Protectionist Trump Policies To Crash Dollar, Gold and Bitcoin to Soar

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Many people seem to think Trump is going to “fix” the US by invoking the isolationist, nationalist, and oft failed economic policy of protectionism. But, as Ludwig von Mises put it in Nation, State and Economy, “From the purely economic point of view nothing speaks against free trade and everything against protectionism.” In other words, there is no economic argument in favor of protectionism. It is not a viable economic policy.

Any basic economics class will inform you that protectionism is the opposite of free trade and the opposite of the harmony of nations. “The philosophy of protectionism is a philosophy of war. The wars of our age are not at variance with popular economic doctrines; they are, on the contrary, the inescapable result of consistent application of these doctrines.” Mises said.

There is no fixity in that direction. Trump’s protectionist policies are sure to fail!

And they are sure to dismantle all the benefits of free trade that have accumulated over the decades, even if through somewhat dysfunctional government created trade agreements.

Maybe that’s just what our controllers - the ones at the highest level - want.

People are hopeful enough and desperate enough to believe that things are headed in the right direction. Many are relieved that Trump won the presidency and for this reason they want to give his economic programs a try. Just like socialism, protectionism “sounds good”, but in real life it is destructive.

Additionally, he is being presented as an elite upsetter, a blunt-talking part of a “popular” wave that will usher in a brighter tomorrow. If only it were so!

Mind you, his rhetoric certainly sounds great. He has talked about reducing taxes, which theoretically would be a step in the right direction. But without a spending reduction or privatization plan to offset this drop in state revenues, that’d also mean the total US public debt would go even higher. And, he has backed off a lot of his tax reduction talk as a result since being elected.

He has talked about “draining the swamp”, but most of his appointees are crony capitalists, Wall Street insiders and the same old neocons who regularly inhabit the swamp.

Now, as though he was running out of populist charm, he is talking about protectionist policies in order to “save jobs” by placing a 35% tariff on companies who leave the US and begin importing products into the country that are made elsewhere.

But this will not help the overall US economy. In fact, it will worsen it. As Ron Paul has stated before in layman’s terms, the expense of a tariff is simply passed along to the consumer.

The trouble is that people forget, they are both producers and consumers. When companies “export” jobs they are trying to save on costs, which get passed on to consumers when there is competition. When Ford opens up a car plant in Mexico in order to save on certain costs, it produces cheaper cars for people, creating savings that can be used to acquire other goods.

Economists have long known that what counts is not money wages, but your real wages, i.e., what your wages can buy. If you can buy more and more stuff with the same wages then that is growth, that is what creates more jobs, with savings left over to buy other goods.

Rising living standards means that your wages can buy more stuff. Higher profits allows companies to expand, to invest more. Trump should be looking at the labor monopolies (unions), the central bank and government interference at home if he wants to create jobs.

This tariff imposition is a textbook socialist capital control which will only act as another restriction on the free market. In other words, the cost is more than just dollars and cents.

To give a medical analogy, Donald is going to come in and start making surgical incisions without thinking about the symbiotic nature of the organs he will cut through and the implications of the veins being severed. He is not recognizing the totality of the problem.

In “I, Pencil,” Leonard Read made the point that not one person on this planet knows how to make a pencil. It takes the coordination of different companies and different individuals with different skills all over the world contributing to it, but not one person could tell you how to make one in full and where all the elements are sourced. This is the wonder of the market.

It allows millions of investors to coordinate their plans bottom up.

Last week Donald boasted that he had reached an accord with United Technologies, Carrier’s parent company, to preserve 1,100 of the jobs which would have otherwise been outsourced to Mexico. Later, the Union found out that only 730 of the production jobs would remain and that 550 of its members would lose theirs. None of this should be surprising though considering Donald’s tendency to perpetuate falsehoods and flip flop on his political positions.

The US, at one point in the distant past, became so great because it had free trade, low taxes, low regulation, reasonable government debt, no protectionism and a central bank that, up until a point (1971) was restrained from inflating too much due to the link of the dollar to gold.

That’s all gone now. The US now has some of the highest taxes in the world, one of the most regulated markets, the most indebted government in world history, a central bank that has had 0% interest rates for eight years and Quantitative Easing to infinity… that’s why there are so many problems in the US today.

