¡ How to obtain thousands of fans in a few months in Facebook! ¡ it works!

in #money8 years ago

 ¿ Do you want to obtain thousands of fans in a little time and free? In this post I tell you howothers have done it in spite of having to invest some money.  

The title attracts attention since it includes everything for what we look: significant results in a little time. Now when it is missing the fact is that it is free to reach the perfection. 

I am not a big fan of doing promises that give the sensation that to achieve targets there is notthat working a little. In fact reading the article it is discovered that the experiments were done on 4 pages in parallel that were mounted from zero investing also in announcements of  Facebook Ads. Applying exactly the same tactics only in a case these extraordinary results were achieved. This once demonstrates that in the on-line marketing absolute truths do notexist but rather opinions and experiences. 

This is what I extract from the experiment adding my own experience creating communities in Facebook from zero.  

The luck is important

You can apply exactly the same that you has worked in a case and not be capable ofanswering the success in the past. 

You have to be capable of meeting on aniche with fewcompetition, of speaking the same language that they and to share those contents that areperceived as authentic by the objective public that you want to reach.


To be a constant in spite of the suspense 

 A community in Facebook does not grow of automated form. It is key especially at first toraise contents of regular form to keep on contributing value. At first the numbers and the advances will be minimal but if it does not put it self I pawn this it will never change. The ideal thing is to raise several contents everyday (minimum from Monday until Friday). 

This is not special at all of Facebook because in the end the only thing that makes you advance the stead fastness is.  To invest 2-3 dollars a day in announcements I do not say that it is impossible to make grow a community and money not to wear out inFacebook Ads but it is possible that you take still enough more. To accelerate the diffusion allows you to obtain also a feedback more immediate who enables you with more information to adapt your tone, style and/or contents.  

Think about the user before the product 

To create a community in Facebook without having a product to be sold makes you thinkfirstly about the user. This will come to you well at the time of repeating the exercise whenyou have a more commercial project. Since we have already seen this it does not guarantee tous to beable to answer the success but at least we depart already from the suitable base.  

To "practise" the communities creation in Facebook from zero the ideal thing is to throw several subject-matters simultaneously. Thus you increase your probabilities of being right with one to understand better what it works and whatless. There are always subject-matters as the typical of the phrases that work almost always. Inspite of 20. 000 fans are able to manage with 5 dollars of investment in announcements I do not see so many utility at the time of being able to extract any economic yield of direct form. If they can serve at the time of doing CATHEDRAL but this is already another topic for a separate entry … 

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 it is time to do a page and to manage many followers  in facebook.. 

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