No, The Canadian Dollar Is NOT Soaring - The US Dollar Is Crashing

in #money7 years ago

no the canadian dollar is not soaring thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the Canadian dollar as the media claims it's soaring following the hiking of interest rates at the Bank of Canada.

The reality is that the US fiat dollar is being so heavily devalued that the value of the Canadian dollar appears to be going up in comparison. The fact is, the Canadian dollar is continuing to fall.

President Trump has called for further devaluing of the US dollar at the Federal Reserve in order to be more competitive (which is incredibly dangerous considering the negative interest rates we're seeing coming at us like a freight train).

Canada has vast amounts of debt and the economy will crash. Like the US fiat system, the fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation in the monetary system but we know it will come down as all fiat empires have. Canada's trade deficit is at 3.1 billion dollars and if the Canadian dollar did indeed go up in value, there would be an even worse debt crisis.
The fact is, the sooner the fiat system crashes the better as the longer it's pushed outwards, the worse it's going to be.

The central banks have been desperately attempting to raise interest rates so they can drop them when the economy calls it quits, but in order to drop it enough, both Canada and the United States would have to go into negative interest rates. And besides, if the US economy alone crashed, so would the Canadian economy.

This is the reality of central planning. Central banks print fiat out of thin air, devaluing the currency and causing vast amounts of debt and inflation. Historically, this has ALWAYS had the same end results. This is why so many IMF member nations are attempting to quickly push towards a centrally planned cashless society.

As it goes, if your money's in the bank, it's not yours, it's the bank's. If your money is ALWAYS going through the banks via legal tender laws, central planning and digital transactions, you don't hold it in your hand and therefor it's NEVER your money and it's ALWAYS the bank's. This puts you in perfect servitude to the state and banking system.

And the establishment loves debt. A populace in debt and a populace in poverty is a populace in servitude.
There's debt in the monetary system. Debt in the markets. Debt everywhere you look and this will not change until the system is collapsed and rebuilt on a voluntary basis via the demand of the individual.

So despite the Canadian dollar climbing 0.74 cents to the US dollar to 82.53 cents to the USD, this is all irrelevant to the true devaluation of the Canadian and US dollar. Be prepared and financially responsible folks. It's more important than ever.

See the FULL video report here:

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There is not going to be a happy ending with any fiat currency's

hey josh, i watch you videos on youtube... keep up the great work! i love how the fake news wants to spin it and say how great we are doing here in canada.... we gotta get these liberals out of power! stock up on gold, silver and crypto!

Very good post @joshsigurdson. . Thankyou for sharing 👏👏👏

Yeah the high value of the US dollar has hurt the steel industry over here in the US. Countries like China have been "dumping" steel in the US and for the most part still being able to turn a profit. The US dollar loosing it's value is actually good for some companies here.

John - keep up the good work.

I keep telling people.... our CDN dollar isn't going up, it's just devaluing slower than the US dollar.

If I had the same amount in cryptos as I did in debt, should I sell it all and pay off the debt?

The elimination of cash is just stupid . They will kill economic growth with this very flawed theory . Money velocity is necessary to keep the fluidity of the economy going . Its like your heart . You don't want an obstruction or valve that would limit the amount of blood and oxygen getting to your brain , that could lead to heart attack or stroke ! And these idiots are just planning that ! So wake up sheeple and smell India's coffee , cuz it smells BAD ! Their money velocity has just about stopped , and economic growth is lingering . No good can come of this . I propose a different route that is somewhere in between . Why have currency in its current form at all . Simply print it off your computer. These can be incripted and simply thrown away by the vender or user after receiving credit for it , or just hang on to it if you so desire . No need for gigantic printing presses and special paper or ink . A bar code can be put on these notes , and can be redeemed for whatever goods and services you wish . Then you can fire a bunch of useless hired guns like the secret service , or redirect them to do something more useful like stopping actual crimes ! No more counterfeit money , because once that note has been cleared by its proprietor the number becomes as useful as toilet paper . Its really quite simple , and does not lend its self to centralization , or manipulation . People can still have a garage sale for example and sell their property for actual money backed up by real substance or gold and silver ! Hell you could put just about anything of value on it . Cars , boats , etc , etc . THINK !

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