This Is Where The Money Is: The Trading Week Ahead, And Beyond. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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In this article I would like to outline several market dynamics that are in play right now which present opportunity in the week ahead, I would also like to take a quick look at several things which need to happen for stocks to make another leg higher.

As I have been outlining since the end of last week, I believe we need to be betting against the financial sector as the yield curve continues to flatten out, and the US dollar continues to weaken.

Cash continues to make its way over into the debt market, (despite the Federal Reserve attempting to raise rates) and this is a big tell that stocks overall may soon fall under pressure.
I also believe we are going to see a rebound with regard to the price action of gold and silver.
With Stocks near all time record highs, and the fear Index near all time record lows, this may just be a harbinger that stocks my soon be in for a significant, and needed, correction.

The fact of the matter is simple. In order for stocks to move meaningfully higher we need to see a correction, as the market has gotten way ahead of itself in my opinion. Moreover, we need to see cash coming out of the bond market, not into it, making its way into equities. The fact is with the continued flow of cash into debt, and the stock market hovering your all-time record highs, something will give.

The most healthy thing that could happen to this market, and should happen, is a correction in stocks which would be a set up for a new leg higher.

Gregory Mannarino
me steem.png


Greg's reports allow us, imho, to better understand current markets and thus attempt to make a decent living in an environment where the .... print and grab fiat money and we. the .... , are having a v hard time getting anything at all from our hard earned savings (pls kindly fill the blanks as you see fit) :)

Only one of Greg's 3 previous straddles that I tracked made $$$. The "actual" results of his trades will be posted here at my steemit blog. I only post the trades where I see him post his trade at his LemmingsVoice.bomb web blog. The fact that he plays options that are months out rarely are trading much volume. So the price doesn't move much on the day he is buying. On the day he is selling his options one side of hsi trade is usually getting trounced though. Greg makes quick moves when he is suffering panic attacks. :-)

Ooops! Te link was censored by the "guppy" that is Greg Bananarino. Here you go, Greg. You can't get rid of me here, buddy. :-)

The world is a Ponzi scheme. The house always wins...till it doesn't.

Gold and silver are the safe bet. Could there be a crypto bubble?

I honestly couldn't say, but the will be ups and downs for sure, cheers for the reply mike

Cheers mike.. Heartly Thanks for @marketreport for updating on the trades possibility.

Great to see you on Steemit these days! Thanks for the valuable insights. Check out this crypto currency trading tool called CryptoPing.

I agree with you a correction is needed, but will the Fed allow it.

In the Fed's good time. Stocks have a loooooong way down to major support and it will still be in a bull trend. So don't be fooled by any apparent correction.

This markets been "propped up" for a long time. We all know the digital printing presses run day and night 24/7 and that's been holding all this together. It's over bought and over sold. Lots of people are going to be skinned this time not fleeced. As the saying goes " you can sheer a sheep over and over but you can only skin him once. This'll be the big one...........ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAR! Don't be a sheep...................

buy silver and thank you Greg for all the info

As always, thank you. I have learned a lot from your posts. My husband and I have made changes to our "retirement" account based on your advice mingled with what our common sense tells us and have benefitted as a result.

Just be aware that the trades that Greg posted at his LemmingsVoice.bomb web blog are not accurate. He did not play GLD and SLV as straddles. I am providing info on the prices Greg "actually" paid at my steemit blog...since he fails to do so for his viewrs and listeners.

Here is the "proof" that Greg is "fabricating." This is the list of all the put and call contracts that were bough on SLV yesterday. If you go to the Sept $14 strike on the puts you will see there were only 26 of those contracts bought in total yesterday. There were 25 of those sold at .06 a full 5 hours after Greg "claimed" he placed this trade. Soooo, no waaay Greg is doing what he tells you he is doing. Be careful with this guy.

Gold especially silver will go up.
The most treasured oppurtunity of a life time is knocking.
Buy some before you wish you had.

The way Cash is going down in value, they should raise the interest rates even more... Other than Pocket Change, who on Earth would want to hold Cash...???

I am starting to like this theory of yours...

Thanks... Trust me, with the banks paying little or no interest, at least you'll have some cold "hard" cash outside of the Banking System if and when they or the Paper Fiat Debt Notes fail...

I doubt it, maybe we will get a small move down in August. I think generally the markets will move higher and the bubbles will continue to grow. Wall Street wants everyone all in before they sell.

No one wants to hold the cash, so when they put it elsewhere, of course the house of cards will come tumbling down and leave everyone flat broke... The Banks have been robbing us blind for year (in my opinion) so why would they stop now...???

Thanks! Love your reports!