Earn extra money by getting to know this token and future kryptonite Brickblock
Les presento Brickblock
This is a company that wants to get to know their token that will be one of the next cryptomonedas, the project is that they want to make a crypto and silver form for the real estate sales trade, are the only one in that project.
She will be giving away $1 million to promote her social networks for a limited time, there are some tasks you can accomplish, there is no limit to the amount of money you can earn.
1-have an email address
2-Have ether's wallet
3-Have a mobile phone
Everyone has mail or knows where to create it, the wallet you can create it here https://www.coinbase.com/signin, and the phone number doesn't have to be yours, you can take your grandmother's or your mother's or some relative's phone number.
PASO 1 -- Lo primero es registrarse https://airdrop.brickblock.io/r/fGlqBagM5fZxzj3dP5DBQhcXqHqwCktP
Then join in and win, he'll ask you to log in with one of the social networks.
After completing the registration you will go to step 2 which is to confirm the phone number
After you've completed that, you're in the program.
You can win in different ways
1- can refer for each person is 3 dollars
2- You can do the tasks that the page asks you to do
3- you can join the promotions and run actions on their social networks for them
But that you liked this post so we can all help each other pay for ether and pay for everything when you're done delivering