Put Your Money Where Your Time Is

in #money7 years ago (edited)

SmartSteem disabled.png

A huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I have finally turned off my @smartsteem account. No longer will I get trolled by this service.

I had my account set to only sell votes at 100%, yet it would constantly sell multiple votes at a time.

At this point I would rather sit at 100% than sell my votes. I'm on Steem everyday and I have no excuse to sell my votes while I'm so active here. Even as I type this my voting power creeps up to 99.6%.

That being said I would be more than willing to give @fulltimegeek my private posting key and he could add my account to his bot list.


✔ See? There's the first half of it. I'm good for it. ✔

decentralize everything.jpg

A while back I wrote a post: Decentralize Your Holdings. Whelp, my holdings actually feel a bit too decentralized now. I have stake in a bunch of coins that I'm not using or are in development. I sure wish I had some more Steem right now.

Steem is the coin I use the most. It makes sense that it would be my biggest holding, but that isn't even close to true. Charlie Lee, founder of Litecoin, says that everyone should own a full Bitcoin before diversifying elsewhere. Shortly after he made this claim every altcoin crashed in value while Bitcoin stayed even. Coincidence? Maybe.

I personally think that this is a ridiculous claim to make. If anything use percentages. I personally don't even have a full Bitcoin worth of holdings across all my investments. Saying everything I bought should be in Bitcoin is silly. I don't use Bitcoin and I don't want to use Bitcoin. If anything, I would only put 10% of my portfolio into Bitcoin.


I think these constant announcements of Bitcoin dominance are very strangely timed. Bitcoin simply has lower price variance. The price is harder to manipulate because it's the biggest market. The up and down swings are less than altcoins. Everyone is expecting a mini bull run in the near future, so suggesting that Bitcoin is the best investment right now seems odd. Traditionally, all of the altcoins will spike higher during a bull run and Bitcoin will lose dominance.


Regardless, I'm not here to make money. I'm here to support the next industrial revolution. I want my coins to have utility. I want my coins to be useful and used often. Bitcoin is the last coin I need.

Here's a list of coins that I actually use:

  • Steem
  • Ethereum
  • Maker
  • Binance

Although currently I only use Ethereum to take out loans with the MakerDAO and engage in margin trading. Also, I only use Binance to buy other coins, so all three of these coins are not tied to a real use; just getting more crypto.

Here's a list of coins that I want to use:

  • Tron
  • EOS
  • Augur
  • Golem
  • Ark

Tron and EOS are basically blank slate smart contract platforms at the moment. Golem and Ark are ERC-20 tokens in development. Augur just went online but I feel like I don't really have any extra money to risk on further gambling.

Here's a list of the best performing and most predictable coins:

  • Bitcoin
  • Binance

edicted 100 percent.png

When I list them like this I come to one conclusion: Steem is the best coin right now and I should get more. This is especially true considering SMTs are right around the corner™. I already have 440 coins sitting on Binance... just waiting for them to fix the wallet so I can power them up.

Invest in the coins you use.

Put your money where your time is.



I had my account set to only sell votes at 100%, yet it would constantly sell multiple votes at a time.

I have also caught my bots double-voting on rare occasions due to the api server not updating fast enough. But, I have made some minor modifications to my app so that should never happen again.

That being said I would be more than willing to give @fulltimegeek my private posting key and he could add my account to his bot list.

Just give me 12-24hrs to make sure I resolved the problem and I'll be more than happy to add you to my bot list if you desire to do so.

How would I even send it to you? Looks like I can encrypt a memo with "# " preceding the memo. Is that right?

Yea, that should suffice. If you prefer email I can send you my address.

shoot ... I'll send you my email ...

Did you send it? I got 0.003 Steem from you with a blank memo.

Login with your memo key to read it :)

Ha yeah... here's the thing... I never wrote down my memo key and I can't figure out how to access it haha. Maybe I'll change all my passwords.

gross I had to log in with my master password to get the memo.

use this opportunity to record your memo key since you're already logged in ... Wallet > Permissions

Be careful with giving any service your private posting key - imo - too risky

The worst that can happen is that my voting power gets drained. Having to wait 5 days for my voting power to come back isn't a risk to me. That's $5.

Charlie lee is a bullshitter, i fell for it. I have biggest portfolio in ltc and it has crashed so hard. Feels like he intentionally says stuff to damage ltc

Even though i don't hold any litecoin remember, every coin crashed hard... you can't really blame him I think... unless you are talking about litepay, I'm not very knowledgeable about ltc to be fair...

He completely abandoned it. Cashed out. Promotes every other coin except ltc

Seriously how do you take a guy seriously who cashes out of his own coin? Doesn't matter what reason he gives; it looks bad. There are plenty of founders and developers of various coins that have stake in the coin that they work to promote. I agree. He is full of it. Perhaps he's realized that Litecoin has little future because it's surrounded by superior technology and Bitcoin has first move advantage.

I bought before he cashed out. Now he has taken another job

I still think that LTC at #7 is pretty impressive. Once they actually get an ATM card I bet the Litepay bears will come back on board.

Sorry to hear it,man.

