Bitcoin and Steem Explode Higher and Why Bitcoin Is Not The Mark Of The Beast Nor A Government Psyop

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin has exploded higher again to now hit well over $1,650 on Coinbase today.

And Steem, which we mentioned had skyrocketed 50% yesterday has now doubled since we last wrote about it, surpassing $1 today.

But, as bitcoin continues to become more popular and rises in price daily now, haters are running out of reasons to hate bitcoin.

There are a few lingering myths about bitcoin, however, that seem to find their way into every comment section on bitcoin.

So, let’s address those now.


Many of those aware of biblical prophecy say that bitcoin is the “mark of the beast”.

But, is it though? Let’s look at the Bible verse pertaining to this:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17)

We’ve covered the ongoing War on Cash more than any other publication on the internet. And, we find it quite chilling to realize that it is quite clear the Powers That Shouldn’t Be (PTSB) are rapidly moving us towards a worldwide system of commerce which can be fully tracked and controlled so as they can shut down any man who may wish to buy or sell with the click of a button, effectively making it impossible for him to survive in today’s world.

It is clear, especially through what they have done as test cases in Greece, Cyprus and India, that they want to remove cash because of its anonymity and inability to be turned off at the press of a button.

But, does bitcoin play into this control grid or is it one of the only things that can save us from it?

The weakness of bitcoin is that it does have an open ledger. For that reason, every transaction can be seen. This is true.

However, anyone who wishes to cover their tracks with even a slight bit of technical know how can practically ensure that no one can find out who actually made the transaction. And, it should be mentioned, that bitcoin could become more anonymous over time. It would not be that difficult to include more anonymizing features into bitcoin which other cryptocurrencies such as Dash and Monero have (and that’s why we have featured both Dash and Monero to TDV subscribers and made them hundreds and thousands of percent gains).

And, if bitcoin does not become more anonymous it is incredibly easy to switch into more anonymous cryptocurrencies. It takes just a few seconds using exchanges such as Shape Shift or Poloniex.

But, the real key for bitcoin is that it cannot be “shut off”. The only way to shut off bitcoin is to turn off the internet… which of course is an option for the globalists… but unless they do that you cannot stop bitcoin nor stop any man from buying or selling with it.

For this reason, we see this as the free market’s amazing attempt at creating a currency that goes around the “mark of the beast” attempts at total control over money.

Because, let’s face it, if government continues to get worse and worse and locks down on every transaction, then even things like gold and silver will be in trouble. They are physical and if the government wants to clamp down on it, they’ll have a far easier time than with bitcoin. Just look at the US in 1933 to see how easy it was. Gold was outlawed in 1933 and Americans in the Land of the Free could not legally own gold for forty years after.

This is not to say that I dislike gold and silver. I am one of the biggest proponents of the precious metals in the world and we still recommend people hold the majority of their assets in gold and silver over bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

But the fact of the matter is that if the government/NWO gets even more powerful, cryptocurrencies may be the only safe haven left that they can’t totally control. Of course, we hope it never gets that far and believe that if everyone began using cryptocurrencies today it would destroy the central banks and enable most people to hide their transactions enough to avoid being extorted by government to the point of destroying government itself.

And then we’d have peace and prosperity on Earth like we’ve never known it. But that is still a way’s away.


This is one I’ve heard mentioned more often lately.

The fact that everyone is so aware of the level of control, propaganda, false flags and hoaxes perpetrated by the CIA and globalist organizations is absolutely wonderful!

Think about it, even 15 years ago hardly anyone knew about these things. Now so many people are aware of them that they think everything is a psyop!

Not everything in the world is a psyop. Plenty is, though, so it is good to be vigilant.

Bitcoin is particularly attacked because no one actually knows who created it!

This is true. But does that mean it’s a psyop?

The #1 reason I can think of that shows that this is not that case is the following; Bitcoin truly has the capability to destroy central banking. Without central banking, government cannot exist in its current form and would very likely be reduced massively… even completely.

If this is the case, why in the world would the people who control the entire system of governments and central banks create something that no one had ever thought of before that could destroy them?

It makes no sense. If they did, however, then it has backfired massively.

Some say that government created the internet. Sociopathic liar, Al Gore, even claims he created it! And, it is true that some parts were used in what the internet is today. The TCP/IP protocol, for example, resulted from research and development conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the late 1960s.

But, most would agree today that even if parts of the internet came about as the result of research conducted by evil government agencies, it has backfired. John Kerry said it best in 2013, when he said, “This little thing called the Internet [...] makes it much harder to govern.”

So, even if the CIA was involved at some level in the creation of bitcoin, it was the biggest mistake they could have ever made. And now that it is running live, it is impossible to stop it without turning off the internet entirely.


