Gold and Silver vs Your Paper Dollars

in #money7 years ago (edited)


It's gorgeous, isn't it? It's the 2015 Philharmonic silver bullion coin.

I look at it everyday and wonder how can this thing be selling at less than 20 bucks right now.

What about that paper 20 dollar bill in your wallet? Do you look at it everyday? I know I'm not.

Various central banks of the world have been printing currrencies like there's no tomorrow the last decade to keep these ridiculous bubbles stay inflated.

As a kid and playing with trading card games I knew the value of scarce resources. I know my hard-to-get 'rare' card has a lot of value because its production is limited.

Your paper dollars in your wallet is all based on confidence people have in them and nothing else. No intrinsic value whatsoever. 30 years from now that paper will be worth way less thanks to the concept of inflation that has been brain-washed into all our heads to accept lower and lower purchasing power year after year.

But this thing. This gorgeous thing that takes so much labor mining it out of the ground is scarce and surprisingly useful in many aspects of life from medical to technology to industrial use.

If this thing from 100 years ago sunk to the bottom of a river and you found it today, it still has at least the same purchasing powers as back then if not more.

And if you go back in history. Paper currencies born and died over and over again. Your average citizens' wealth gets stolen over and over again.


Wish everyone happiness and prosperity!



Yes it is gorgeous, love the metals.

It's a beauty. Very true words of wisdom