Creating & Selling Automated Websites #7 - Fajasy
Selling the Site & Flippa Template
Congrats! You’re finally done with creating your automated website! However, you’re not going to sell your website if you don’t go about it the right way. In this chapter, I will cover the strategies I follow for selling on Flippa and will provide you with a template you can copy to put in for your website descriptions.
You will not get sales on any of your automated websites if you just copy and paste a sales page. Instead, you should convince and persuade your potential buyers to bid on your site by giving them a strong reason to buy from you. This entails explaining in detail what your site is and everything your customer will get when they buy from you.
You should begin by having the main benefit of the website in the title of the Flippa listing. This should be attractive and catch the attention of your potential buyers. Go to again and look through the sites that have sold recently to get a good grasp on this. In addition, once you list your website, you should capitalize your URL (domain name) so that buyers can easily tell what keywords are included in your domain. For example, if I had a site called “”, I would change the URL capitalization to “” You should also use numbers if you can in your titles, as numbers in titles for websites are representative of how much profit the site makes or can make. In our case, we will not have any traffic or sales, but we can include potential earnings or percentages. More on this later. Finally, you should keep your sales page or Flippa listing short and to the point. Your buyers don’t necessarily want to read a huge listing and are only looking for a few things when deciding whether to bid or not. Adding unnecessary words or “buffer content” may even lead potential buyers away from your Flippa listing.
The sales page template below is one that you should use as a guideline. You should change and rewrite all the sentences for every automated website you list! In addition, try to list at least five features of the website and have 1-4 sentences of description for each. For monetization, I usually include Amazon, Affiliate links, display ads, and other forms of online monetization methods like Google Adwords. If you purchased a theme or automated content scrapper, you can include it in this listing too. After completing your Flippa listing, the listing should be easy to read, simple, and understandable.
Flippa Template
TAGLINE/TITLE: [Type of Website] - [Monetization] [Potential Earnings]
SUMMARY: Make money from [monetization method] using [type of website].
[MAIN BENEFIT - Newbie-Friendly, Automated, Done-for-You, No- Maintenance] [TYPE of Website - ex. Automated News Site]
Here’s how you can make money from this website:
• Monetization 1
• Monetization 2
• Monetization 3
Here are All That You’ll Be Getting (rephrase if needed)
• Domain Name from [REGISTRAR] - [DOMAIN].com - Registered for X years
• Professionally Designed Website and Logo
• Other features - News Ticker, Marketplace, Online Store, Drag and Drop WordPress Template
• FREE Website Transfer
• FREE Domain Push in [REGISTRAR]
• 365-Day After Sales Support
Other Features of the Website
• Feature 1 - Description
• Feature 2 - Description
• Feature 3 - Description
• Feature 4 - Description
• Feature 5 - Description
Using the provided template, we can create a convincing and attractive website listing. In the next post I will cover creating your Flippa account and listing the website.