Even though I’ve been pleading with you to buy into bitcoin since it was $3 in 2011 I still get people, on every article or video on bitcoin that I do, saying things like:

Dammit, I had never thought of that! If FED does shut down BITCOIN WEBSITE we will lose everything! Is the matter of time only!

And, when I first did a video on Steemit 9 months ago talking about how it was a genius concept that paid people to write articles on the site, there were comments like this:

Well, nine months later and I’ve made somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000 USD by “doing nothing” except posting on Too bad he didn’t finish his sentence, “If its sounds to good to be tru”... I’ll finish it for him and correct his government skool grammar and spelling while I am at it, “If it sounds too good to be true then maybe you should actually look into it before you just dismiss it because you have missed out on making a ton of money, Tim Wilkinson!”

I keep trying to help these fluoridated, government school graduates. Been trying since bitcoin was $3 in 2011. You could have even just bought Steem after I said to look into it yesterday at $0.50 and already have doubled your money.

I’m even offering a big discount to get our book Bitcoin Basics and our newsletter where we regularly make calls that make our subscribers thousands of percent - which you can get here.

Or, just keep posting stupid comments… we actually like to read them and laugh at them sometimes when we are getting bored of counting all our money.


Great PR for Steem!

Thanks for the great laughter this article brought to me in this end of work day. So many have spoken against the potential of success of both Bitcoins and Steem... They are slowly coming to the realization that their bleeding lips will leave them speechless! Good job once again, namaste :)

Couldnt agree more! If I am going to lose money, I would rather lose all of my money investing in something I believe in (crypto,precious metals) rather than losing all of my purchasing power in fiat paper bullshit.

Wow, I totally agree. I've never seen it put that way before.

Exactly! Phony fiat will ultimately arrive at its true value......just worthless paper. Crypto and precious metals will hold their value over time.

I love the idea of Steem and the ability to earn while doing what we normally do online. I just wish i could buy steem without habing to own bitcoin.

If I could simply buy via a credit card I'd buy a few thousand today.

Actually, you can, but it can be kind of unwieldy. You can use your credit card at several sites, such as and, and supposedly, and you can even redeem all kinds of gift cards, as well as use your credit card, at Of course, in addition to being unwieldy, some of these sites can also hit you with a significant premium, but at least you'll be able to get your hands (metaphorically speaking) on some cryptocurrency!

Steem is more profitable than the mother of blockchain "BITCOIN"...

Just found your post on Steemit Jeff, and I am in the process of learning about Steemit in general. Thanks for your thoughts on Bitcoin and Steemit, I appreciate it. Myself I got into Bitcoin at ~$4 Canadian and proceeded to delete the first 4(Qty) that I mined, because it was going to take forever to make any profit. Little did I know then, that I would buy in for real at ~$80 in 2013. Switched all my BTC to DASH last year because of the CORE vs Unlimited debate, and now my original $2500 investment in BTC is sitting at $69K in DASH.

I was tempted to vote you some Steem to commend you on your windfall, but then I figured you don't need it! Congrats and well done! Ah, what the heck! Here's a vote! Here's wishing you a lot of Steem!

Jeff, now you should have enough money to refund my money from TDV Immigration, right? See my fraud allegations against Berwick here:

Steem is growing very fast and will be more profitable.

Hi Jeff, I really think you are right concerning finance matters, insightful & profit-making tips, always thankful with you! but when you said:
"And then we’d have peace and prosperity on Earth like we’ve never known it. But that is still a way’s away."
wanna make a comment in my christian perspective:
the Bible tell us that humanity will never get that by itself, see the book of Daniel chapters 2 & 7. the world will get worse and worse, to a high peak of chaos & calamities (described Daniel´s 70th. week in chapter 9:24-27 & Revelation). AND IN THE END OF THAT TRIBULATION PERIOD (NAMED: THE DAY OF THE LORD, THE DAY OF JACOB´S TROUBLE) THEN YES! YOU ARE INDEED RIGHT ---> WE WILL GET THE PEACE & PROSPERITY YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT... BUT WHEN JESUS CHRIST RETURNS TO EARTH.
The most intriguing thing is that the coming financial collapse will be the biggest & most catastrophic of all economic crises in human history and it seems to be matching in timeline with Christ VERY SOON 2nd. return! Coincidence? well we can verify in the Bible that there aren´t such a thing but only GOD´S DIVINE PLAN for mankind. God bless. =)

related with the mark of the beast, I too agree that bitcoin it doesn't semms to be the dreadful antichrist mark... but in order to rule the world he would definitely have a great financial power, most probably he will solve in some way the coming great debt-debtors collapse and so "saving the day" that would give him a great economic & political power in a very short time frame... but christians are waiting for CHRIST, not the antichrist and his mark! =) GOD BLESS!!

Decentralization is the way forward

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