Think like a rich man to become one: the 11 reflexes

in #money7 years ago


The rich think and act differently from others. But they are not born with this "rich spirit". They learn, gain experience, and consciously choose this way of thinking and acting. The concept of "the mind of the rich" has been taken up by the media for almost a century, following a journalistic inquiry conducted in the early twentieth century on more than 500 millionaires who have acquired their fortune by themselves. Today, the results of this study are more relevant than ever. In his bestseller "Think Like a Millionaire", Harva Eker, himself a millionaire, who acquired his fortune by himself, describes a certain way of acting on a daily basis that characterizes the richest people, but that is rarely adopted by most of us.

1. The rich are in control of their success

Eker écrit: «Les richesses pensent:« Je ne veux pas vivre avec moi ». L'auteur souligne: «Il faut se faire confiance pour que vous soyez vous-même le créateur de votre succès. C'est vous qui garantissez votre revenu et bâtissez votre vie, dans lequel il faut battre pour l'argent et le bonheur ».

2. Les richesses adoptent une vision globale

If it's not me, who? This is how, according to Ecker, reason the rich: "Projects and large-scale actions bring money and give meaning to life. The majority of people play by seeing small. Why? First, because of fear. They are terrified at the idea of failure, and even more so by the possibility of success. Secondly, they play small, because they do not have this global vision. They have little esteem for themselves. They do not feel good or powerful enough to make a real difference in the lives of others. "

3. The rich are committed to being rich

Instead of dreaming of wealth, rich people work tirelessly to achieve it "The path to wealth - it's discipline, courage, knowledge, know-how, willingness to work hard, perseverance and, of course, the "spirit of the rich". If you do not firmly and unconditionally hold to your desire [to become rich], if you are not 100 percent sure, you are unlikely to make a fortune. "The rich can advance to wealth confidently, because they have specific goals and a clear vision: "The main reason most people do not get what they want is because they do not quite know what they want, the rich, on the other hand, know very well that they want to become rich, this desire is unwavering, and to turn this dream into a reality, they will implement every possible means within the limits of the norms allowed by the law. , ethics and morals. "

4. The rich focus on opportunities

Unlike the majority of people, the rich do not focus on the obstacles, but on the opportunities, and know how to profit from them: "The rich see the opportunities of growth - the poor see the risks of losses. The rich see a favorable outcome - the poor think of failure.

5. The rich play to win

Rich people play to win, the poor not to lose, says Eker: "The goal of every rich man is a great fortune. Not just money, but a lot of money. If your goal is comfort, that is, the money you need to survive, you're unlikely to get rich: "By setting the goal of earning just what you need to pay the bills, you will not earn a dollar more. "

6. The rich spend their time with other rich people

The rich see the success of others as another motivation. They see it as an example to follow and say to themselves: "If they have succeeded in doing so, I will succeed too." The rich do not envy others, on the contrary, they are grateful to them for showing the way to the success: "The quickest and easiest way to make a fortune is to learn from rich people, watch them play their game and draw on their professional experience."

7. The rich are not bewildered by the difficulties

"The secret of success is not avoiding, avoiding or avoiding problems, but how to overcome difficulties. The road to riches is full of pitfalls and pitfalls, which is why most people are afraid to go down that road. They do not want to face difficulties, headaches and responsibility. In short, they do not want problems. Eker argues that people who are successful in life do not focus on problems, they do not even pay attention. They focus instead on their goals.

8. Riches think of their capital

"True wealth is measured by own capital, not earned income. "Equity is equal to the total value of everything you own:" This is the main criterion of wealth, because if necessary, you can always turn your assets into cash. "

9. The rich prefer to be paid according to their results

"There is nothing like getting a regular salary, until it stops you from earning as much as you deserve. That's the rub, because that's exactly what happens. "The rich do not set a cap on their income and avoid a fixed income:" The rich prefer to get paid for the results of their work, at least in part. As a general rule, a wealthy man is, in one way or another, the owner of his business. He gets his income from his profits. The rich work for commissions or interests. At a high salary, they prefer stock options or profit-sharing. "

10. The rich manage their money well

"The rich are not smarter than the poor, they simply have a different, more reasonable approach to managing their money. The only big difference between ease and financial failure is the ability to manage finances properly. Everything is simple: to make your money work for you, you have to learn how to manage it. "Ordinary people do not even wonder about the best way to manage their money, they think they have too little to invent schemas Eker says: "As long as you do not have the ability to handle what you already have, you will not have more! It's not the volume of money that counts, but the habit of manage in a reasonable manner. "

11. The rich learn and improve constantly

The richest people learn by following the example of those who are even richer and more prosperous. And they do not stop learning, even when they have already reached blazing heights: "Every master started with failures. People are not born financial geniuses. Every rich person has learned to succeed in the world of finance, you can too. "


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