I don't trust a man who tells others to buy, but sells himself. Judge a man by his actions, not his words. :(

I applaud your integrity. I do wish to make money myself. I don't need to be rich, but would love to pay off all my debt, get a little bit of land to farm and enough left over that no one can come take it from me (renting it still from the government=taxes). Although I do have visions of one day being like FTG and having enough SP that I can help brighten others lives like he does. One of the first posts I saw here was someone from Africa posting about how happy he was that he finally was able to buy a new pair of shoes and eat in a restaurant. That really opened my eyes to what was possible here, as well as reinforced my knowing that many who complain here in the US have no idea what it really means to struggle.

Put your money where your time is.

So much this. I see people complain they are spinning their wheels here, and they never would dream of investing one cent. To me I see that (for many of them) they don't believe in this, are not willing to back their stake here. They expect it to be handed to them. And I don't buy most of them saying they can't afford it. If someone as broke as I am can do it on a small scale, anyone can. Most people waste money without ever realizing it.

So far I am only invested in two coins, and traded half the other coin for more Steem a week ago. I would have went all in but I do want some diversity in my small holdings.

A stupid question please. I know you are wanting to program in Java. I know several blockchains can have Java programmed onto them. Is it a process where once you know Java, you can do it to any chain or is it written different for each chain?

If you want to program on the blockchain I would have to suggest JavaScript and Node.js

Learning these two bad boys can get you into pretty much any blockchain.

I just happen to know more Java than anything else and would like to make android apps. A huge percentage of programmers hate Java and call it a dead language. I honestly wouldn't recommend starting there.

I'm not 100% sure what you're asking but every blockchain has it's own API calls. The trick behind blockchain programming in my opinion is to make your programs modular. Separate as much code as you can away from the blockchain. This separate code can then be reused on other blockchains.

Excellent post. I think you are right. Most altcoins are still nothing more than a promise, at this point in time.

The only one working at 100% is Steem. In my eyes, it makes Steem a lot better than the majority of altcoins in the market.

Other project that I like is Astro. And I guess that's already working, too. But the coin has a very different usage than Steem.

Astro is a Crypto Fund with a focus on ICO investment. Basically, you buy and hold Astro to get a piece of their pie, if there's any.

Since the Crypto Abyss started, they haven't generated returns, so there hasn't been a dividend since last December.

Even so, I think they should know a lot more than myself about ICO investment, so I'd much rather holding Astro than keep playing the ICO roulette on my own.

I have been lucky twice, but the rest of the ICOs I have personally selected was a total disaster.

Now I will just trust Astro, instead of keep gambling on my own.

But keep in mind that even professionals fail, so don't go thinking that this will be foolproof.

Astro did invest in Selfkey, for example, which is one of the biggest fails so far. So beware.

I agree, generally, but not specifically.

I certainly agree that coins we use have already proved themselves, in the using. Steem wins. EOS is bound to get there too.

The exception remains Bitcoin though. We may not use it, but with the US economy trillions in debt that will never be paid off, it's bound to tank sooner or later, and Bitcoin's store of value function will surely prove itself.

Bitcoin's biggest advantage is that it has first move advantage and 99% of the world is completely ignorant to how the technology works and what it can do. When Bitcoin is no longer #1 it will fall off the radar. Bitcoin will no longer be #1 when smart contract platforms start offering services that the general public actually wants to use.

One of the smart contract platforms is bound to take the number one spot in a few years or less. Bitcoin is a flip phone. Smart contracts enable smart money. Ethereum, EOS, Cardano, and Tron will all be worth more than Bitcoin in less than five years.

I'm currently using MakerDAO to post my Ethereum in a CDP and draw a Dai loan from it. How many people do you think know how to do this? The blockchain is transparent. There are 2572 CDPs on the MakerDAO platform. Many of those are closed and many of those are also likely the same person. It's safe to say that less than 2500 people worldwide know about this Ethereum smart contract.

What's going to happen when people realize that they can gamble without a house gouging them (Augur)? What's going to happen when people realize they can take out loans and get insurance on the blockchain. The applications for smart contract technology are boundless. Bitcoin is Bitcoin. No one wants a flip phone. They just don't know yet that Ethereum is the smart phone because the apps on it aren't that useful to the average person yet.

You got some good solid investments! I don't hold 1 single satoshi tbh... maybe I should, but I would rather first get VeChain, then some SmartCash for a master node, then some STEEM, more ethereum and NEO, and maybe just maybe after all of these get a bitcoin... I like coins that give me passive returns, like steem, like vechain, like master node coins, like EOS, like NEO, etc... I've heard about Golem but need to do more research...

Have you taken a look at enjin? they are going to allow you to lend in-game items for a passive return! And their Minecraft plugin and Ark plugin are just around the corner!

Why not upvote posts and comments you really like?
I mean upvote them manually.

I do it is just nice to have a fall back if your power is at 100%.

That's through. Especially if you aren't online each day. And/or don't want to monitor your VP all the time.

To bad it works that terrible. I thought the guy behind @smartsteem is a well known witness?

Thanks! I love delegating my SP to bots so I get a daily income.

I think Ethereum is about to spike up +$80 to $540.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.24
JST 0.033
BTC 86141.83
ETH 2201.71
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.94