💰❣️I LOVE YOU, MONEY❣️💰steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago

Going from living on a mattress on my brothers kitchen floor with barely any money in my name and working a job I hated
To sold out concerts, selling CDs in my sleep and traveling around the world doing the thing I love.
Crushing the myth of the starving artist.
That is quite a big leap.
How did I get here?

This is what I want to share today. Some wisdom I’ve picked up along my trail, either generously given from others or found myself, that might be of value to you as well in your own life (wheter you’re an artist or not!)

But before we start, I just want to say this:
I’m no wealth guru or abundance coach. Nope.
I’m a musician creating a new reality around money for myself, choosing to share the tools and ways I’m doing that.
And by doing so, showing creatives (and others who vibe with what I do) that it is possible to THRIVE and live in overflow doing the things we love.

But before I dive in, I want to say this: Today I’m talking about abundance in the form of MONEY, the beautiful energy and resource with which we can create sooo much good in this world, and I know this can be triggering for some. Maybe you think I'm not spiritual saying that I LOVE money? Maybe my words are provocative to you? That's all okay. But I want to make one thing clear; if you feel something being stirred up while reading and you choose to comment, before you do, please check the space you’re writing from and how that reflects in your share. Nothing mean or harmful is allowed in this thread and if found will be deleted immediately.

takes deep breath, exhales with sound

With that said, I invite you to take what resonates and leave the rest, as always ❤️

Ok, let’s do this!

For a long time, I struggled with money. I felt that there was never enough, that me as a creative was predestined to have little of it, that money was the root of all evil etc.
I wanted to have more of this resource, but didn’t know how to make that happen. In that old reality I was stuck in old beliefs, feeling hopeless about never being able to live the life I dreamed off. I was in fear that the music I was writing would never reach anybody else than my friends and family, forcing me to take a job that slowly crushed my soul, just do be able to pay rent.

One day after listening to a call with an inspiring woman in heart centered business & leadership , I understood that these stories I was telling myself around money, was blocking the flow of it to me!

I went out on the mission to change my mindset around money, to open up & receive, to create a new relationship with her (yes, I say her, because I view money as a female, creative entity. More on that below!)
And today I felt called to share some of those steps I took and still take today, in hope that they might serve you!

Alright, here we go:

This genius statement was made by trailblazing lighthouse Peta Kelly(google her) and I feel it’s so true.
Money is an energy, and entity, and it hears EVERYTHING we say or think about it. So what is that exactly? Notice how you talk about it.
Are you spewing out how much you hate money, or are you giving thanks for the all things it is gifting you?
Are you judging people who have more or are you grateful for what you have, seeing them as an inspiration to where you’d like to be?
Viewing money this way, creating a relationship with it and becoming conscious of my thoughts & feelings, was key in my process of opening up to more money.

Go deeper. What are my stories around money? Which ones are really mine, which ones have I picked up from family, friends and society? Are they serving me? Are they mirroring the kind of relationship I want with money? For example, I grew up hearing people say ’there is never enough’ This programmed a belief in me that there is never enough to go around. It created a lack mentality, making me feel like the Universe had limited resources, when in fact it’s a fucking waterfall! To change that, I had to honestly look at my life and see if that belief was MY truth, or somebody elses. Turned out, it wasn’t mine. I always had what I needed, even at the times it was very little. I had food, clean water, a roof over my head. So I could let that one go. Replacing it with ’there is always enough’, feeling an immediate shift of vibration inside, feeling happier. Gradually, that started reflecting in my outside world as well. And as time went on and I wished to expand even more, I upgraded to ’there is always MORE than enough’ and so on. I did this with every single little story that was alive inside of me.
Take a look within. What limiting stories are you telling yourself? Identify. Choose a different one. A better feeling one and start telling it.

Here comes one of the most epic tools I have ever stumbled upon. I received it from Peta Kelly (yep, twice mentioned. I really dig her stuff)
Write a love letter to money. Yes. I’m serious. Like I said above, I see money as an entity. A real thing in the world I can communicate with. So to really clear the slate, let go of any baggage around it, and upgrade my story, I wrote a love letter to it. In this I apologized all the bad ways I have spoken about it, for all the ways I have blocked or shut it out from my life. I let my pen go on and on until every single thing I wanted to get off my chest was there on the piece of paper. Then I started appreciating it. I started thanking it for all the things money gives me. ”Thank you money for making it possible for me to buy this delicious healthy food. Thank you money for the heating in my house. Thank you money for helping me pay my bills. Thank you for gifting me all these amazing experiences around the globe. Thank you for making it possible for me to record this music and share it with the world. Thank you money for your abundant flow. I love you. Thank you for loving me” And so I went on until I felt complete. This one is a REAL game changer. If you are committed to changing your story around money and opening up to receive more, I highly recommend you do this one.

Simple but oh so easily forgotten.
Is your wallet full of old receipts, wrinkled notes just tucked in there? Your bag a mess with coins sliding around?
Time to change that. Money loves a clear space, showing that you care about it. Remove trash from your wallet, put your bills in order, gather the pennies in one place.
I also try to keep my surroundings the same way. It’s about making it a welcoming and loving space for money to enter!

Ever experienced receiving money and going into fear of ’oh now I really have to hold on to this, because this is all there is, all I’m getting, and I can’t let it slip through my fingers’
Of course it’s good to be conscious of spending habits and how we direct money in our lives, but if we are clutching our fists so hard in fear of money disappearing then it will be tricky to get into flow with it.
Money loves to circulate. Money loves to be used for good things. Money loves going into your heart projects, money love seeing you use it to lift the vibration of this planet. Show money that you trust it, that you KNOW that it always comes back. Maybe give some away for charity. Buy flowers for you friend. Avoid hoarding money. Keep it circulating. Keep it moving. In this way, money grows.

Often we think that we have to work really hard for money. That the only way it can enter our lives is though blood, sweat and tears.
Well, I believe there endless different paths to money, and that if we want, we can choose a different one.
For example, allowing money to come to us, instead of chasing it. And also expanding our view of HOW money can come to us. And not to judge the way it comes!

One path is receiving. Do you let yourself receive money? This can be someone who offers to buy you lunch or drive you to the airport. Or you finding a coin on the street (pick it up! Never walk by ignoring money, thinking it’s ’too little’. Remember; money has ears!) In this part, a lot of work around not feeling worthy can come up. That’s a deep dive that require it’s own post, but I invite you to explore ways you can receive more.

My favorite mantra around receiving is a combo of words from Peta(whom I’ve mentioned above) and Maru Iabichela (an inspiring woman guiding people in the realms of receiving)

”I’m open to receive all the resources I need to be able to do what I’m most called to do, and my capacity to receive expands infinitely like the Universe”

”No man can become rich, without enriching others. Anyone who adds to prosperity - must prosper in return”

  • G. Alexander Orndorff

Cause and effect. When you provide value in this world, a thousand fold will come back to you.

Here they are! Some of the steps I’ve taken to pull myself out of scarcity and lack mentality, to living a life where money flows with ease. Crushing the myth of the starving artist. I hope it gave you something to use in your own life ❤️




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