DTube - Canadians Face MASSIVE Bankruptcies Following Interest Rate Hike! - What You NEED To Know

in #money7 years ago

One of our latest video reports!
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the staggering level of bankruptcies Canadians face in the next year as the Bank of Canada raises interest rates three times.
Out of desperation and in anticipation of a crash, the Bank of Canada is to raise interest rates three times in 2018. This is one more than 2017. However, this does not bode well for nearly half (48%) of Canadians who are about $200 away from bankruptcy. Pushing interest rates up any more will likely dramatically affect those people and could very likely be the breaking point.
Teaming the vast inflation, regulatory burdens and tax burdens the Canadian people face, this is dangerous.
All fiat currency eventually reverts to its intrinsic value of zero. It always has, it always will. This goes back to 1024 AD in China. This will persist as long as people continue to have faulty fate in fiat and government.
This is all happening as the Canadian government makes a "decision" on NAFTA and is due to meet in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum with countless globalists.
These interest rate hikes appear to be a desperate attempt to put off the inevitable fiat dollar crash. We've seen this many times throughout history. They don't want to go into negative interest rate territory, but likely will all the same. While so many Canadians go through a euphoric phase where they believe the dollar is growing in value just because the US dollar is devaluing at a faster rate, and that employment is up just because the government hides the numbers with the labor force participation rate, many will be blindsided.
That's why people must prepare! Self sustainability and financial responsibility are hallmarks of liberty and freedom itself. It's better to over prepare than under prepare and there's only so much time left. The fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation in the monetary system (and markets), so you cannot put a date on the crash, but you know it's going to happen, so isn't it best if you have some form of nest egg to lean on rather than fall with the uneducated?

Spread the info and do whatever you can to decentralize and save yourself and your family!

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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Knowledge is power. Thank-you for staying so well informed!

Happy to do it Leigh! Thanks :)

If Canada falls into recession, many other countries, including the US, will follow!

Great content as usual, Josh. Great to see you earning on Dtube. Stay the course brother, we will all prosper by helping free the people.

free the people!

Another clear reason of how the economies controlled by governments and banking entities will lead many countries to destruction, we have to focus more on cryptocurrencies every time I see things like these I affirm that cryptocurrencies substitute the money that we normally use nowadays. There is no better invention than this to be decentralized can take its own course only ourselves with the supply and demand we will give its real price. More governments should focus on cryptocurrencies and adopt the future that is already in our hands.

Greetings from Venezuela I hope we can continue reading

John here. You should check out the book that I wrote in 2014 where I predicted the fall and hyperinflation of Venezuela. The book goes into great detail about the history of money and some light economics to understand the insanity in this world. The End of Freedom: How Our Monetary System Enslaves Us. https://www.amazon.com/End-Freedom-Monetary-prepperss-surviving-ebook/dp/B016SECTSW

Stay safe!

This is true

The Fed in the USA raised the interest rate 0.25% three times last year. From what I understand they're looking at doing it again three more times in 2018.

What are you doing personally to prepare for the hard times you're predicting?

Just become self-sufficient :) As Josh always repeat. Food, Water, Shelter, Guns and Precious Metals :) This is John S.


@themanwithnoname, We study and teach permaculture and foraging so that others might also be ready for whatever happens wherever they are.

Wow, I'm so happy to see content like yours getting out the truth, and I'm happy to be able to support your channel with my upvote! Keep up the great work and God bless!

"It's better to over prepare than under prepare and there's only so much time left."- no truer words. I live by those words.

if this is the case they should simply bring down the interest rate

It is the prize of bad doings by Canadians.

Canadians dont have bad doings

Although I reside in the U.S., the impact of rising interest rates is universal. Great article!

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