Free markets create wealth. Putting in tariffs, fines and regulations on the ability of capital and labor to move, only makes things worse.

Sure, many people in the US might cheer as they find out their factory isn’t going to get shut down as expected due to these actions. But, with higher costs to produce in the US, due to all the taxes and regulation, that will mean prices will increase dramatically.

And, this at a time when the majority of people in the US are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

If all the items at Walmart that are currently mostly imported from China were made in the US you’d see percentage price increases in the triple digits.

In other words, get ready for the food riots.

Plus, if Trump really institutes protectionism, there will be less demand for the US dollar which will cause its value to drop dramatically.

This, of course, is very good for things like gold and bitcoin.... But very bad for your average American and the US economy.

Now is the time to start moving your funds into these kinds of assets so that you can not only preserve your wealth, but also expand it exponentially - as soon as the US dollar starts to crack people will flock in droves to these kinds of safe havens.

To find out more on how to shelter yourself from the upcoming calamity via gold and bitcoin and to receive a free copy of our book, Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge, click here.

To see more of my views on the changes in store under a Trump presidency, check out this interview I did with Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change.


Not surprising to read your opinions and argumentations. Glad to read about someone's thoughts being so close and informed on this matter that have come to these conclusions... The food riots have already started a while ago, but will only increase exponentially over the years to come.

It actually makes me wonder how much of it will actually spill over to Canada and to what extent. Thanks for sharing your views and this information widely. Keep on thriving and namaste :)

@dollarvigilante, trump was put in place to continue on with computer program we were born into. We need to jump out of the matrix and I hope silver flies once before my mortal death. Steem On Vigilante programmer.

None of what Trump is doing is surprising to me. Just take a look at what he did to Atlantic City. People assume that the guy is a good businessman because he's got a lot of money. Wrong.

Good points. All good for gold. Getting the dollar to crack well only be a byproduct of the world not having faith in our gov't. Don't see that happening anytime soon even if Trumps gets some of his policies in place. Buy gold hedge long stock positions with out of money puts.

I agree with you. Great work as usual Mr. Berwick!

Ron Paul is my effing hero

jag holler med dig

Ну посмотрим что будет дальше....

there's not going to be any food riots the USA is a long long long road away from being some fucked up place like Caracas

Flagged as autoreposted non-original content that is also heavily autovoted and does not drive engagement, participation, or distribution of rewards.

Actually it does, because he also ADVERTISES steemit on these posts external to steemit. This can be good publicity for Steemit, or he could go negative and it'd be negative publicity. Negative publicity is cheap and tends to give the most bang for the buck. So far he has kept it positive. I received a copy of this from his news letter I received in email which I subscribed to so I could see if he keeps posting on Steemit as well as other places. Not only does he continue to do so, but he advertises Steemit outside of steemit.

If he wants to advertise Steemit, good for him, I'd rather seem him pitch that as a campaign rather than just milk rewards for autoreposts. The latter is spitting directly in the face of people who work hard to create original content here or otherwise directly participate here. It also encourages more and more of these autoreposts and autovote schemes using paid services including by people who will not be advertising Steemit. It is not something I support.

BTW, I think the claim in the post is actually false and deceptive as well. "Jeff also posts exclusive content daily to the new blockchain social media network, Steemit". Well, where is this exclusive daily content? I only see the same content as from his own blog website. He doesn't even post comments here any more, which could arguably (though a stretch) be considered exclusive "content".

If we start getting actual celebrities do you think they will do different than him? Are you going to down vote them for this opinion as well so they might turn around (depending upon how reasonable they are) and trash steemit to all those who follow them?

We are likely to end up with some asshole celebrities if steemit does well. That doesn't mean they will lack followers.

There is a difference between NOT SUPPORTING (i.e. not voting on it) and ATTACKING (actively voting against it). I don't support a lot of things as well. I read them, I don't vote on them. Some things like sports I don't even tend to read. I'd like steemit a lot more without sports related posts. Yet that is just me. I am interested in seeing steemit succeed, if I were powerful enough to make much of a dent then down voting sports would not be helping steemit.

I do know you and I have discussed this before, but that doesn't mean I won't occasionally try to see if I can change your mind. ;)

If we start getting actual celebrities do you think they will do different than him?

