My First LSA Experience, Prologue
Dimensional Confusion and Fear of Strangers
As I look around, peculiar sites to see, all around this quiet spot, tiny seeds control my mind with their overlooked, yet wondrous chemical. My legs are just out of my eye-view; neatly laid side-by-side on this bench in the middle of the forest. I’m all alone, and I’ve come to grips with that by now. Friends left me to cool down. I am fine with that, they’ll be back soon. Not the greatest idea in the world for them to leave me here, but it didn’t matter as I was completely lost inside, tearing apart my ego and daily activities just dying to find anything in my psyche that could be causing this wretching feeling inside my stomach. The tired, sedated feeling of my eyelids, legs, feet, hell my whole body was asleep, but my mind was WIDE awake.
I like to tell myself that this whole journey started at Ocean State Job Lot, where a friend I’m going to call “H” and I were looking to find some packages of Morning Glory Seeds, Heavenly Blues to be exact, as well as some sort of pepper grinder to clean off and strain out the toxic coating. It was mid-day; beautifully bright out, not too hot, not too breezy, perfect day for a trip in the eyes of someone as twisted as Hunter S. Thompson, so it was good enough for me I guess. After we stopped at the store, upon going inside, we noticed that there were only two packs of Morning Glory Seeds at the store, and one of the Morning Glory, garden variety seed blends, which we bought. We weren’t satisfied with this modest haul however, so we headed over to the Home Depot to pick up 10 more packs of the Heavenly Blue variety and then we headed to the local Cumby’s to grab a Slushie; which I thought, was the best possible thing I could put my seeds into for the least unpleasant taste possible.
[Please learn from my mistakes, these seeds aren’t something you can take over time, like Alcohol or DXM, they are more of a, “one and done”, similar to taking any sort of Psilocybin mushrooms or Blotter-form LSD which I’ve had experience with in the past.]
After a short drive to our desired trip location, I began to clean and grind up approximately 324 Seeds, or in other words, about five and half to six packs of Heavenly Blues to be put inside my gas station slushie of which I cherished so much. This took anywhere from 15-45 minutes with the method I chose. So I would recommend obtaining and using a coffee grinder in order to fully grind the seeds after they have been washed a few times to remove the toxins which cause a lot of the nausea experienced on the trip. Now, with all of the boring stuff out of the way, let's get to the interesting part. The trip that brought me to a new place I couldn’t describe, within the real world.