ALERT! A Huge Amount Of Cash Is Starting To Move Across This Market. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

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In the video below I go over how we are now starting to see a huge amount of cash start to move across this market, and I outline how we can capitalize on this.
If you recall in my last serval videos I explained the dynamic of how we were seeing cash move out of certain assets simply waiting, looking for a place to go, well now we are starting to see it move.
Do not miss this!

Gregory Mannarinome steem.png


So it begins.... I believe we are about to see the unwinding of the greatest bubble mankind has ever made. The one you always refer to Gregory!!! What say you?

I dont know if it is moving into the stock market. Look at the fibonacci extension at the S&P500. 2400-2420 is STRONG resistance.

It is decision time for the market.

When the debt bubble bursts, the debt will disappear and so will all your money. Unless....... You OWN something.

Hi Moonpunk. Do you think our house mortgage will disappear also?

I don't think so but the banks might own your house. When the credit drys up house prices should crash but your mortgage won't. What do you think?

It's riveting to watch the stage of the socio-economic world unfold Gregg. Tick - tick - tick

can u give me a lie down on my wallet and what I am to do with it? I'd like to begin collecting steem coins. How does voting affect my account? Watched u for many years and I know u can break things down easily and understandably. I've read a bunch of steem posts, but still not sure what it all means. Perhaps a good video for u would be to go step by step in Steemit accounts. Ty mark

Great question because I wonder the same

Ah well what the heck!....hehehheeheh.......i love bullion why not gwt some krypto ...i listened Greg.

Thank you for the information that you have given and I am truly taking it to heart. I have mt4 on my laptop. I have my forex account set up but I have not gone live yet. I have been doing all my research about the stock market, technical analysis, ask, bet, spreads the works my man. I have been looking for someone who was willing to share some of the information that they know so I can get a better view on the market. I feel that giving the stock tips not only help people financially but it can help newbies like myself have something to watch, because it is all about watching the market but if you don't know what to watch, then you don't know what you are watching for. Thanks again for putting this information out here for us Gregory. I'm on your site right now!

Mr. Mannarino, you did it. You convinced me to join Steem. TheDollarVigilante got me interested, but you clinched the deal.

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