Some will some won't. The ones milking rewards I won't support. Celebrities who just want exposure without actually participating here can easily decline rewards.

There are other celebrities here such as Neil Strauss or Charlie Shrem who actively participate and contribute. I do support them.

There is a difference between NOT SUPPORTING (i.e. not voting on it) and ATTACKING (actively voting against it).

Downvoting one post is the same as upvoting every other post. I'd rather see the large number of actual participants and minnows each rewarded a tiny bit more than one person using an autopost/autovote system.

I will have more to say on this latter point soon, but it won't be specific to TDV.

@full-steem-ahead I couldn't reply because of nesting depth, but hopefully you will see this:

Also, doesn't down-voting negatively affect a user's rep score?

Only when the downvote pushes the post value negative (which will show, and pay, as zero), and even then only when the person making the downvote has a higher rep score than the author (not the case here). When downvoting to reduce a payout (but the payout remains above zero), assuming your rep score is higher than the author's, the effect is to reduce the degree that rep is increased by the post, but not to actually decrease it.

Well thanks for your response. I hope you realize if I challenge you that is not out of dislike, or lack of respect. We are both different people and it is only natural sometimes we will not agree. I don't like the downvote and redistributionist aspect, but I also can see your point on the false advertising in the footer. Thus, I will do what I do when I do not support something, and just not vote on it.

Downvoting one post is the same as upvoting every other post.

I don't think they're "the same", but I believe I understand what you're getting at by that statement. I myself oppose down-voting and have never used it to the best of my recollection. It goes back to what many mothers tell their kids, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything". That principle is well expressed by withholding your vote.

That said, there is value in expressing a contrary or negative opinion or perspective in the right context and without aggression or malice. The exchange between you and @dwinblood has value to the community and is a model of respectful communication of contrary perspectives.

Down-voting may be beneficial to the community when a user is "clearly out of line". Of course being "clearly out of line" is highly subjective. I would draw that line at when harmful aggression is initiated but that's just my opinion. I can also empathize with the perspective that down-voting can be a useful tool to ostracize "bad" people from the community that rarely if ever contribute anything the community values. I would hope those cases should be more rare than common however.

Also, doesn't down-voting negatively affect a user's rep score? If so down-voting is definitely different from simply not voting at all which has zero impact on the rep score. Whether or not down-voting benefits or hinders Steemit's platform reputation is not obvious to me, just as I can't say that it improves or weakens the accuracy of an individual's rep score.

I hope you realize if I challenge you that is not out of dislike, or lack of respect. We are both different people and it is only natural sometimes we will not agree.

Disagreement with or challenges to opposing views is something I respect even when (or especially when) I'm the target of it. Thanks for the feedback.

You have a point on the EXCLUSIVE DAILY CONTENT. I have not seen that in awhile. I remember him doing that some back when he made that footer. I don't think you were downvoting him then either.

The false advertising is reason enough for me to withhold my vote (not that it is worth much). I won't downvote it, but until he is true to that statement, or removes it then I won't upvote. I hadn't considered the false statement angle in the footer.

One further comment

because he also ADVERTISES steemit on these posts external to steemit

Not as far as I can tell. Looking at the posts as they appear on, I don't see any advertisement of Steemit. The footer that mentions Steemit (deceptively, as mentioned elsewhere) only appears here, not there. The discussions (comments) there use Disqus and do not link to Steemit either.

It is in my email that I received from being on his mailing list. Can give you a screenshot if you want, but it is essentially the same footer he puts at the bottom of his steemit post. So it is not exclusive.

Thanks for the info. It isn't something that people who aren't subscribers to his mailing list would be aware of.

Actually it is not as good as I thought... STEEMIT was on the end of his emails as of November. This most recent one no longer lists steemit in the credits.

Here is the header and footer of the latest email:

An email from November 15th ended as follows... so perhaps he is not advertising for steemit any longer... and I did see he was powering down the other day when I checked.

Also feel free to reply to me as many times as you like. I am not one of those that sees the quantity of responses, and the fact they are not all in a single post as a negative thing. You are likely much like me in that you post, but that doesn't mean you stop thinking. That thought can lead to things you feel are important to share.

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