No, India Is NOT Banning Bitcoin - More Media Deception!

in #money7 years ago

india is not banning bitcoin thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent attempt by media, banks and governments to crash Bitcoin alongside other cryptocurrencies, most recently in India.

Following comments by India's finance minister Arun Jaitley regarding potential regulations to be placed on Bitcoin, medias throughout the world falsely reported that India was going to ban the cryptocurrency. Of course this isn't even close to the truth, but nonetheless, it lead to a massive selloff.

This is nothing new. There has been an all out assault on the crypto markets by media lately based on innacurrate reports. We saw it with China, then South Korea, then China again, Japan and now India, all in the month of January! The selloff lead to panic which lead to more selling off.

What's most interesting about this story is that India has been championing the cashless society system. The aadhar system where individuals put on a digital database can use their retinas to pay for goods and services as India is completely demonetized and everyone is forced into the banking system. This exemplifies the psyop. The confusion so many face. This notion that the centrally planned cashless society and Bitcoin are the same thing which is utter nonsense.

Many say Bitcoin is fiat. This shows a lack of understanding of what Bitcoin and what fiat really are.

Fiat is centrally planned legal tender currency based in debt, with no cap on circulation as central banks do absurd amounts of quantitative easing and fractional reserve lending.

Bitcoin is decentralized cryptographic competing currency on the free market based in scarcity, demand and application use and of course it is not enforced.

Many say that Bitcoin will be the global cashless society. This makes absolutely no sense at all. The IMF under the SDR have no use for a decentralized cryptocurrency. It must be centralized for them to benefit. A populace in debt is a populace in servitude.

In this video we explain the vast differences, why the establishment can't stand free market competing currencies and why the establishment loves centrally planned digital currencies.

The blockchain can be used for good and evil. It's up to you the individual to understand the differences and apply the solutions.

See the FULL video report here:

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Fake news to kill crypto. Gov and mainstream media can feel the power get out of their hands and they are mad.

Soon you will hear a great power as you use, doing the same thing, because the bitcoin and all the cryptomonedas are taking over the monetary system ,,,, China supports the gold, and China is joined by more countries, what it wants say that the dollar will lose value in a not too distant time ,,, and I'm not leaving the subject, if not soon in use will want to block the cryptomonedas ,,, which in India seems more a speculation ,,,,

yeap, recently there has been so much propaganda o the mainstream media infecting the internet with miss guided info about crypto currency but thank you for clarifying that.

Hope this post will help us....Thanks for sharing this post man...

I keep having co-workers come up to me saying things like, “I heard (Insert country) is going to ban Bitcoin.”

My response to this is, “They can’t unless they shut down the internet.”

good news.bitcoin is digital currency and that is acceptable for any country i see....
weel done dear
keep it up such news

on the one hand this is very good because it is very slavery to make transactions without having to bring cash every day, but on the other hand maybe not everyone in india who got higher education
many Indian societies are still confused about how to use technology appropriately, which is why Indian society forbids the use of virtual money like Bitcoin.
Thanks your post@joshigurdson

Don't trust media, they are all liars

One of the biggest challenges facecd by bitcoinin its quest to become a global currency is media propaganda.. Today, you hear of ban of bitcoin, tomorrow it's unban. If there were no media, bitcoin would have had a smooth ride.

thans for the news
that is educative for indians who loved bitcoin
thanks for sharing

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