Economic Collapse - Bracing for Impact?

in #money6 years ago


Economic Collapse - Where are we? Some seems like old news, but are we frogs drowning, about to get boiled?

What to watch for that the collapse is coming:

  • [x] Governments are going bankrupt
  • [x] US Dollar becomes worthless - this is a primary indicator. The US dollar says it is a ‘note’ meaning it is only an IOU. It has no intrinsic value - meaning has no value itself other than just being paper. It's real purchasing power (since taken off the gold standard) recently dropped below 4 cents. It's only 'strong' now, because the rest of the world's fiat currencies are dropping.
  • [x] Continuation of printing US dollars
  • [x] The only thing really holding up the stock market this year is companies using their tax cuts to buy back their own stocks so the insiders can hide that they are dumping their stocks. Stock buy-backs are at record levels since 10 years. What happened 10 years ago? 2008. If you're too young to know, look it up.
  • [ ] MAJOR indicator: If you see panic selling of US dollar fiat currency, it a signal that the final downward collapse has begun.
  • [x] Housing market decline (started)
  • [ ] Spike up in oil & gas (started?) - Gas $4/gal in California. Now over $80/barrel. What happens when oil hits $100/barrel? Look at history. Oil fuels economies around the world. The world can not handle higher oil prices bought with USD (petro dollar) while their currencies are lowering against the USD. How long will the USD be the petro dollar? When it isn't, what holds up the USD?
  • [ ] Hyper inflation - cost of living goes up fast (started?). Certainly the cost of living is going up recently. What makes it hyper is the speed of increase. Look at Venezuela.
  • [ ] Banks charge you for having an account (you pay them fees or interest instead of them paying you). Happening in some countries.
  • [ ] Interest rates sky rocket and negative bonds (meaning the value for a bond goes lower than you pay for the bond). The Fed just raised rates last week. Truthful economist are saying one more increase (Nov 7th Fed meeting?) will stall out mortgages, resulting in domino to real estate/construction/materials & trades decline. Also stall out auto sales with domino on manufacturing/jobs. Brace yourself.
  • [x] Regulations on banks have weakened so much that it allows fraud. Derivatives higher and cash on hand to loans ratios are lower than in 2008. What does this mean? Look at history 10 years ago. If we were on the brink of collapse in 2008, using the printing of dollars and bank bail outs then, what will happen now?
  • [x] Banks go out of business (been happening for a while now, but will accelerate)
  • [x] The Federal Reserve buys treasury bonds (happening now)
  • [ ] Japan and European countries collapse economically (both started?)
  • [?] Deutsche Bank collapses (9-18 taken over by Commerzbank. Trying to kick the can down the road or at least hide what is happening?). Deutsche Bank is known to be a linch pin for government economies due to being a major holder of derivatives and debt for countries who are known to be near collapse. Another domino effect?

Look at the list above. What else should be on it? When will critical mass be reached? What will be the straw that broke the camel's back? You can argue that things should or shouldn't be checked off, but that would be missing the point. Do you see evidence of what is happening regardless of what you are being told to believe?

... He who has eyes to see, see. Don't be lulled to sleep, thinking that everything is looking like roses in the US. Yes, Trump economics has improved things, but this house of cards has been years in the making. 2 years of changes may only be bracing us for impact. The monkey to prepare is on your back. Do it now as if a hurricane is coming next week. Preparing takes time. How much time do we have? Don't wait to find out, because like a hurricane, one day late is too late. Praying for wisdom and provision for you all. In King YAHshua's name, amen.


Maybe this is why government can't and won't stop the wars because this brings in huge money to prop them up...

@Wales , you make a good point. Wars have been part of the formula for a very long time, and at the cost of countless lives. The love of money is the root of evil. Nothing wrong with money itself, but loving it instead of people is just pure evil.

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