in #money7 years ago

Money_poster.JPGSome people say money isn't everything, and I totally agree with that statement. However, we must admit that money does influence the way we live. But what is money? Wikipedia defines money as, "any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment for debts in a particular country or socio-economic system." With that being being said money can come in many forms. If we understand the purpose and function of money it will give us insight to make better decisions on how we govern our lives.
One of the most important functions is a measure to compare values of completely different products and services. Initially this was the exact purpose of money. At that time it was called bartering. If you had a farm for example, you cows.jpgcould trade animals for goods and services, that would make the animals your money. However the barter system didn't work effectively enough because people could not agree on the value of separate items on exchange.(clue word alert)
This led to the development of commodities, which is simply common goods, things that we all use the most. For example; livestock, seeds, rice, and vegetables. Now this system worked however it was costly and risky moving commodities around the world, for the possibility to die or rot. Hence the creation of coins made of precious metals to represent the values of commodities was adopted. No one knows who invented this idea, but it dates back to around 5000 b.c.
Over time Governments would implement representative money thru paper bills and coins that had know value itself however would serve as representation of gold and silver.
Today almost all modern civilizations have taken the gold and silver away from the bills and coins, and created what is called fiat currency. Fiat currency only has value because the entity that backs it says it does. In most cases governments or banks. So in theory, these entities promise to cover the debt of the money it issues. Lmfao, That is a completely different topic all to itself. So what does this all mean? How we view money needs to change. The current way makes slaves out of us, by devaluing our time and our lives basically. Why shouldn't the person doing all the work get paid the most. I never understood that. I think its called capitalism. As in capturing the market, because whoever controls the market can dictate price. Right now we live in an enviornment were a small group has cpatured all the markets.Wait a minute.. I just had the most brilliant idea.......we should all go on a hunger strike..Everybody ready? If we all banded together and demanded fairer treatment, I think we could do it. Oh wait we all hate each other, oh well nevermind scratch that idea. Is it me or doesn't it seem like the more you explore the idea of money it seems more and more clear some thing fishy is going on here? I'm no expert tho so would do I know, moving on....
So now that we understand what money is and how it was created. Let's think about what money means to us. People we need to understand our role in money. We the people dictate the value of money. That's right me and you. That is the true value of money. What ever the people can all agree that something is worth will determine its value in exchange for goods and services. The institutions are constantly testing and analyzing the market for what? Information on what the people are buying and not buying. This information is what creates value. It doesn't matter if we chose to value worthless things. Those things will have value. Until you know what happens, That's right, a time of real need. That's when we will find out... what money truly is.... ladies and gentlemen.
I am not here to bash any organization or entity. I'm only trying to enlighten those who want to understand, and in no way am an expert. However the same way I've been inspired to go down this rabbit hole I would like to inspire others. I think we are in the beginning of a finical revolution and it is important that we understand the ecosystem we live in, in order to protect ourselves and our families futures. Before I go I have a secret to share with know that rabbit hole I mentioned earlier well it's name is blockchain. I would suggest you too go and explore, it WILL change your life.blockchain.jpg

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