First come to this market, you have to queue at the exchange desk. Yes, currency of rupiah (banknote and metal) does not sell well in the market. So, before signing in, you'll have to redeem money with a local payment tool. The shape of a small rectangle, made of bamboo the size of the thumb, with the writing of the name of the market and referred to as Pring. With Rp 2,000 you can get a Pring.
The items you can buy vary widely, ranging from pets such as guinea pigs, fresh vegetables, bamboo crafts, traditional foods and drinks, to haircut and massage services. The seller of goods or services will ask Pring to you. On average two pieces of cake cost 1 Pring, a bowl of snacks rewarded 2 Pring, heavy food with rice 4 Pring, while massage 13 Pring. very unique I just take a little from the essence of being dazzled with
Interesting concept.