Fed. Chair Powell LIED To Congress Right In His Opening Statement! By Gregory Mannarino
In his opening remarks Fed. Chair Powell LIED before Congress! He said "the fed. balance sheet is shrinking." This is a complete falsehood. Here is a link to the Fed. Website balance sheet reports, they PROVE that it is NOT SHRINKING. https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/quarterly-balance-sheet-developments-report.htm
Great information..Love it..
I totally monitor the Fed Audits as well. They keep feeding the kool aid to the masses. The amount of liabilities the federal government has is massive and the budget deficits continue to widen. The only way out of this is to go to the printing press. Hold on to your precious metals, crypto, and property!
Upvoted and Resteemed!!!!
They will absolutely try to monetize the deficits. They did during the Obama era when deficits were less than what is now projected today. They cannot afford the debt service payments when US goes to sell bonds and interest rates go to the moon with no formidable supply of "real" buyers in the market. So the Fed will inevitably need to Print, Print, Print and purchase more bonds, MBS, stocks, whatever.
great important information keep it up @marketreport
nice to see this greg upvote and resteem
excellent your blog...........@marketrepory
Sir, resteem done.
Thanks Robin hood
nice to see this greg upvote and resteem
great post !!
upvote and resteemd
excellent your blog......thanks for sharing a blog....
..................keep it up.............
upvote and resteem
Upvote and resteem
Of course, what a surprise!
wow , what a surprise!
THANKS robin hood
Yes sir

very informative post...........
Resteemed and Upvote !!
Upvote and restimeed
Useful information @marketreport
upvote and resteem