Stock Market Update - Can You Feel What Is About to Happen???

in #money6 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: The following is our opinion only and is not financial advice.

To say it's been a crazy week would be an understatement.

I'm not even sure where to begin. I suppose we'll begin with the impending showdown between the US and Russia. As we indicated in recent updates, the situation in Syria is heating up again, specifically in the Idlib province. Idlib has been identified as the last major terrorist stronghold. There are many terrorist groups in Idlib but the major one is a former affiliate of Al-Nusra (Al-Quaeda). Ironically, the US also has troops stationed in Idlib. I can't imagine how any of our troops who are working along side these terrorists sleep at night.

Russia has contacted the US and urged them repeatedly to leave the region warning that an attack is imminent. Syria has stated that the remaining terrorists must surrender or will be obliterated. The US has ignored all of Russia's warnings.

Instead, the US is stating that if any chemical weapons are used, they KNOW it will be Assad. This morning the US government is stating that they have "intelligence" that Assad is preparing for a chemical attack. Really? How long are people going to fall for this BULLSHIT. No verifiable evidence... just trust us. And Al-Nusra would NEVER USE CHEMICAL WEAPONS, would they? Well in fact they have... dozens of times. But you aren't hearing about that in the MSM because that doesn't fit into the propaganda narrative.

So, once again on the eve of a major offensive victory, it's looking like there will be a chemical attack, most likely staged by the terrorists in the region with assistance by Western forces on the ground there... same as the other chemical attacks blamed on Assad. This will be used as the justification for the US, the UK, France, and Saudi Arabia, to launch a full scale offensive against Assad as their proxy army (Al-Nusra and ISIS) have pretty much failed. This offensive will also be used to draw Iran into the war as well.

That's how it looks from here. World War III is now on our doorstep and people are sleepwalking into it... completely unaware of what is really going on. Our government and mainstream media are outright lying to the public about what is happening and are using false pretense to lead us into war (it's happened many times before). Yet here we are again. It makes me sick inside to witness what is happening while feeling powerless to stop it. It makes me angry to see so many people drinking the MSM Kook Aid yet again without questioning the narrative or seeking outside information.

It's not really a surprise the the drums of war are beating once again. We've seen this before. Just before a the markets decline sharply, there is a ramp up of military movements as if on cue. That is what I am seeing now.

Let me be clear. The markets are primed for a major crash. Emerging markets are still in decline. Despite AMZN hitting 1 trillion market cap this week, there are many market leaders showing warning signs. These include: BABA, FB, EEM, TSLA, MU, EFA, FXI, EWZ, INTC, XOM, T, TWTR, JD, ABBA, JNJ, and AVGO (from our top 50 list in terms of market cap). Now this might not be of concern to you but it is to us. There are some major names there along with some very large ETF's. When I say I'm already witnessing the market crash, this is what I'm seeing. But don't take my word for it. See for yourself. Pull up the monthly charts and see it with your own two eyes.

You may have noticed Tesla on that list. In recent weeks Tesla has broken to the downside. Musk is facing lawsuits from all directions. His company continues to struggle meeting deadlines. Quality issues are being reported. Cash flow burn is draining the company. I maintain the TSLA is the poster child for this false economy and when they go, we all go. Well... it looks like they are starting to crash RIGHT NOW.

Understand that the ONLY THING propping this market up SINCE 2008 is 1) massive CENTRAL BANK stimulus and 2) stock buybacks. That's it. It's not real. It's all an inflationary illusion due to monetary debasement and buybacks on credit. Both have created their own massive debt bubbles. Other bubbles have been created as a result (see student loan debt, subprime auto debt, energy subprime debt, credit card debt). We are FAR BEYOND anything we witnessed in 2008. There are now strong signs (not just in the market) that the next crash is imminent. The only thing that can stop the market from crashing (but not the economy) is a hyperinflation event - where the central banks abandon any restraint and double their monetary creation every couple months. We're not there yet. I maintain that there will most likely be a market crash before that happens in order to "justify" such action with the people.

At the same time, I remain skeptical if any of us will be left to witness such a market crash. The next crisis is likely to go nuclear - literally.

I am working feverishly to get out of the US as soon as possible as the nation appears to be on the brink of economic collapse, world war, along with MSM propaganda/censorship, rampant government corruption, and a neo-feudalist society being put in place by the 1%. Orwell was right. And I do not see enough people AWAKE to stop what is happening. The best thing we can do is leave while we still can. If you would like to donate to that cause, please see our bitcoin address below. While it is not expected, it is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.

If you are still in the US, I urge you to go back and read this. Do your own research. Judge for yourself if what we have stated here is true. Ask yourself if you are prepared for an economic collapse/nuclear war? If you have the means to do so, we urge you to consider the possibility of relocating to the Southern Hemisphere at least until the socio-economic/ geo-political situation calms down. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere when this all goes down, you must have already have a nuclear bunker capable of providing you with clean air/food/water for several weeks. Even then, what you will likely come out to will not be able to sustain life for some time.

Of course, there is no guarantee in the Southern Hemisphere. Simulation models predict a decade long nuclear winter that would wipe out almost all life on Earth if a FRACTON of the worlds nuclear weapons are used. Still, we'd rather take our chances down there. The US has made itself a huge KARMA SHIT SANDWICH by way of it's endless wars, government corruption, propaganda lies, and apathy by the masses.

Remember, the more aware you become, the more INSANE you appear to those who are still asleep.

Act Accordingly,

The Market Vigilante

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Additional Reading**********************************

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