Money, the ultimate tool for evil? Part 1/2

in #money6 years ago

It have been stated by some that; Money is the root of all evil». But i disagree, as the potential of evil exist in every one of us, so if we was to remove money from our system evil could still happen (Not that it wouldn't help allot, because:). But rather i would say that money is the ultimate tool for evil, something i will explain why in this text.
But first let me give a brief examination of what ails this society from my perspective that lets evil run amok, so to speak. First, from the 7 deadly sins, society by large suffer from 2 of these, being pride and greed. Pride being displayed proudly as if being a moral pursuit even, being the ultimate contradiction. I am of course referring to the various pride parades. And greed is why we are letting money control us, as money today, by large, is the prime motivator for most of peoples actions. This makes our so called modern society largely an immoral society. So how did this happen?

Well in many ways it was done with the tool of money. But then that cannot be done without a third of the deadly sins: envy. And this is where I present the historical aspect of this; thesis you could call it, Stalinist Russia and what is described about that era and part of the earth in the book; The GULag Archipelago, by Alexander Solsjenitsyn. A book I just finished reading that partly inspired me to write this. Because what started the creating of hell on earth that it became, is the exploitation of the public's concerns with the wealthy, that had worked to gain some power by owning land and employing others to work for them on that land. A growing opposition towards the wealthy farmers and royals (Tsar familys) was developing out of envy for them having what others did not. And it was that basis that was used by the proletarians to mount a revolution promising to “fix” this uneven wealth issue. And what happened? Well this became very attractive to the uneducated and lazy people wanting stuff for free. AS when this new socialist system had taken hold they was given high salary jobs that was to manage the Gulag prison camps,and the various state forces that put people into these prison camps.
My point is, to not go too far into explaining this entire book (you want to read it yourself), is that money is what motivated people to do things that created this hell. Even the otherwise “good” individuals, because they needed the money to feed they're families and so on, did evil because it payed well. I want to mention just to make it more clear, that these prison camps could be more accurately be called slave camps, as the “prisoners” was mostly used to do work under inhuman conditions, that none otherwise would do. Hence, doing any work related to these camps, is immoral and adversely effects the population, yet was done by most as they “needed” the money.
What interest me here is the fact that even in this “socialist” system, people still needed to work to earn money and some earned way more depending on the job done.. What is the difference between this and what we call capitalism? And: they was supposedly against fascism, being what Germany was called at that time (state owned production), but everyone in Stalinist Russia worked for the state? To me it seems that it does not matter what we call a system, its how it operates, and effects the people that matters.

Question: did the world learn from what happened in Russia under Stalin? Answer: no. This is why the media organization: “tragedy and hope” (name based on the book) use the slogan “History, so it doesn't repeat”. Unfortunately that part of history, from how I and others see it, is already repeating. I its by large already in place in china, and mostly in place in America it looks like. So to answer” is what happened under Stalin relevant for today? YES. This is what Jordan B Peterson recognized aspects of and thus opposed when it directly effected him where he worked, at a university, and what prompted him to become the known name he is today, and why I got to know about the book about it.

So how does money affect the situation today? Well, to find that out we need to, as some say: “follow the money”. Meaning to see what is being funded and by who. As where money goes, attention flows, mainly because of greed. As we let us be controlled by what pays. “But what is the alternative!?”you ask.. That is the main question we all should come to and look at, to come to good answers and possible solutions. That is the main reason to delve into the harsh truths, to dig up the question of: “Why?” And “How do we fix this?” Broadly, one could say, that the answer here is; to come to terms with yourself and take full responsibility for your actions. But I intend to write more about solution oriented thinking later.

“But we are more intelligent today are we not? We don't fall for the same tricks now!” Well that's the ego talking. We all want to be better then we are, in effect fooling ourselves. For yes, not the EXACT same thing is happening, because of course its done in a more “modern way” using up to day knowledge about human psychology. What did you expect? That evil don't ever learn? (if anyone, it is evil knows the most about us) How else would “they” be able to so effectively control large populations, without extensive knowledge about the human mind and motivational factors? (in fact, that is what the GULag camps in part seemed to be, an experimental project to learn about human behavior, but that is just my observation from the book)
So how is it done today, well to take America and its allies as an example, to me its quit obvious. There is antifa (supposedly anti fascist), There is the basis that created the occupy wall-street, the yellow vest protests and so on (concerns and opposition to the wealthy and the elite), the Social justice warriors that want to control speech (Bolsheviks??) and many other activist communities. And many of them, some have found to be largely funded by who?, big business and various power structures that these movements is suppose to be opposing. This is the aspect I assume is addressed in a book I'm informed about, but haven't read yet, called “wall-street and the Bolshevik revolution”. So the pattern can be seen and its under way, but we do have the internet today so it have a chance to be stopped, in America and its allies that is.
Because its largly too late for places like china. Its already in place there, in the form of the social credit system run and controlled by the state. China I would argue is a “modern” day, up to date version of Communist Stalinist Russia. No need for forces to spy and rat out on state opposition, the social credit system does that for you, and no need for citizen to turn others in for “doing the wrong thing”, the social credit system does that too. And whats the replacement for the GULag camps? Well the entire country in effect. As you cannot use any of the government controlled system to do anything if you have low enough credit score. Meaning you become a prisoner in your own home and country. Only thing missing now is the 5G control system to microwave you into continual pain if you go the wrong places. (yes, look it up, military weapons based in 5G frequency's that can potentially target specific DNA.) How it happened there, I don't have too much information on. But it have been a communist dictatorship for some time already.

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