A New World order and a New World currency in 2018?

in #money7 years ago

With Global debt reaching unprecedented and unserviceable levels it has got me thinking where this is all going.

Current US debt clock:


It has been nearly 30 Years since the Rothschild publication “The Economist” suggested on their front cover that there would be a new World currency in 2018. The picture shows a phoenix rising from the flames of a pile burning bank notes.

If you do not know who the Rothschilds are basically they are the richest family in the World and have a long history in banking and finance.

This is their 1988 edition pictured below:

Whilst this does sound a little far-fetched; in my opinion there could be some truth behind this. It is no secret that the current Gold price is being heavily manipulated. This suggests to me they are trying to dampen the demand by constantly selling naked shorts on the comex (the commodities exchange) hence, gold cannot reach its true value. If they were to allow private investors to hold all the physical gold then creating a new World currency backed by Gold would prove impossible. This is also why there is does not seem to be independent auditing of U.S gold reserves. If there was then I suspect there would probably be far less Gold held centrally than people realise. When you consider over recent Years Russia and China have become major players buying up a lot of gold and not to mention India to.

My observations are that they are losing control when you look at the price of gold in recent Years gold performance has been very good and dumping naked shorts on the comex is starting to lose effect.

This is what Dr Paul Craig Roberts had to say. He was Former editor of the Wall Street Journal and was former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for economic policy in 1981 under Ronald Reagan. This is what he said to Greg Hunter in 2014:

Source- Greg Hunter USA Watchdog

“The reason they want to hold the gold price down is they are afraid of its impact on the dollar. The reason why they had to suppress the gold price is they had to protect the dollar from quantitative easing (QE) because they were printing trillions and trillions of new dollars.This was worrying people around the world who hold dollars because the dollar was increasing, but not the goods and services in the American economy. So, when the gold price took off, the Fed said this endangers QE because if the dollar is declining in value relative to gold, it must also be declining in value relative to other currencies. Once the exchange rate starts collapsing, we lose control. So, we got to suppress gold. I don’t know which side of the equation will play out first. I don’t know if they will run out of gold to deliver to India and China or people will say this is a rigged scheme and we are just not participating anymore.”

According to official reports, which I think needs verifying by an independent body, the U.S Holds the most Gold. My question is if they hold all this gold who is the legal owner? And that is assuming there is only one owner per ounce of Gold which is highly unlikely given the amount of leveraging that goes on.

The World’s top holders of Gold (please take these figures with a grain of salt):

Gold reserves.png

As I mention above it is likely the Chinese and Russians have under reported their holdings. China and Russia have been mining and keeping it in their own holdings, so it is likely the reports of 1842 tonnes and 1715 tonnes is a lot less than what they actually hold in their reserves.

Should this prediction come true then what does this mean for those who have gold in their physical possession? Well they will more than likely be very happy and $1300 per Oz gold will be laughable. All the gold held by institutions will be divided by the currency needed for over 7 Billion people!

It begs the question where gold price would be without the central banks interference. Well, you only need at cryptos to give you a hint. Bitcoin is now pushing $5000 which would have been unthinkable a few Years back. In theory, gold and cryptos have some similarities in that they are where people go in times of uncertainty. With big investors now looking at the potential of cryptos the future is bright but it will be a very bumpy ride. When you compare the price action of both below you will see it is saying one of 2 things either bitcoin is in a super bubble or gold is being very heavily manipulated:

Please take into consideration when viewing the charts bitcoin only goes back to July 2010 and the gold chart is for the last 10 Years. If you were to look at the time period for both you see bitcoin has shot up like a rocket and Gold has n't gone up a great deal.

Gold price performance:

Bitcoin price performance:


Either way when you look at the price action of both it does suggest at some point fiat currency will meet its maker. This pays credence to “The Economists” predictions in some way suggesting fiat currency will be in demise and could be very accurate given the time when it was written. I remain perhaps a little sceptical of the World currency bit though, can you imagine the logistical nightmare this would create? It should be pointed out that some people suspect the coin on the phoenix is cryptos and maybe it was not known at the time what form this new currency would take.

In 1988, it would have been difficult to predict the rise of the information age and how this would have been possible through the web. However, there is obviously a lot of censorship occurring thanks to Google and other large corporations. This aspect is going to be a very pleasing to them in that there is some control over the masses. The Main stream media outlets and large tech companies essentially censoring stuff they don’t like and snooping on people and gathering their personal information. This plays right into the plans for a new World order agenda.

For those who think this is some crazy conspiracy theory then think again:

Source Dogeffa YouTube:

There are many more videos of the elites talking about a new World order this just one example. If you do your own research you will find many more.

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The New Ethereum Classic (ETC) "Phoenix" Re-branding Reminds Me A Lot Of The 1988 Economist Magazine Cover "Get Ready For The Phoenix" Which Predicted A New World Reserve Currency In 2018 In The Form Of A "Phoenix"

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