you are most effective, you have discovered a window of opportunity where you can do as much as possible in as little time as possible without being too tired. It takes weeks or even years to master a particular process, so don't give up at the beginning and leave time to become the best in your field. Listen to your body telling you when it is enough and when you still have energy available and don't go beyond limits, as it will take a lot of rest to rebalance.


Outsourcing and deligating

Explore the possibilities of outsourcing or outsourcing things that you yourself can't or don't know enough about. Focus your focus on your influential area where you have everything under control and master the already established processes and topics. Estimate your work hours value and productivity, and examine your personal activity balance per time unit. Try to automate certain work processes, and you will gain time for creative work.



If your work is of a creative nature, you should not be disturbed by a broken desk and surroundings, since in this case analytical thinking is subordinate to the creative. Use your right brain half and that is why certain colors and the environment that gives you inspiration are encouraging. You can also arrange a post with plants and artwork insofar as this helps you create an atmosphere for creative creation.

If you are dealing with a more analytical mind, where everything has to be scratched, it makes sense to tidy up your desk and environment to an appropriate level. The pens should be folded or put into a cup or drawer, the papers neatly stacked in paper trays, the environment clean and enough natural light. Also, establish a hierarchy and order in the folders on your computer.

In both cases, observe the ergonomic principles and the arrangement of the environment in which you will feel comfortable and motivated and have control over your work.


Orientation towards achieving goals

SMART principle: simple, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based.

A simple trick to achieving the goals is illustrated by the SMART principle. Our goals must be simple enough to be written in a few indents. They must be measurable, such as percentages or some other measure, so that at a given moment we know at what point we are and are realistically reachable. Of course, we also add a time component for each goal, which is an integral part of the goal milestone. One simple rule: Perform the activity you avoid the most first. Also can goals be listed in a Gantt chart, a planner, or simply a To-Do list. Activities should be listed to help you achieve those goals. We can simply follow a strategy to reach our goals, and at any time we can evaluate where we are at any given moment.


Writing or recording ideas

It is useful to have ideas in a note or some other format. Musicians very often use recording (audio/video) to remember their compositions. We can do the same in a way that records everything that could in the future lead to a significant invention or innovation. We are actually doing this now that I write down what we will buy before we go to the store.


Time planning and scheduling

Just think about how much time you spend on the internet spinning your mouse wheel on various online platforms designed to haunt you for a long time. If you are reading or watching topics that refine or teach you new skills, this is a good thing. However, if you spend hours at your computer and follow other people on social networks when posting what they ate today, think about it or you may not be wasting your valuable time. Going back to point no. 6 we see that the time component is a very important foundation in achieving the goals. Easily analyze where you can spend time that could be used effectively for: sports, dog walking, reading articles and books, playing a musical instrument or artistic creation, learning new skills, hanging out with family and friends, and many other activities that they enrich us as well as others. In addition to working time, more important is the time for rest and leisure.


The same article is also on blogging site read.cash: https://read.cash/@noblecenturymedia/8-ways-to-deal-with-time-management-c7177cc7

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