Have more funds than the average guy? Check out these guys. Polish Central bank's slandering campaign and some humor.
Good morning traders! Let's grab an overview of what's happening as we head to the hump of the week.
Think only early buyers and these well-known exchanges pull in millions in cryptos? Think again.
Apparently, there are a few OTC (over-the-counter) liquidity providers / professional tradedesks, that move billions of dollars in cryptocurrencies every month.
Via ccn.com
Some of these names that really dig deep, are Cumberland, Jump Trading LLC and Goldman Sachs related Circle Trade. Never heard of them? That's right, most of these companies never report their numbers publicly and they tend to have a much smaller client-base than the regular cryptocurrency exchanges. Staying mostly under the radar benefits them in multiple ways, amongst which are less attacks, less employees, less work, more money.
Via ccn.com
If quarter a million dollars is not a problem for you, you might want to step away from the regular Joe's cryptocurrency exchanges and get yourself some security and professional, personalized service with one of these names. Everyone has heard and some of us even lived through the horror stories when exchanges go down during periods of high volatility. Want to feel that yuor funds are safe? Look no further.
Read the original article at ccn.com
Polish Central Bank is apparently carrying out a stealth campaign to slander cryptocurrencies and investments in them. According to multiple reports, they have paid many local famous youtubers, to create videos, where they portray cryptocurrencies in negative light.
Alright alright you say, let them fight the windmills. But what makes this action shady, is the fact that the payment for these videos from the Central Bank is not disclosed. A video by Marcin Dubiel has gathered a little over 500 000 views. Dubiel is only one of the few, who were paid off by the Central Bank and created a distorted image about cryptocurrencies, in a country that has somewhat limited access to English language information, points out the original article at trustnodes.com
Via trustnodes.com
Takeaway from all this? In some cases, you cannot even trust your own government. This behaviour belongs to the past. To combat this, make sure that you do your own research.
Let's end the daily post with some crypto hymor, which should put a smile on every bulls face. Coinsiglieri brings us this nice comic strip about Bitcoin candles :)
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Title image from pixabay

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Interestingly, I find the information very true. If institutional investors never got a piece of the crypocurrency and bitcoin is climbing higher and higher. Why not put some negative news out there, get the average investor scared, they start selling the price drops to $6000. If you have deep pockets $6000 is by far a better buy than $17,000. Then you sit back and make your billions while the little investor panic, sold his" Ponzi" bitcoin and more billions are made by the elite. Makes perfect sense
This is such an eye-opening post @furious-one, i never thought about it along this way,
Your submissions are so true.
Only the smart can decode the happenings around bitcoin
Saw the video. Funny to watch as it's goofy, but I am sure has its effect on those not clued into the new cryptocurrency market. I assume that it would only work on people who have no clue about investing to begin with, thus rendering the entire video relatively ineffective.
I watched it but didnt understand it as i dont speak the language. The tactics are shady though.
can bitcoin will reach to 25000$ end of this year, i hope hold of altcoin give us more profit in future
All the great post and very important post.I am all time see and upvote your post.Thank you sir.
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Makes perfect sense.good your post.thanks for your good post shearing
Interesting one, not surprised though, makes a lot of sense :)