
I am very glad I could help you better understand inflation! Thank you for taking the time to finish the entire article, I know it is a long read.


Thank you very much, it is very much appreciated!

It is haha - but I enjoyed reading. I was gonna resteem it but I'm on chainbb now - there's no resteem - I can't access any other front-end sites at work cause of website blocking. Thanks again!

I'm glad that you enjoyed the post! It took quite abit of time to create and the response I am getting from it so far is pretty endearing and pushing me to create more posts of similar manner!

Hope to see you around!

That'll be great - I'll make sure to share your work elsewhere to (Discord communities - Facebook - etc).

It is very very much appreciated! The response I am getting is really endearing!!

I want to engage as much as possible in the comments as well as to have a conversation on the subjects I cover.

Thank you once again for all the support!!

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