Is Greed Good? By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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We all know the history of "Is Greed Good," referring to the epic rant by Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street, (video below), but is greed actually good?

At the core of of every living thing, there exists an instinct to not only survive, but to thrive.
Therefore, the answer to the question "is greed good," should be obvious.

As Gordon so eloquently put it, The term "greed" does not necessarily have to be applied to the acquisition of material things. Greed for love, life, the pursuit of happiness, freedom, equality, respect, etc. have indeed lead to a more fulfilling life for not just the individual, but for society as a whole.

I am a major advocate for "paying it forward." In your quest to acquire more of what is important to you, I believe individuals should take some of that fulfillment and pass it on to others in one form or another.
I have also advocated many times publicly and privately, that I believe we are indeed all responsible for each other.

As human beings, our innate drive for the acquisition of things (material or otherwise) is not necessarily a bad thing, in fact greed may actually be good...

Gordon Gekko: "Greed Is Good." (Video).

Gregory Mannarino
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Nothing wrong with greed as long as it is not hurting other people.

Indeed my friend.

Liberals don't care about the fall out of their actions as long as the INTENTIONS are good.

Conservatives care not about the intentions one have for doing anything, greed being such one, as long as your ACTIONS are good.

By the way feel free to visit my blog for Trading and investing advce, been following Greg for a long time and have developed my own strategies.

Greed is a word that I feel is misunderstood. Everyone wants the best for their families, and would not see themselves as being "greedy" in obtaining it, why others would hold a different opinion. It all comes down to a point of view. My personal belief is that we should work hard every day to realize our potential spiritually, financially and morally, thus we grow evenly to be a more useful human being in our world. I think having these three components in continual harmony is key to realizing success and find it not coincidence that some of the most successful people in history, have also been some of our greatest philanthropists. So greed in this sense, can be looked on in a positive light, but when greed leads to an obsession of a thing, you become out of balance and self destructive to yourself and others.

Greed comes in many costumes. Your are correct. Greed for happiness, greed for the release of pain, greed for a longer life. I get it thanks Greg.

You also got a penny for my Upvote number 6... Check out Pocket Change... I do have some good things to say... Thanks...

I just gave you an Upvote which gave you a I hope there will be more coming your way... As long as I'm here, how about checking out a few of the things I posted on my site... Thanks... Pocket Change...

In Buddhism, desire (greed) is the cause of all suffering. That's because someday in the future everything we own will be taken from us by death.

That's why Buddha taught people to be generous. If one can give things away generously, he can let things go more easily. Therefore he suffers less than those who wants to hold on to everything.

Two Thumbs up on you response to Greed... Pocket Change...

I believe there is a big difference between being greedy and being ambitious.
I can be ambitious, I can't be greedy, what about you Greg?

I'm not Greg, but I can post a few words for you... I suppose when you're down and out with lots of bills that need to be paid, you wouldn't be considered greedy if you failed to help a friend in need... It's a very touchy subject... i guess you have to weigh your options and choices... There's no one correct answer... Pocket Change...

As we are currently living in a period of extreme greed, deployed by the central bankers, one should also ask : ''at what point does greed become bad ?''. What's the difference in owning 1 billion vs 2 billions ? What does that extra 1 billion brings you ? Shouldn't you be obliged to ''pay it forward'' at some point ? What is the cutoff ?

Nice answer on the topic of Greed... I gave some money to a needy person in Prague once... I was shocked when I saw him give some of it to an even more needy person... I was very impressed to say the least... Pocket Change...

All things in moderation appears to work well! Thanks for the post.

My motto exactly. Moderation is key. The most shown greediest, successful people in the world(the ones on the idiot box routinely) seem to fall into the psychopath arena unfortunately.

Greg seems to be doing very well in Steemit... I've yet to see anyone doing better... I hope he mentions Pocket Change in one of his Videos... I do have a posting about it... Pocket Change...

Please enlighten me 'bout 'Pocket Change'. I would like to know. Thanks. I will follow.

Pocket Change, as per my theory will increase in buying power by 100 fold... They say the Dollar has lost between 95 and 98% of its buying power... Sounds very close to losing all it's buying power to me... So if the buying power reaches 1% you're left with a Penny's worth of buying power... I think when the Banks and or the Dollar crashes, the Paper and Digital Dollars will get you perhaps a penny for each paper or digital dollar turned in... Let's say you go to the bank and turn in a Twenty Dollar Federal Reserve Note... As per my theory, the Bank will give you Two Dimes... Think about that for a while... Right now, you can go to the Bank and with the same 20 Dollar Note, they will give you 200 Dimes... I could be wrong about the Paper and Digital Dollars and or the Banks crashing, but what would it hurt to hold onto some Pocket Change...??? If nothing else, you'll be holding a handy Medium of Exchange outside of the Banking System...

The form of greed that is bad is crony capitalism. When it is honest greed and sound capitalism, that is good.

Without greed humanity would remain at a standstill, greed drives everything forward like it or not

I suppose Greed means "wanting more"...??? Is anyone ever satisfied with what they have...??? Still, there does come a time when you're willing to give up some things to people in Need... I'm currently in a position to help someone... It is my choice to make and I decided to help... Pocket Change...

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