
Thanks for the great info King of the Lions! Roar!!!

Let the Lions speak. Thank You for This.

I have 1 option of facebook filled at 7.95! Let's see how this play out! I'll call Questrade later today so that I can short options. Will be able to straddle

I'm down 35 usd ouchh lollzzyy

Glad you posted your entry prices. I'm tracking Greg's trades as posted for "validity" at my blog and logged in teh entry prices on all 3 of his new longs. I'm assuming he closed out both sides of the MCD trade. That trade ended up being an overall loser. He's having "issues" with his LemmingsVoice.bomb web blog but I will try and be "fair" when he closes all 3 of these new trades out with losses.

If I had open my position as a straddle, I would have sold my put position around 11 am and pilled on call position forward on. I feel like it's easier said than done ;) or you need a lot of practice! Happy trading!

P.S : I called Questrade they added the ability to buy puts and updated my data package so I can see real time what's happening in the markets. Will be activated for tomorrow morning.

I logged in the options prices on both teh MCD calls and puts just after Greggy boi closed the trade. The calls generated at .35 gain (results posted at my blog) and the puts generated a .75 loss per contract. The "net" result of the MCD straddle was a loss. I'm sure the same result will happen with his new trades. I didn't log in teh put prices though, only the calls.

I am following you now.

Here's today's premarket update on the SPY, IWM, and QQQ.

No need to take both sides of the same trade and end up with consistent losers like Greg Bananarino does it. Not when you "know" what will happen next, no matter what the Fed does today.

His picks are making money btw stop hating I bet 50$ CAD/USD/BTC that you do not even have a trading account and do not own any btc slv or gold (I do not own gold yet either)

His MCD straddle was a losing trade. Fact. His current straddles will be losers too. No way to recover the loses in the puts he bought. I post live trades at my blog if you want to follow along. I'll bet you $50 to take the other side of ANY trade I post.

LOL Too fukkin funny. The sell side of evrery one of Banana boi's straddles are all waaay dwon. The call side of his GOOG trade is a loser....FB is "barely" positive and AMZN is up $1/contract for every $53 bet. What a fukkin jackass this clown is. :-) Can't wait for his next dummass trade.

Thanks for the information. Also I bookmarked the TradeGame for later. Thanks Greg.

I need to start investing in the markets again. Thanks Greg The Lion Mannarino"

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