3/29/18. Post Market Wrap Up: Massive! Bond Buying Pushes Stocks Higher. By Gregory Mannarino
Gregory Mannarino
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Your willingness to give back and help others is a measure of ones greatness! Love each other, care for each other, and be charitable. Greg.
Thank you Greg 🤗
Is forex is better than cryptocurrencies?
Any suggestion please ?
Anyone opinion would be awesome.
Forex gains $5,580 in 3 days.
Could be a part of it Robin
Appreciated as always.
Informative post
Let’s rip this manipulated market apart!
Yes everything is wrap up to green direction hope we will see it on the crypto market very soon
THANKS Robin Hood
Upvote resteemit done
Thank you Sir. Happy Easter.
I'm gonna need to buy sunglasses to look at the charts for bonds so my eyes don't explode!
Did money move back into stock or did they cover their shorts over the long weekend?